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MineOS - NodeJS


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The new version of MineOS that are coming out don't include the option to create custom server profiles, and while you can still upload the installer and the universal server jars for forge to the server via ftp, or a wget command, i had created a post on MineOS's forums asking if Forge profiles would be included in the list of supported Jars.  (here)


Is there any chance of perhaps of somehow making this happen?  It'd be great to see t his included officially as a part of MineOS.


Thank you for your time.

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We have json access to our promotions lists, as well as all downloads.

So it is rather easy for people to build systems for automating downloading of forge.

However, on a personal note, the stance is to not go out of our way to help them as manual downloads is how we make our money to pay for the servers, rent, and you know, food.


So they are free to parse the json representations that we already have available and documented in various places, but beyond that they are on their own.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
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