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New Terrain.png Problems


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Hi, I'm doing fashion to food, I decided to go to the Forge for the textures. Here is my mod_test

package net.minecraft.src;

import net.minecraft.src.forge.*;

public class mod_test extends BaseMod implements ITextureProvider

public static final Item foodtest = new ItemFood(6000, 1, false).setIconIndex(10).setItemName("foodtest ");

public String getVersion()
        return "Test";

public String getTextureFile()
return "/textures/new_items.png";

public void load()


ModLoader.addName(foodtest , "New Food");
ModLoader.addRecipe(new ItemStack(foodtest , 1), new Object[]{ "X", Character.valueOf('X'), Block.dirt});
foodtest .iconIndex = ModLoader.addOverride("/gui/items.png", "/textures/new_items.png");


When only the data registered in the mod_test Forge texture does not work.


And when adding in the ItemFood it works.

import net.minecraft.src.forge.*;

public class ItemFood extends Item implements ITextureProvider

public String getTextureFile()
        return "/textures/new_items.png";


But I do not want to do that, I do not want to add there is, can we do differently as a fact, that it worked?


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No, there isnt metadata specific terrain files.

You have 256 icons to deal with, no freak reason to ever need that many.


Hmm because I'm writing a code API that allows others to easily add custom versions of a block via metadata and they can't access my texture file.


Is it possible to use ModLoader.addOverride towards one of my custom created textures files?

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  • 2 weeks later...

No, there isnt metadata specific terrain files.

You have 256 icons to deal with, no freak reason to ever need that many.


Hmm because I'm writing a code API that allows others to easily add custom versions of a block via metadata and they can't access my texture file.


Is it possible to use ModLoader.addOverride towards one of my custom created textures files?


So, what would happen if I did push that shiny red button over there? ... Really? ... Can I try it? ... Damn.

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