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Particle invisible


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I couldn't give a better title. I have a code that generates some particles when an item gets thrown. I just don't understand why the particles are invisible. Im using wolrd.addParticle() to add them to the world. My code: 

public class ThrowFireEvent {
	public static void ThrowFireEvent(ItemTossEvent event) {
		ItemEntity item = event.getEntityItem();
		World world = item.getEntityWorld();
		double x = (double)item.getPosition().getX();
		double y = (double)item.getPosition().getY();
		double z = (double)item.getPosition().getZ();
		world.addParticle(ParticleTypes.CAMPFIRE_COSY_SMOKE, true, x, y, z, 0.0D, 0.05D, 0.0D);

There are no errors in the code and once I printed out the world and the coordinates and they were all right. I also took a look at minecraft's torch block and It does it at the same way. Hopefully you know the answer, and every bit of help is appreciated. (Sorry for bad English, and plus note, I'm using 1.15.2)


Edit: It does work when I call it in other events.

Edited by zerodeaths000
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I think it's probably a client vs server thing.  The method you're calling does nothing on the client, and I'm guessing that ItemTossEvent is only ever called on the Server.


You could try checking that the world is a ServerWorld, and if it is then casting it to ServerWorld and calling spawnParticle().  That sends a packet to the client to spawn the particle you want.





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37 minutes ago, TheGreyGhost said:



I think it's probably a client vs server thing.  The method you're calling does nothing on the client, and I'm guessing that ItemTossEvent is only ever called on the Server.


You could try checking that the world is a ServerWorld, and if it is then casting it to ServerWorld and calling spawnParticle().  That sends a packet to the client to spawn the particle you want.





Im not entirely sure of what I'm supposed to do, I don't really understand how to call spawnParticles(), could you send an example? Have a nice day!


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You'll probably find this link useful



This example project might help if you decide to go down the path of sending a custom packet to spawn particles (mbe60 uses this with the TargetEffectMessageToClient example, i.e. the server sends a network message to the client to say "spawn some particles at this [x,y,z] location").





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