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Make block blast resistand (1.14.4)


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Show DoorLockBlock

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6 minutes ago, Cadiboo said:

Show DoorLockBlock

@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public class DoorLockBlock extends Block {
	public static final DirectionProperty FACING;
    public static final BooleanProperty OPEN;
    public static final EnumProperty<DoorHingeSide> HINGE;
    public static final EnumProperty<DoubleBlockHalf> HALF;
    protected static final VoxelShape SOUTH_AABB;
    protected static final VoxelShape NORTH_AABB;
    protected static final VoxelShape WEST_AABB;
    protected static final VoxelShape EAST_AABB;
    protected DoorLockBlock(final Block.Properties p_i48413_1_) {
        this.setDefaultState((BlockState)((BlockState)((BlockState)((BlockState)((BlockState)((BlockState)this.stateContainer.getBaseState()).with((IProperty)DoorBlock.FACING, (Comparable)Direction.NORTH)).with((IProperty)DoorBlock.OPEN, (Comparable)false)).with((IProperty)DoorBlock.HINGE, (Comparable)DoorHingeSide.LEFT)).with((IProperty)DoorBlock.HALF, (Comparable)DoubleBlockHalf.LOWER)));
    public VoxelShape getShape(final BlockState p_220053_1_, final IBlockReader p_220053_2_, final BlockPos p_220053_3_, final ISelectionContext p_220053_4_) {
        final Direction lvt_5_1_ = (Direction)p_220053_1_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.FACING);
        final boolean lvt_6_1_ = !(boolean)p_220053_1_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.OPEN);
        final boolean lvt_7_1_ = p_220053_1_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.HINGE) == DoorHingeSide.RIGHT;
        switch (DoorLockBlock.DoorBlock$1.field_185789_a[lvt_5_1_.ordinal()]) {
            default: {
                return lvt_6_1_ ? DoorLockBlock.EAST_AABB : (lvt_7_1_ ? DoorLockBlock.NORTH_AABB : DoorLockBlock.SOUTH_AABB);
            case 2: {
                return lvt_6_1_ ? DoorLockBlock.SOUTH_AABB : (lvt_7_1_ ? DoorLockBlock.EAST_AABB : DoorLockBlock.WEST_AABB);
            case 3: {
                return lvt_6_1_ ? DoorLockBlock.WEST_AABB : (lvt_7_1_ ? DoorLockBlock.SOUTH_AABB : DoorLockBlock.NORTH_AABB);
            case 4: {
                return lvt_6_1_ ? DoorLockBlock.NORTH_AABB : (lvt_7_1_ ? DoorLockBlock.WEST_AABB : DoorLockBlock.EAST_AABB);
	public BlockState updatePostPlacement(final BlockState p_196271_1_, final Direction p_196271_2_, final BlockState p_196271_3_, final IWorld p_196271_4_, final BlockPos p_196271_5_, final BlockPos p_196271_6_) {
        final DoubleBlockHalf lvt_7_1_ = (DoubleBlockHalf)p_196271_1_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.HALF);
        if (p_196271_2_.getAxis() == Direction.Axis.Y && lvt_7_1_ == DoubleBlockHalf.LOWER == (p_196271_2_ == Direction.UP)) {
            if (p_196271_3_.getBlock() == this && p_196271_3_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.HALF) != lvt_7_1_) {
                return (BlockState)((BlockState)((BlockState)((BlockState)p_196271_1_.with((IProperty)DoorBlock.FACING, p_196271_3_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.FACING))).with((IProperty)DoorBlock.OPEN, p_196271_3_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.OPEN))).with((IProperty)DoorBlock.HINGE, p_196271_3_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.HINGE)));
            return Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState();
        else {
            if (lvt_7_1_ == DoubleBlockHalf.LOWER && p_196271_2_ == Direction.DOWN && !p_196271_1_.isValidPosition((IWorldReader)p_196271_4_, p_196271_5_)) {
                return Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState();
            return super.updatePostPlacement(p_196271_1_, p_196271_2_, p_196271_3_, p_196271_4_, p_196271_5_, p_196271_6_);
    public void harvestBlock(final World p_180657_1_, final PlayerEntity p_180657_2_, final BlockPos p_180657_3_, final BlockState p_180657_4_, @Nullable final TileEntity p_180657_5_, final ItemStack p_180657_6_) {
        super.harvestBlock(p_180657_1_, p_180657_2_, p_180657_3_, Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState(), p_180657_5_, p_180657_6_);
    public void onBlockHarvested(final World p_176208_1_, final BlockPos p_176208_2_, final BlockState p_176208_3_, final PlayerEntity p_176208_4_) {
        final DoubleBlockHalf lvt_5_1_ = (DoubleBlockHalf)p_176208_3_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.HALF);
        final BlockPos lvt_6_1_ = (lvt_5_1_ == DoubleBlockHalf.LOWER) ? p_176208_2_.up() : p_176208_2_.down();
        final BlockState lvt_7_1_ = p_176208_1_.getBlockState(lvt_6_1_);
        if (lvt_7_1_.getBlock() == this && lvt_7_1_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.HALF) != lvt_5_1_) {
            p_176208_1_.setBlockState(lvt_6_1_, Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState(), 35);
            p_176208_1_.playEvent(p_176208_4_, 2001, lvt_6_1_, Block.getStateId(lvt_7_1_));
            final ItemStack lvt_8_1_ = p_176208_4_.getHeldItemMainhand();
            if (!p_176208_1_.isRemote && !p_176208_4_.isCreative()) {
                Block.spawnDrops(p_176208_3_, p_176208_1_, p_176208_2_, (TileEntity)null, (Entity)p_176208_4_, lvt_8_1_);
                Block.spawnDrops(lvt_7_1_, p_176208_1_, lvt_6_1_, (TileEntity)null, (Entity)p_176208_4_, lvt_8_1_);
        super.onBlockHarvested(p_176208_1_, p_176208_2_, p_176208_3_, p_176208_4_);
	public boolean allowsMovement(final BlockState p_196266_1_, final IBlockReader p_196266_2_, final BlockPos p_196266_3_, final PathType p_196266_4_) {
        switch (DoorLockBlock.DoorBlock$1.field_210338_b[p_196266_4_.ordinal()]) {
            case 1: {
                return (boolean)p_196266_1_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.OPEN);
            case 2: {
                return false;
            case 3: {
                return (boolean)p_196266_1_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.OPEN);
            default: {
                return false;
    private int getCloseSound() {
        return (this.material == Material.IRON) ? 1011 : 1012;
    private int getOpenSound() {
        return (this.material == Material.IRON) ? 1005 : 1006;
    public BlockState getStateForPlacement(final BlockItemUseContext p_196258_1_) {
        final BlockPos lvt_2_1_ = p_196258_1_.getPos();
        if (lvt_2_1_.getY() < 255 && p_196258_1_.getWorld().getBlockState(lvt_2_1_.up()).isReplaceable(p_196258_1_)) {
            return (BlockState)((BlockState)((BlockState)((BlockState)((BlockState)this.getDefaultState().with((IProperty)DoorBlock.FACING, (Comparable)p_196258_1_.getPlacementHorizontalFacing())).with((IProperty)DoorBlock.HINGE, (Comparable)this.getHingeSide(p_196258_1_)).with((IProperty)DoorBlock.OPEN, (Comparable)false)).with((IProperty)DoorBlock.HALF, (Comparable)DoubleBlockHalf.LOWER)));
        return null;
    public void onBlockPlacedBy(final World p_180633_1_, final BlockPos p_180633_2_, final BlockState p_180633_3_, final LivingEntity p_180633_4_, final ItemStack p_180633_5_) {
        p_180633_1_.setBlockState(p_180633_2_.up(), (BlockState)p_180633_3_.with((IProperty)DoorBlock.HALF, (Comparable)DoubleBlockHalf.UPPER), 3);
    private DoorHingeSide getHingeSide(final BlockItemUseContext p_208073_1_) {
        final IBlockReader lvt_2_1_ = (IBlockReader)p_208073_1_.getWorld();
        final BlockPos lvt_3_1_ = p_208073_1_.getPos();
        final Direction lvt_4_1_ = p_208073_1_.getPlacementHorizontalFacing();
        final BlockPos lvt_5_1_ = lvt_3_1_.up();
        final Direction lvt_6_1_ = lvt_4_1_.rotateYCCW();
        final BlockPos lvt_7_1_ = lvt_3_1_.offset(lvt_6_1_);
        final BlockState lvt_8_1_ = lvt_2_1_.getBlockState(lvt_7_1_);
        final BlockPos lvt_9_1_ = lvt_5_1_.offset(lvt_6_1_);
        final BlockState lvt_10_1_ = lvt_2_1_.getBlockState(lvt_9_1_);
        final Direction lvt_11_1_ = lvt_4_1_.rotateY();
        final BlockPos lvt_12_1_ = lvt_3_1_.offset(lvt_11_1_);
        final BlockState lvt_13_1_ = lvt_2_1_.getBlockState(lvt_12_1_);
        final BlockPos lvt_14_1_ = lvt_5_1_.offset(lvt_11_1_);
        final BlockState lvt_15_1_ = lvt_2_1_.getBlockState(lvt_14_1_);
        final int lvt_16_1_ = (lvt_8_1_.func_224756_o(lvt_2_1_, lvt_7_1_) ? -1 : 0) + (lvt_10_1_.func_224756_o(lvt_2_1_, lvt_9_1_) ? -1 : 0) + (lvt_13_1_.func_224756_o(lvt_2_1_, lvt_12_1_) ? 1 : 0) + (lvt_15_1_.func_224756_o(lvt_2_1_, lvt_14_1_) ? 1 : 0);
        final boolean lvt_17_1_ = lvt_8_1_.getBlock() == this && lvt_8_1_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.HALF) == DoubleBlockHalf.LOWER;
        final boolean lvt_18_1_ = lvt_13_1_.getBlock() == this && lvt_13_1_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.HALF) == DoubleBlockHalf.LOWER;
        if ((lvt_17_1_ && !lvt_18_1_) || lvt_16_1_ > 0) {
            return DoorHingeSide.RIGHT;
        if ((lvt_18_1_ && !lvt_17_1_) || lvt_16_1_ < 0) {
            return DoorHingeSide.LEFT;
        final int lvt_19_1_ = lvt_4_1_.getXOffset();
        final int lvt_20_1_ = lvt_4_1_.getZOffset();
        final Vec3d lvt_21_1_ = p_208073_1_.getHitVec();
        final double lvt_22_1_ = lvt_21_1_.x - lvt_3_1_.getX();
        final double lvt_24_1_ = lvt_21_1_.z - lvt_3_1_.getZ();
        return ((lvt_19_1_ < 0 && lvt_24_1_ < 0.5) || (lvt_19_1_ > 0 && lvt_24_1_ > 0.5) || (lvt_20_1_ < 0 && lvt_22_1_ > 0.5) || (lvt_20_1_ > 0 && lvt_22_1_ < 0.5)) ? DoorHingeSide.RIGHT : DoorHingeSide.LEFT;
    public boolean onBlockActivated(BlockState p_220051_1_, final World p_220051_2_, final BlockPos p_220051_3_, final PlayerEntity p_220051_4_, final Hand p_220051_5_, final BlockRayTraceResult p_220051_6_) {
        if (this.material == Material.IRON) {
            return false;
        p_220051_1_ = (BlockState)p_220051_1_.cycle((IProperty)DoorBlock.OPEN);
        p_220051_2_.setBlockState(p_220051_3_, p_220051_1_, 10);
        p_220051_2_.playEvent(p_220051_4_, ((boolean)p_220051_1_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.OPEN)) ? this.getOpenSound() : this.getCloseSound(), p_220051_3_, 0);
        return true;
    public void toggleDoor(final World p_176512_1_, final BlockPos p_176512_2_, final boolean p_176512_3_) {
        final BlockState lvt_4_1_ = p_176512_1_.getBlockState(p_176512_2_);
        if (lvt_4_1_.getBlock() != this || (boolean)lvt_4_1_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.OPEN) == p_176512_3_) {
        p_176512_1_.setBlockState(p_176512_2_, (BlockState)lvt_4_1_.with((IProperty)DoorBlock.OPEN, (Comparable)p_176512_3_), 10);
        this.playSound(p_176512_1_, p_176512_2_, p_176512_3_);
    public void neighborChanged(final BlockState p_220069_1_, final World p_220069_2_, final BlockPos p_220069_3_, final Block p_220069_4_, final BlockPos p_220069_5_, final boolean p_220069_6_) {
    public boolean isValidPosition(final BlockState p_196260_1_, final IWorldReader p_196260_2_, final BlockPos p_196260_3_) {
        final BlockPos lvt_4_1_ = p_196260_3_.down();
        final BlockState lvt_5_1_ = p_196260_2_.getBlockState(lvt_4_1_);
        if (p_196260_1_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.HALF) == DoubleBlockHalf.LOWER) {
            return lvt_5_1_.func_224755_d((IBlockReader)p_196260_2_, lvt_4_1_, Direction.UP);
        return lvt_5_1_.getBlock() == this;
    private void playSound(final World p_196426_1_, final BlockPos p_196426_2_, final boolean p_196426_3_) {
        p_196426_1_.playEvent((PlayerEntity)null, p_196426_3_ ? this.getOpenSound() : this.getCloseSound(), p_196426_2_, 0);
    public PushReaction getPushReaction(final BlockState p_149656_1_) {
        return PushReaction.DESTROY;
    public BlockRenderLayer getRenderLayer() {
        return BlockRenderLayer.CUTOUT;
    public BlockState rotate(final BlockState p_185499_1_, final Rotation p_185499_2_) {
        return (BlockState)p_185499_1_.with((IProperty)DoorBlock.FACING, (Comparable)p_185499_2_.rotate((Direction)p_185499_1_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.FACING)));
    public BlockState mirror(final BlockState p_185471_1_, final Mirror p_185471_2_) {
        if (p_185471_2_ == Mirror.NONE) {
            return p_185471_1_;
        return (BlockState)p_185471_1_.rotate(p_185471_2_.toRotation((Direction)p_185471_1_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.FACING))).cycle((IProperty)DoorBlock.HINGE);
    public long getPositionRandom(final BlockState p_209900_1_, final BlockPos p_209900_2_) {
        return MathHelper.getCoordinateRandom(p_209900_2_.getX(), p_209900_2_.down((int)((p_209900_1_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.HALF) != DoubleBlockHalf.LOWER) ? 1 : 0)).getY(), p_209900_2_.getZ());
    protected void fillStateContainer(final StateContainer.Builder<Block, BlockState> p_206840_1_) {
        p_206840_1_.add(new IProperty[] { (IProperty)DoorBlock.HALF, (IProperty)DoorBlock.FACING, (IProperty)DoorBlock.OPEN, (IProperty)DoorBlock.HINGE});
    static {
        FACING = HorizontalBlock.HORIZONTAL_FACING;
        OPEN = BlockStateProperties.OPEN;
        HINGE = BlockStateProperties.DOOR_HINGE;
        HALF = BlockStateProperties.DOUBLE_BLOCK_HALF;
        SOUTH_AABB = Block.makeCuboidShape(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 16.0, 16.0, 3.0);
        NORTH_AABB = Block.makeCuboidShape(0.0, 0.0, 13.0, 16.0, 16.0, 16.0);
        WEST_AABB = Block.makeCuboidShape(13.0, 0.0, 0.0, 16.0, 16.0, 16.0);
        EAST_AABB = Block.makeCuboidShape(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 3.0, 16.0, 16.0);
    static class DoorBlock$1 {
        private static int[] field_210338_b;
		private static int[] field_185789_a;

		static {
            DoorBlock$1.field_210338_b = new int[PathType.values().length];
            try {
                DoorBlock$1.field_210338_b[PathType.LAND.ordinal()] = 1;
            catch (NoSuchFieldError noSuchFieldError) {}
            try {
                DoorBlock$1.field_210338_b[PathType.WATER.ordinal()] = 2;
            catch (NoSuchFieldError noSuchFieldError2) {}
            try {
                DoorBlock$1.field_210338_b[PathType.AIR.ordinal()] = 3;
            catch (NoSuchFieldError noSuchFieldError3) {}
            DoorBlock$1.field_185789_a = new int[Direction.values().length];
            try {
                DoorBlock$1.field_185789_a[Direction.EAST.ordinal()] = 1;
            catch (NoSuchFieldError noSuchFieldError4) {}
            try {
                DoorBlock$1.field_185789_a[Direction.SOUTH.ordinal()] = 2;
            catch (NoSuchFieldError noSuchFieldError5) {}
            try {
                DoorBlock$1.field_185789_a[Direction.WEST.ordinal()] = 3;
            catch (NoSuchFieldError noSuchFieldError6) {}
            try {
                DoorBlock$1.field_185789_a[Direction.NORTH.ordinal()] = 4;
            catch (NoSuchFieldError noSuchFieldError7) {}


It's the default minecraft doorblock but it has no redstone interaction

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6 minutes ago, DJ1TJOO said:

It's the default minecraft doorblock but it has no redstone interaction

Why not... extend the class?

About Me


My Discord - Cadiboo#8887

My WebsiteCadiboo.github.io

My ModsCadiboo.github.io/projects

My TutorialsCadiboo.github.io/tutorials

Versions below 1.14.4 are no longer supported on this forum. Use the latest version to receive support.

When asking support remember to include all relevant log files (logs are found in .minecraft/logs/), code if applicable and screenshots if possible.

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On 1/25/2020 at 11:50 PM, Draco18s said:

Show your code.


On 1/26/2020 at 8:31 AM, DJ1TJOO said:

public class DoorLock extends DoorLockBlock {

	public DoorLock() {
				.hardnessAndResistance(25.0f, 18000000.0f)



23 hours ago, DJ1TJOO said:

@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public class DoorLockBlock extends Block {
	public static final DirectionProperty FACING;
    public static final BooleanProperty OPEN;
    public static final EnumProperty<DoorHingeSide> HINGE;
    public static final EnumProperty<DoubleBlockHalf> HALF;
    protected static final VoxelShape SOUTH_AABB;
    protected static final VoxelShape NORTH_AABB;
    protected static final VoxelShape WEST_AABB;
    protected static final VoxelShape EAST_AABB;
    protected DoorLockBlock(final Block.Properties p_i48413_1_) {
        this.setDefaultState((BlockState)((BlockState)((BlockState)((BlockState)((BlockState)((BlockState)this.stateContainer.getBaseState()).with((IProperty)DoorBlock.FACING, (Comparable)Direction.NORTH)).with((IProperty)DoorBlock.OPEN, (Comparable)false)).with((IProperty)DoorBlock.HINGE, (Comparable)DoorHingeSide.LEFT)).with((IProperty)DoorBlock.HALF, (Comparable)DoubleBlockHalf.LOWER)));
    public VoxelShape getShape(final BlockState p_220053_1_, final IBlockReader p_220053_2_, final BlockPos p_220053_3_, final ISelectionContext p_220053_4_) {
        final Direction lvt_5_1_ = (Direction)p_220053_1_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.FACING);
        final boolean lvt_6_1_ = !(boolean)p_220053_1_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.OPEN);
        final boolean lvt_7_1_ = p_220053_1_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.HINGE) == DoorHingeSide.RIGHT;
        switch (DoorLockBlock.DoorBlock$1.field_185789_a[lvt_5_1_.ordinal()]) {
            default: {
                return lvt_6_1_ ? DoorLockBlock.EAST_AABB : (lvt_7_1_ ? DoorLockBlock.NORTH_AABB : DoorLockBlock.SOUTH_AABB);
            case 2: {
                return lvt_6_1_ ? DoorLockBlock.SOUTH_AABB : (lvt_7_1_ ? DoorLockBlock.EAST_AABB : DoorLockBlock.WEST_AABB);
            case 3: {
                return lvt_6_1_ ? DoorLockBlock.WEST_AABB : (lvt_7_1_ ? DoorLockBlock.SOUTH_AABB : DoorLockBlock.NORTH_AABB);
            case 4: {
                return lvt_6_1_ ? DoorLockBlock.NORTH_AABB : (lvt_7_1_ ? DoorLockBlock.WEST_AABB : DoorLockBlock.EAST_AABB);
	public BlockState updatePostPlacement(final BlockState p_196271_1_, final Direction p_196271_2_, final BlockState p_196271_3_, final IWorld p_196271_4_, final BlockPos p_196271_5_, final BlockPos p_196271_6_) {
        final DoubleBlockHalf lvt_7_1_ = (DoubleBlockHalf)p_196271_1_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.HALF);
        if (p_196271_2_.getAxis() == Direction.Axis.Y && lvt_7_1_ == DoubleBlockHalf.LOWER == (p_196271_2_ == Direction.UP)) {
            if (p_196271_3_.getBlock() == this && p_196271_3_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.HALF) != lvt_7_1_) {
                return (BlockState)((BlockState)((BlockState)((BlockState)p_196271_1_.with((IProperty)DoorBlock.FACING, p_196271_3_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.FACING))).with((IProperty)DoorBlock.OPEN, p_196271_3_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.OPEN))).with((IProperty)DoorBlock.HINGE, p_196271_3_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.HINGE)));
            return Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState();
        else {
            if (lvt_7_1_ == DoubleBlockHalf.LOWER && p_196271_2_ == Direction.DOWN && !p_196271_1_.isValidPosition((IWorldReader)p_196271_4_, p_196271_5_)) {
                return Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState();
            return super.updatePostPlacement(p_196271_1_, p_196271_2_, p_196271_3_, p_196271_4_, p_196271_5_, p_196271_6_);
    public void harvestBlock(final World p_180657_1_, final PlayerEntity p_180657_2_, final BlockPos p_180657_3_, final BlockState p_180657_4_, @Nullable final TileEntity p_180657_5_, final ItemStack p_180657_6_) {
        super.harvestBlock(p_180657_1_, p_180657_2_, p_180657_3_, Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState(), p_180657_5_, p_180657_6_);
    public void onBlockHarvested(final World p_176208_1_, final BlockPos p_176208_2_, final BlockState p_176208_3_, final PlayerEntity p_176208_4_) {
        final DoubleBlockHalf lvt_5_1_ = (DoubleBlockHalf)p_176208_3_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.HALF);
        final BlockPos lvt_6_1_ = (lvt_5_1_ == DoubleBlockHalf.LOWER) ? p_176208_2_.up() : p_176208_2_.down();
        final BlockState lvt_7_1_ = p_176208_1_.getBlockState(lvt_6_1_);
        if (lvt_7_1_.getBlock() == this && lvt_7_1_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.HALF) != lvt_5_1_) {
            p_176208_1_.setBlockState(lvt_6_1_, Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState(), 35);
            p_176208_1_.playEvent(p_176208_4_, 2001, lvt_6_1_, Block.getStateId(lvt_7_1_));
            final ItemStack lvt_8_1_ = p_176208_4_.getHeldItemMainhand();
            if (!p_176208_1_.isRemote && !p_176208_4_.isCreative()) {
                Block.spawnDrops(p_176208_3_, p_176208_1_, p_176208_2_, (TileEntity)null, (Entity)p_176208_4_, lvt_8_1_);
                Block.spawnDrops(lvt_7_1_, p_176208_1_, lvt_6_1_, (TileEntity)null, (Entity)p_176208_4_, lvt_8_1_);
        super.onBlockHarvested(p_176208_1_, p_176208_2_, p_176208_3_, p_176208_4_);
	public boolean allowsMovement(final BlockState p_196266_1_, final IBlockReader p_196266_2_, final BlockPos p_196266_3_, final PathType p_196266_4_) {
        switch (DoorLockBlock.DoorBlock$1.field_210338_b[p_196266_4_.ordinal()]) {
            case 1: {
                return (boolean)p_196266_1_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.OPEN);
            case 2: {
                return false;
            case 3: {
                return (boolean)p_196266_1_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.OPEN);
            default: {
                return false;
    private int getCloseSound() {
        return (this.material == Material.IRON) ? 1011 : 1012;
    private int getOpenSound() {
        return (this.material == Material.IRON) ? 1005 : 1006;
    public BlockState getStateForPlacement(final BlockItemUseContext p_196258_1_) {
        final BlockPos lvt_2_1_ = p_196258_1_.getPos();
        if (lvt_2_1_.getY() < 255 && p_196258_1_.getWorld().getBlockState(lvt_2_1_.up()).isReplaceable(p_196258_1_)) {
            return (BlockState)((BlockState)((BlockState)((BlockState)((BlockState)this.getDefaultState().with((IProperty)DoorBlock.FACING, (Comparable)p_196258_1_.getPlacementHorizontalFacing())).with((IProperty)DoorBlock.HINGE, (Comparable)this.getHingeSide(p_196258_1_)).with((IProperty)DoorBlock.OPEN, (Comparable)false)).with((IProperty)DoorBlock.HALF, (Comparable)DoubleBlockHalf.LOWER)));
        return null;
    public void onBlockPlacedBy(final World p_180633_1_, final BlockPos p_180633_2_, final BlockState p_180633_3_, final LivingEntity p_180633_4_, final ItemStack p_180633_5_) {
        p_180633_1_.setBlockState(p_180633_2_.up(), (BlockState)p_180633_3_.with((IProperty)DoorBlock.HALF, (Comparable)DoubleBlockHalf.UPPER), 3);
    private DoorHingeSide getHingeSide(final BlockItemUseContext p_208073_1_) {
        final IBlockReader lvt_2_1_ = (IBlockReader)p_208073_1_.getWorld();
        final BlockPos lvt_3_1_ = p_208073_1_.getPos();
        final Direction lvt_4_1_ = p_208073_1_.getPlacementHorizontalFacing();
        final BlockPos lvt_5_1_ = lvt_3_1_.up();
        final Direction lvt_6_1_ = lvt_4_1_.rotateYCCW();
        final BlockPos lvt_7_1_ = lvt_3_1_.offset(lvt_6_1_);
        final BlockState lvt_8_1_ = lvt_2_1_.getBlockState(lvt_7_1_);
        final BlockPos lvt_9_1_ = lvt_5_1_.offset(lvt_6_1_);
        final BlockState lvt_10_1_ = lvt_2_1_.getBlockState(lvt_9_1_);
        final Direction lvt_11_1_ = lvt_4_1_.rotateY();
        final BlockPos lvt_12_1_ = lvt_3_1_.offset(lvt_11_1_);
        final BlockState lvt_13_1_ = lvt_2_1_.getBlockState(lvt_12_1_);
        final BlockPos lvt_14_1_ = lvt_5_1_.offset(lvt_11_1_);
        final BlockState lvt_15_1_ = lvt_2_1_.getBlockState(lvt_14_1_);
        final int lvt_16_1_ = (lvt_8_1_.func_224756_o(lvt_2_1_, lvt_7_1_) ? -1 : 0) + (lvt_10_1_.func_224756_o(lvt_2_1_, lvt_9_1_) ? -1 : 0) + (lvt_13_1_.func_224756_o(lvt_2_1_, lvt_12_1_) ? 1 : 0) + (lvt_15_1_.func_224756_o(lvt_2_1_, lvt_14_1_) ? 1 : 0);
        final boolean lvt_17_1_ = lvt_8_1_.getBlock() == this && lvt_8_1_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.HALF) == DoubleBlockHalf.LOWER;
        final boolean lvt_18_1_ = lvt_13_1_.getBlock() == this && lvt_13_1_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.HALF) == DoubleBlockHalf.LOWER;
        if ((lvt_17_1_ && !lvt_18_1_) || lvt_16_1_ > 0) {
            return DoorHingeSide.RIGHT;
        if ((lvt_18_1_ && !lvt_17_1_) || lvt_16_1_ < 0) {
            return DoorHingeSide.LEFT;
        final int lvt_19_1_ = lvt_4_1_.getXOffset();
        final int lvt_20_1_ = lvt_4_1_.getZOffset();
        final Vec3d lvt_21_1_ = p_208073_1_.getHitVec();
        final double lvt_22_1_ = lvt_21_1_.x - lvt_3_1_.getX();
        final double lvt_24_1_ = lvt_21_1_.z - lvt_3_1_.getZ();
        return ((lvt_19_1_ < 0 && lvt_24_1_ < 0.5) || (lvt_19_1_ > 0 && lvt_24_1_ > 0.5) || (lvt_20_1_ < 0 && lvt_22_1_ > 0.5) || (lvt_20_1_ > 0 && lvt_22_1_ < 0.5)) ? DoorHingeSide.RIGHT : DoorHingeSide.LEFT;
    public boolean onBlockActivated(BlockState p_220051_1_, final World p_220051_2_, final BlockPos p_220051_3_, final PlayerEntity p_220051_4_, final Hand p_220051_5_, final BlockRayTraceResult p_220051_6_) {
        if (this.material == Material.IRON) {
            return false;
        p_220051_1_ = (BlockState)p_220051_1_.cycle((IProperty)DoorBlock.OPEN);
        p_220051_2_.setBlockState(p_220051_3_, p_220051_1_, 10);
        p_220051_2_.playEvent(p_220051_4_, ((boolean)p_220051_1_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.OPEN)) ? this.getOpenSound() : this.getCloseSound(), p_220051_3_, 0);
        return true;
    public void toggleDoor(final World p_176512_1_, final BlockPos p_176512_2_, final boolean p_176512_3_) {
        final BlockState lvt_4_1_ = p_176512_1_.getBlockState(p_176512_2_);
        if (lvt_4_1_.getBlock() != this || (boolean)lvt_4_1_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.OPEN) == p_176512_3_) {
        p_176512_1_.setBlockState(p_176512_2_, (BlockState)lvt_4_1_.with((IProperty)DoorBlock.OPEN, (Comparable)p_176512_3_), 10);
        this.playSound(p_176512_1_, p_176512_2_, p_176512_3_);
    public void neighborChanged(final BlockState p_220069_1_, final World p_220069_2_, final BlockPos p_220069_3_, final Block p_220069_4_, final BlockPos p_220069_5_, final boolean p_220069_6_) {
    public boolean isValidPosition(final BlockState p_196260_1_, final IWorldReader p_196260_2_, final BlockPos p_196260_3_) {
        final BlockPos lvt_4_1_ = p_196260_3_.down();
        final BlockState lvt_5_1_ = p_196260_2_.getBlockState(lvt_4_1_);
        if (p_196260_1_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.HALF) == DoubleBlockHalf.LOWER) {
            return lvt_5_1_.func_224755_d((IBlockReader)p_196260_2_, lvt_4_1_, Direction.UP);
        return lvt_5_1_.getBlock() == this;
    private void playSound(final World p_196426_1_, final BlockPos p_196426_2_, final boolean p_196426_3_) {
        p_196426_1_.playEvent((PlayerEntity)null, p_196426_3_ ? this.getOpenSound() : this.getCloseSound(), p_196426_2_, 0);
    public PushReaction getPushReaction(final BlockState p_149656_1_) {
        return PushReaction.DESTROY;
    public BlockRenderLayer getRenderLayer() {
        return BlockRenderLayer.CUTOUT;
    public BlockState rotate(final BlockState p_185499_1_, final Rotation p_185499_2_) {
        return (BlockState)p_185499_1_.with((IProperty)DoorBlock.FACING, (Comparable)p_185499_2_.rotate((Direction)p_185499_1_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.FACING)));
    public BlockState mirror(final BlockState p_185471_1_, final Mirror p_185471_2_) {
        if (p_185471_2_ == Mirror.NONE) {
            return p_185471_1_;
        return (BlockState)p_185471_1_.rotate(p_185471_2_.toRotation((Direction)p_185471_1_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.FACING))).cycle((IProperty)DoorBlock.HINGE);
    public long getPositionRandom(final BlockState p_209900_1_, final BlockPos p_209900_2_) {
        return MathHelper.getCoordinateRandom(p_209900_2_.getX(), p_209900_2_.down((int)((p_209900_1_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.HALF) != DoubleBlockHalf.LOWER) ? 1 : 0)).getY(), p_209900_2_.getZ());
    protected void fillStateContainer(final StateContainer.Builder<Block, BlockState> p_206840_1_) {
        p_206840_1_.add(new IProperty[] { (IProperty)DoorBlock.HALF, (IProperty)DoorBlock.FACING, (IProperty)DoorBlock.OPEN, (IProperty)DoorBlock.HINGE});
    static {
        FACING = HorizontalBlock.HORIZONTAL_FACING;
        OPEN = BlockStateProperties.OPEN;
        HINGE = BlockStateProperties.DOOR_HINGE;
        HALF = BlockStateProperties.DOUBLE_BLOCK_HALF;
        SOUTH_AABB = Block.makeCuboidShape(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 16.0, 16.0, 3.0);
        NORTH_AABB = Block.makeCuboidShape(0.0, 0.0, 13.0, 16.0, 16.0, 16.0);
        WEST_AABB = Block.makeCuboidShape(13.0, 0.0, 0.0, 16.0, 16.0, 16.0);
        EAST_AABB = Block.makeCuboidShape(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 3.0, 16.0, 16.0);
    static class DoorBlock$1 {
        private static int[] field_210338_b;
		private static int[] field_185789_a;

		static {
            DoorBlock$1.field_210338_b = new int[PathType.values().length];
            try {
                DoorBlock$1.field_210338_b[PathType.LAND.ordinal()] = 1;
            catch (NoSuchFieldError noSuchFieldError) {}
            try {
                DoorBlock$1.field_210338_b[PathType.WATER.ordinal()] = 2;
            catch (NoSuchFieldError noSuchFieldError2) {}
            try {
                DoorBlock$1.field_210338_b[PathType.AIR.ordinal()] = 3;
            catch (NoSuchFieldError noSuchFieldError3) {}
            DoorBlock$1.field_185789_a = new int[Direction.values().length];
            try {
                DoorBlock$1.field_185789_a[Direction.EAST.ordinal()] = 1;
            catch (NoSuchFieldError noSuchFieldError4) {}
            try {
                DoorBlock$1.field_185789_a[Direction.SOUTH.ordinal()] = 2;
            catch (NoSuchFieldError noSuchFieldError5) {}
            try {
                DoorBlock$1.field_185789_a[Direction.WEST.ordinal()] = 3;
            catch (NoSuchFieldError noSuchFieldError6) {}
            try {
                DoorBlock$1.field_185789_a[Direction.NORTH.ordinal()] = 4;
            catch (NoSuchFieldError noSuchFieldError7) {}


It's the default minecraft doorblock but it has no redstone interaction

Any idea yet?

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    • Let me try and help you with love spells, traditional healing, native healing, fortune telling, witchcraft, psychic readings, black magic, voodoo, herbalist healing, or any other service your may desire within the realm of african native healing, the spirits and the ancestors. I am a sangoma and healer. I could help you to connect with the ancestors , interpret dreams, diagnose illness through divination with bones, and help you heal both physical and spiritual illness. We facilitate the deepening of your relationship to the spirit world and the ancestors. Working in partnership with one\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\’s ancestors is a gift representing a close link with the spirit realm as a mediator between the worlds.*   Witchdoctors, or sorcerers, are often purveyors of mutis and charms that cause harm to people. we believe that we are here for only one purpose, to heal through love and compassion.*   African people share a common understanding of the importance of ancestors in daily life. When they have lost touch with their ancestors, illness may result or bad luck. Then a traditional healer, or sangoma, is sought out who may prescribe herbs, changes in lifestyle, a career change, or changes in relationships. The client may also be told to perform a ceremony or purification ritual to appease the ancestors.*   Let us solve your problems using powerful African traditional methods. We believe that our ancestors and spirits give us enlightenment, wisdom, divine guidance, enabling us to overcome obstacles holding your life back. Our knowledge has been passed down through centuries, being refined along the way from generation to generation. We believe in the occult, the paranormal, the spirit world, the mystic world.*   The services here are based on the African Tradition Value system/religion,where we believe the ancestors and spirits play a very important role in society. The ancestors and spirits give guidance and counsel in society. They could enable us to see into the future and give solutions to the problems affecting us. We use rituals, divination, spells, chants and prayers to enable us tackle the task before us.*   I have experience in helping and guiding many people from all over the world. My psychic abilities may help you answer and resolve many unanswered questions
    • Let me try and help you with love spells, traditional healing, native healing, fortune telling, witchcraft, psychic readings, black magic, voodoo, herbalist healing, or any other service your may desire within the realm of african native healing, the spirits and the ancestors. I am a sangoma and healer. I could help you to connect with the ancestors , interpret dreams, diagnose illness through divination with bones, and help you heal both physical and spiritual illness. We facilitate the deepening of your relationship to the spirit world and the ancestors. Working in partnership with one\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\’s ancestors is a gift representing a close link with the spirit realm as a mediator between the worlds.*   Witchdoctors, or sorcerers, are often purveyors of mutis and charms that cause harm to people. we believe that we are here for only one purpose, to heal through love and compassion.*   African people share a common understanding of the importance of ancestors in daily life. When they have lost touch with their ancestors, illness may result or bad luck. Then a traditional healer, or sangoma, is sought out who may prescribe herbs, changes in lifestyle, a career change, or changes in relationships. The client may also be told to perform a ceremony or purification ritual to appease the ancestors.*   Let us solve your problems using powerful African traditional methods. We believe that our ancestors and spirits give us enlightenment, wisdom, divine guidance, enabling us to overcome obstacles holding your life back. Our knowledge has been passed down through centuries, being refined along the way from generation to generation. We believe in the occult, the paranormal, the spirit world, the mystic world.*   The services here are based on the African Tradition Value system/religion,where we believe the ancestors and spirits play a very important role in society. The ancestors and spirits give guidance and counsel in society. They could enable us to see into the future and give solutions to the problems affecting us. We use rituals, divination, spells, chants and prayers to enable us tackle the task before us.*   I have experience in helping and guiding many people from all over the world. My psychic abilities may help you answer and resolve many unanswered questions
    • Let me try and help you with love spells, traditional healing, native healing, fortune telling, witchcraft, psychic readings, black magic, voodoo, herbalist healing, or any other service your may desire within the realm of african native healing, the spirits and the ancestors. I am a sangoma and healer. I could help you to connect with the ancestors , interpret dreams, diagnose illness through divination with bones, and help you heal both physical and spiritual illness. We facilitate the deepening of your relationship to the spirit world and the ancestors. Working in partnership with one\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\’s ancestors is a gift representing a close link with the spirit realm as a mediator between the worlds.*   Witchdoctors, or sorcerers, are often purveyors of mutis and charms that cause harm to people. we believe that we are here for only one purpose, to heal through love and compassion.*   African people share a common understanding of the importance of ancestors in daily life. When they have lost touch with their ancestors, illness may result or bad luck. Then a traditional healer, or sangoma, is sought out who may prescribe herbs, changes in lifestyle, a career change, or changes in relationships. The client may also be told to perform a ceremony or purification ritual to appease the ancestors.*   Let us solve your problems using powerful African traditional methods. We believe that our ancestors and spirits give us enlightenment, wisdom, divine guidance, enabling us to overcome obstacles holding your life back. Our knowledge has been passed down through centuries, being refined along the way from generation to generation. We believe in the occult, the paranormal, the spirit world, the mystic world.*   The services here are based on the African Tradition Value system/religion,where we believe the ancestors and spirits play a very important role in society. The ancestors and spirits give guidance and counsel in society. They could enable us to see into the future and give solutions to the problems affecting us. We use rituals, divination, spells, chants and prayers to enable us tackle the task before us.*   I have experience in helping and guiding many people from all over the world. My psychic abilities may help you answer and resolve many unanswered questions
    • Let me try and help you with love spells, traditional healing, native healing, fortune telling, witchcraft, psychic readings, black magic, voodoo, herbalist healing, or any other service your may desire within the realm of african native healing, the spirits and the ancestors. I am a sangoma and healer. I could help you to connect with the ancestors , interpret dreams, diagnose illness through divination with bones, and help you heal both physical and spiritual illness. We facilitate the deepening of your relationship to the spirit world and the ancestors. Working in partnership with one\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\’s ancestors is a gift representing a close link with the spirit realm as a mediator between the worlds.*   Witchdoctors, or sorcerers, are often purveyors of mutis and charms that cause harm to people. we believe that we are here for only one purpose, to heal through love and compassion.*   African people share a common understanding of the importance of ancestors in daily life. When they have lost touch with their ancestors, illness may result or bad luck. Then a traditional healer, or sangoma, is sought out who may prescribe herbs, changes in lifestyle, a career change, or changes in relationships. The client may also be told to perform a ceremony or purification ritual to appease the ancestors.*   Let us solve your problems using powerful African traditional methods. We believe that our ancestors and spirits give us enlightenment, wisdom, divine guidance, enabling us to overcome obstacles holding your life back. Our knowledge has been passed down through centuries, being refined along the way from generation to generation. We believe in the occult, the paranormal, the spirit world, the mystic world.*   The services here are based on the African Tradition Value system/religion,where we believe the ancestors and spirits play a very important role in society. The ancestors and spirits give guidance and counsel in society. They could enable us to see into the future and give solutions to the problems affecting us. We use rituals, divination, spells, chants and prayers to enable us tackle the task before us.*   I have experience in helping and guiding many people from all over the world. My psychic abilities may help you answer and resolve many unanswered questions
    • Let me try and help you with love spells, traditional healing, native healing, fortune telling, witchcraft, psychic readings, black magic, voodoo, herbalist healing, or any other service your may desire within the realm of african native healing, the spirits and the ancestors. I am a sangoma and healer. I could help you to connect with the ancestors , interpret dreams, diagnose illness through divination with bones, and help you heal both physical and spiritual illness. We facilitate the deepening of your relationship to the spirit world and the ancestors. Working in partnership with one\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\’s ancestors is a gift representing a close link with the spirit realm as a mediator between the worlds.*   Witchdoctors, or sorcerers, are often purveyors of mutis and charms that cause harm to people. we believe that we are here for only one purpose, to heal through love and compassion.*   African people share a common understanding of the importance of ancestors in daily life. When they have lost touch with their ancestors, illness may result or bad luck. Then a traditional healer, or sangoma, is sought out who may prescribe herbs, changes in lifestyle, a career change, or changes in relationships. The client may also be told to perform a ceremony or purification ritual to appease the ancestors.*   Let us solve your problems using powerful African traditional methods. We believe that our ancestors and spirits give us enlightenment, wisdom, divine guidance, enabling us to overcome obstacles holding your life back. Our knowledge has been passed down through centuries, being refined along the way from generation to generation. We believe in the occult, the paranormal, the spirit world, the mystic world.*   The services here are based on the African Tradition Value system/religion,where we believe the ancestors and spirits play a very important role in society. The ancestors and spirits give guidance and counsel in society. They could enable us to see into the future and give solutions to the problems affecting us. We use rituals, divination, spells, chants and prayers to enable us tackle the task before us.*   I have experience in helping and guiding many people from all over the world. My psychic abilities may help you answer and resolve many unanswered questions
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