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Everything posted by nullsector76

  1. How do you make a generic method for rendering enchantment effects onto a java model like a TESR bed or chest from vanilla for example? Is it possible without implementation of the model itself and if not what would that look like being as simple and easy as possible? For example one would be a bed and chest for testing as they both use TEISR
  2. " Congrats, you're making a stupid coremod. Not only is it a horrible idea, it's been done about 10,000 times before. So stop doing it. As for how to embed jars in your jar... Gradle has very good documentation on how to copy files into an archive." Ok so how do you build a jar in jar with gradle? I hear it's well documented but, asked around no one knows how to do it. Answer the question hear for everybody please what do you put into your build.gradle for a jar in your workspace? The jar is located in the libs folder assuming it's it needs to be reobfuscated as well.
  3. a test. it will eventually be used to disable the combat system and have old combat system. currently only executes printlines to notify that it has run and found EntityPlayerMP.class
  4. So you have written your first coremod yay. You compile and put it in your libs workspace. Ok now how do I reobfuscate and embed it into the jar automatically rather then manually each time. Currently I have the meta-inf working automatically. Forge greatly stresses to embed your coremod for 1.12x yet provides no way of simply doing this using the default build.gradle that I can find. Help me???? Currently I only have the met-inf working on compile I need my libs/coremod-deob.jar to become coremod-reob.jar when compiled inside of the jar. build.gradle You will notice the build gradle fails I tried some code I found on other forums that's also in there
  5. If you have two core mod sources attached for your workspace say Optifine and ChunkAnimator. Now they both have a IFMLLoadingPlugin how do you setup that for eclipse and what is the script to compile? Is it really hard coded to only work with one plugin in deob source or is there another way? It's very difficult to find mod issues between two coremods if you can't setup a workspace with both of them together and set break points. Thus the need for two coremods in one src. Solved you input: -Dfml.coreMods.load=com.coremod.FMLCorePlugin1,com.coremod.FMLCorePlugin2
  6. I want to stop all sounds when pressing a button like music except for the button sound itself using forge events. How does one do this? @SubscribeEvent public void guiButtonClick(GuiScreenEvent.ActionPerformedEvent.Pre e) { if(e.getGui() == null) return; if(e.getButton().id == 498) { Minecraft.getMinecraft().getSoundHandler().stopSounds(); Minecraft.getMinecraft().displayGuiScreen(customMenu); } else if(e.getButton().id == 499) { Minecraft.getMinecraft().getSoundHandler().stopSounds(); Minecraft.getMinecraft().displayGuiScreen(customMenu); } } Right now I can only find out how to stop all sounds. I know button sounds are short but resource packs could increase them to a couple seconds and I don't want to stop the button sound in the middle of playing it Edit: nevermind I figured it out. Pre action instead of making it post action will result in all mc sounds stopping to play and your button sound also playing.
  7. actually I am pretty sure it says you may redistrubte modded versions of the game. Anyways forge doesn't distribute modded versions of the game they distribute files that can decompile and merge stuff to appear that way in mdk and in memory for compiled Thus it is their code and only theirs and mcp's of course
  8. So I wanted to know a proper way for teleporting a player and the rest of the passengers to a new location? Every time I tried getting the player to a new location he periodically just doesn't teleport with the rest of the stack. public void teleport(Entity base,int x, int y, int z) { List<Entity> stack = Arrays.asList(base.getRecursivePassengers().toArray()); stack.add(0,base); for(Entity e : stack) { e.dismountRidingEntity(); if(e instanceof EntityPlayerMP) ((EntityPlayerMP)e).connection.setPlayerLocation(x, y, z, e.rotationYaw, e.rotationPitch); e.setLocationAndAngles(x, y, z, e.rotationYaw, e.rotationPitch); } }
  9. those are mapping issues. you could simply fix this by updating your mappings. If they are still obfuscated it means they don't have name for it yet and then you report it to mcp
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