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Strange Graphical Glitches

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I've been receiving tons of strange graphical glitches when using my modpack so I decided to do some debugging. After a while I found that with zero mods I still have this glitch. The interesting thing is that I can't show this glitch via screenshots. When I take one the image seems fine. This also happens with video. So I have no visual evidence of this glitch, but I can try to explain it. It's like the world is constantly flashing so that you can see through walls etc. (A bit like when you can see all the cave systems underground when chunks are still loading, except it's on a smaller and much faster scale). Help?

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Take a video and match it's refresh rate to your framerate.

But nothing like this should be caused by forge. ANd we can't really help a 'unreportable' issue.

Make sure you're using the latest version of Forge.

That you have full logs posted.. ANYTHING that would help us.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
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Take a video and match it's refresh rate to your framerate.

But nothing like this should be caused by forge. ANd we can't really help a 'unreportable' issue.

Make sure you're using the latest version of Forge.

That you have full logs posted.. ANYTHING that would help us.

I HAVE actually taken a video for my YouTube channel and had these graphical glitches, but when I watch the video for the editing process nothing seems to be wrong. In fact I seem a bit crazy in the video for apologising for glitches that don't appear on the video. And yes, I'm running Forge 1.6.4 965.

Logs? It's mainly spamming that the server is overloaded and nothing special. I know how to read logs and can't find anything stating the glitches.

On another note, I've been having another type of glitch. This CAN be screenshot'd so here it is:

width=800 height=500https://dl.dropbox.com/s/2ccgrwuh1hdjxxe/Screenshot%202014-05-01%2010.38.26.png[/img]

As you can see the words are all blackboxed. Sometimes it completely covers the letters too to give solid black box.

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That 2nd problem is most likely caused by a mod that you've installed (Dalek Mod) which modifies the main menu. If you get the same problem with only Forge installed, come back.

But the thing is is that this problem affects ALL text ingame. Tooltips, item names, pause menu, etc. So is it still possible for it to be the Dalek Mod?


After a while I actually managed to get an image of the first bug.

width=800 height=500https://dl.dropbox.com/s/mtplsp01dd7ckol/Screenshot%202014-05-02%2013.34.06.png[/img]

This, as you can see, is a combination of unloaded chunks and the aforementioned glitch. The parts of the box that seem cut off are where the glitch occurs. Although this was taken with mods installed, it also occurs with forge only.

Another thing I noticed is that when the second glitch occurs, this happens:

width=800 height=500https://dl.dropbox.com/s/mur0t6t7c24fota/Screenshot%202014-05-02%2013.34.26.png[/img]

Look at the top, the screen is glitching too. So this also affects things OUTSIDE the game. A bit of help?

Also, just as a note, the first glitch happens ONLY when I look at a faraway object. Meaning that if the Corner A, which is opposite Corner B, is glitching when I go to Corner B, then if I go to Corner A then Corner B will glitch.


This is the best picture I can get of the glitch.

width=800 height=500https://dl.dropbox.com/s/tsb9vjkel2pukxp/Screenshot%202014-05-02%2013.59.07.png[/img]

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Well, I think it's your graphics card... seems like it's broken or something (if it also affects things outside of the game)

Do those glitches also occur w/o Forge even installed?

Try w/o Forge first and see what happens.

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mah twitter

This thread makes me sad because people just post copy-paste-ready code when it's obvious that the OP has little to no programming experience. This is not how learning works.

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Well, I think it's your graphics card... seems like it's broken or something (if it also affects things outside of the game)

Do those glitches also occur w/o Forge even installed?

Try w/o Forge first and see what happens.

Well, I am using an Intel GPU (screw you for your crappy GPUs Intel) so that might be it. And that glitch outside the game ONLY occurs when the black text thingy happens.

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