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[SOLVED]OnUsingTickProblem - Guns


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Hello, I have tried creating guns with different firemodes, but I have noticed some problems:

1) For Single firemode I have to right click the weapon twice for it to shoot (So far it looks like problem with maxItemUseDuration + onUsingTick methods)

2) For Auto firemode as soon as I start shooting I can't stop it until I switch the items in hands


The code for the methods is here: (Also it might be a bit messy since I was trying to quickly fix it)


	public void onUsingTick(ItemStack stack, EntityLivingBase entity, int count)
			EntityPlayer player = (EntityPlayer)entity;
			if(this.getFiremode() == Firemode.AUTO && stack.getItemDamage() < stack.getMaxDamage() || player.capabilities.isCreativeMode)
				CooldownTracker tracker = player.getCooldownTracker();
					tracker.setCooldown(stack.getItem(), getFireRate());
					shoot(player.world, player, stack);
	public ActionResult<ItemStack> onItemRightClick(World worldIn, EntityPlayer playerIn, EnumHand handIn)
		ItemStack stack = playerIn.getHeldItem(handIn);
				if(hasAmmo(playerIn, stack) || playerIn.capabilities.isCreativeMode)
					CooldownTracker tracker = playerIn.getCooldownTracker();
						return new ActionResult<ItemStack>(EnumActionResult.FAIL, stack);
						tracker.setCooldown(stack.getItem(), getFireRate());
						shoot(worldIn, playerIn, stack);
						return new ActionResult<ItemStack>(EnumActionResult.FAIL, stack);
					worldIn.playSound(playerIn, playerIn.posX, playerIn.posY, playerIn.posZ, SoundEvents.BLOCK_DISPENSER_FAIL, SoundCategory.BLOCKS, 2.0f, 0.0f);
				if(hasAmmo(playerIn, stack))
						return new ActionResult<ItemStack>(EnumActionResult.FAIL, stack);
					playerIn.getDataManager().set(ServerSideEvents.RELOADING, false);
					PacketHandler.INSTANCE.sendToServer(new PacketReload(false));
				playerIn.sendMessage(new TextComponentString(TextFormatting.RED + "Weapons are disabled! You have to enable them in pubgmc.cfg in your minecraft config folder!"));
		return new ActionResult<ItemStack>(EnumActionResult.FAIL, stack);


Max item use duration is set to 7200


The rest of the class is here just in case:


	public enum Firemode
	public enum ReloadType
	public enum GunType
/** ====================================================================[Basic gun functions]================================================================================== **/
	public int getMaxItemUseDuration(ItemStack stack)
		return 7200;
	public boolean onEntitySwing(EntityLivingBase entityLiving, ItemStack stack)
		EntityPlayer player = (EntityPlayer)entityLiving;
			if(!player.getDataManager().get(ServerSideEvents.AIMING) && !player.getDataManager().get(ServerSideEvents.RELOADING))
				player.getDataManager().set(ServerSideEvents.AIMING, true);
				PacketHandler.INSTANCE.sendToServer(new PacketAim(true));
				player.getDataManager().set(ServerSideEvents.AIMING, false);
				PacketHandler.INSTANCE.sendToServer(new PacketAim(false));
		return true;
	public void onUsingTick(ItemStack stack, EntityLivingBase entity, int count)
			EntityPlayer player = (EntityPlayer)entity;
			if(this.getFiremode() == Firemode.AUTO && stack.getItemDamage() < stack.getMaxDamage() || player.capabilities.isCreativeMode)
				CooldownTracker tracker = player.getCooldownTracker();
					tracker.setCooldown(stack.getItem(), getFireRate());
					shoot(player.world, player, stack);
	public ActionResult<ItemStack> onItemRightClick(World worldIn, EntityPlayer playerIn, EnumHand handIn)
		ItemStack stack = playerIn.getHeldItem(handIn);
				if(hasAmmo(playerIn, stack) || playerIn.capabilities.isCreativeMode)
					CooldownTracker tracker = playerIn.getCooldownTracker();
						return new ActionResult<ItemStack>(EnumActionResult.FAIL, stack);
						tracker.setCooldown(stack.getItem(), getFireRate());
						shoot(worldIn, playerIn, stack);
						return new ActionResult<ItemStack>(EnumActionResult.FAIL, stack);
					worldIn.playSound(playerIn, playerIn.posX, playerIn.posY, playerIn.posZ, SoundEvents.BLOCK_DISPENSER_FAIL, SoundCategory.BLOCKS, 2.0f, 0.0f);
				if(hasAmmo(playerIn, stack))
						return new ActionResult<ItemStack>(EnumActionResult.FAIL, stack);
					playerIn.getDataManager().set(ServerSideEvents.RELOADING, false);
					PacketHandler.INSTANCE.sendToServer(new PacketReload(false));
				playerIn.sendMessage(new TextComponentString(TextFormatting.RED + "Weapons are disabled! You have to enable them in pubgmc.cfg in your minecraft config folder!"));
		return new ActionResult<ItemStack>(EnumActionResult.FAIL, stack);
	 * Used to spawn bullet entity
	 * @param world
	 * @param player
	 * @param stack
	public void shoot(World world, EntityPlayer player, ItemStack stack)
        if(this.hasAmmo(player, stack) || player.capabilities.isCreativeMode && !player.getDataManager().get(ServerSideEvents.RELOADING))
                EntityBullet bullet = new EntityBullet(world, player, this);
                    stack.damageItem(1, player);
            world.playSound(player.posX, player.posY, player.posZ, SoundEvents.ENTITY_GHAST_SHOOT, SoundCategory.HOSTILE, 50.0f, 0.0f, true);
        if(stack.getItemDamage() == maxAmmo && !player.getDataManager().get(ServerSideEvents.RELOADING) && !player.capabilities.isCreativeMode)
	 * Call only client side!
	 * @param gun
	 * @param playerIn
	public void applyRecoil(EntityPlayer playerIn)
		Random rand = new Random();
		//check server side TODO
		//Set horizontal recoil based on if player is sneaking or not
			playerIn.rotationPitch = playerIn.rotationPitch - ((getVerticalRecoil() * (float)rand.nextDouble() * 1.5f) * 0.9f);
			playerIn.rotationPitch = playerIn.rotationPitch - (getVerticalRecoil() * (float)rand.nextDouble() * 1.5f);
		//set horizontal recoil (50% to go right and 50% to go left)
		if(Math.random() * 100 <= 50)
			playerIn.rotationYaw = playerIn.rotationYaw - (getHorizontalRecoil() * (float)rand.nextDouble() * 1.5f);
			playerIn.rotationYaw = playerIn.rotationYaw + (getHorizontalRecoil() * (float)rand.nextDouble() * 1.5f);
	public boolean shouldCauseReequipAnimation(ItemStack oldStack, ItemStack newStack, boolean slotChanged) 
		return false;
	public Firemode getNextFiremode(EntityPlayer player)
			case SINGLE: 
					return setFiremode(Firemode.BURST);
					return setFiremode(Firemode.AUTO);
			case BURST:
					return setFiremode(Firemode.AUTO);
					return setFiremode(Firemode.SINGLE);
			case AUTO: return setFiremode(Firemode.SINGLE);
		PacketHandler.INSTANCE.sendToServer(new PacketFiremode(firemode));
		return firemode;
	public boolean hasAmmo(EntityPlayer player, ItemStack itemStack)
		return itemStack.getItemDamage() < maxAmmo;
	public String descAmmoType()
			case AMMO9MM: return I18n.format("ammo.9mm");
			case AMMO12G: return I18n.format("ammo.12g");
			case AMMO45ACP: return I18n.format("ammo.45acp");
			case AMMO556: return I18n.format("ammo.556mm");
			case AMMO762: return I18n.format("ammo.762mm");
			case AMMO100M: return I18n.format("ammo.100m");
			case FLARE: return I18n.format("ammo.flare");
			default: return "Unknown ammo";
	public String getFiremodeTranslation()
			case SINGLE: return I18n.format("gun.firemode.single");
			case BURST: return I18n.format("gun.firemode.burst");
			case AUTO: return I18n.format("gun.firemode.auto");
			default: return "";
	public void addInformation(ItemStack stack, World worldIn, List<String> tooltip, ITooltipFlag flagIn) 
		ammo = maxAmmo - stack.getItemDamage();
		tooltip.add(TextFormatting.BOLD + I18n.format("gun.desc.ammo") + ": " + TextFormatting.RESET + "" + TextFormatting.RED + this.ammo);
		tooltip.add(TextFormatting.BOLD + I18n.format("gun.desc.firemode") + ": " + TextFormatting.RESET + "" + TextFormatting.GRAY + getFiremodeTranslation());
			DecimalFormat f = new DecimalFormat("###.##");
			DecimalFormat g = new DecimalFormat("###.###");
			tooltip.add(TextFormatting.BOLD + I18n.format("gun.desc.damage") + ": " + TextFormatting.RESET + "" + TextFormatting.DARK_RED + this.getDamage());
			tooltip.add(TextFormatting.BOLD + I18n.format("gun.desc.reloadtime") + ": " + TextFormatting.RESET + "" + TextFormatting.GREEN + reloadTime / 20 + " " + I18n.format("gun.reloadtime.info"));
			tooltip.add(TextFormatting.BOLD + I18n.format("gun.desc.velocity") + ": " + TextFormatting.RESET + "" + TextFormatting.BLUE + f.format(velocity * 5.5) + " " + I18n.format("gun.velocity.info"));
			tooltip.add(TextFormatting.BOLD + I18n.format("gun.desc.gravity") + ": " + TextFormatting.RESET + "" + TextFormatting.BLUE + f.format(gravity * 20) + " " + I18n.format("gun.gravity.info"));
			tooltip.add(TextFormatting.BOLD + I18n.format("gun.desc.firerate") + ": " + TextFormatting.RESET + "" + TextFormatting.AQUA + g.format(20.00 / this.getFireRate()) + " " + I18n.format("gun.firerate.info"));
			tooltip.add(TextFormatting.BOLD + I18n.format("gun.desc.ammotype") + ": " + TextFormatting.BLUE + descAmmoType());
			tooltip.add(TextFormatting.BOLD + I18n.format("gun.desc.maxammo") + ": " + TextFormatting.RESET + "" + TextFormatting.RED + maxAmmo);
		else tooltip.add(TextFormatting.YELLOW + I18n.format("gun.desc.moreinfo"));
/*	For attachments
	public NBTTagCompound serializeNBT() 
		NBTTagCompound c = new NBTTagCompound();
		return c;
	public void deserializeNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt)

The rest are just setters and getters



I have also noticed that the onUsingTick method is sometimes called more than once on each side, so that might be a problem too

I've tried looking into ItemBow class, but that didn't tell me much since it's using only onStoppedUsing method

Edited by Toma™
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Multiple people have had this problem (ill link threads in a sec).

I believe that the problem is due to modifying the item's NBT (this includes saving capabilities) while using it (which causes a sync, which causes the ItemStack client side to be replaced by a new one from the sync NBT, so the firing is force stopped on the client, while the server is unaware that you stopped shooting). This is just my hypothesis though.

There are some partial solutions to the problem:

- Only saving (and therefore syncing) NBT in the onUseFinish method (this allows the player to keep shooting clientside but could cause desyncs)

- Overriding shouldCauseReequipAnimation (doesn't solve the problem, only makes any visual glitches go away)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Okay, since I haven't seen anywhere exact solution for this I will write my solution I have found here just in case someone has the same problem.

OnUsingTick as it has been explained above and in the other threads is quite bad for doing this NBT related stuff, but you can subscribe to the ClientTickEvent and detect from here using the Minecraft GameSettings if your key (keyBindingAttack/UseItem - for different mouse buttons) is being held and run the code from here. But keep in mind you will have to sync some stuff with server in order to work properly.

I'm not saying that this is how it should be done, this is just how it works fine for me. 

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Can you please explain in a bit more detail? And post your code for people in the future?

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12 minutes ago, Cadiboo said:

Can you please explain in a bit more detail? And post your code for people in the future?

I think he has explained it quite well.

  1. Subscribe to the ClientTickEvent
  2. Check to see if the right click button is down(or whatever button you want)
  3. Check if it is your item
  4. Handle firing logic from there(You may need packets to sync a few things/spawn bullets).


I will be posting 1.15.2 modding tutorials on this channel. If you want to be notified of it do the normal YouTube stuff like subscribing, ect.

Forge and vanilla BlockState generator.

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Oh, that makes sense, if your handling syncing manually why not just put the firing code in the item, and the sync code in the ClientTickEvent?

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9 minutes ago, Cadiboo said:

Oh, that makes sense, if your handling syncing manually why not just put the firing code in the item, and the sync code in the ClientTickEvent?

It might still have the same issues because it would still become a new ItemStack.


I will be posting 1.15.2 modding tutorials on this channel. If you want to be notified of it do the normal YouTube stuff like subscribing, ect.

Forge and vanilla BlockState generator.

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15 minutes ago, Animefan8888 said:

It might still have the same issues because it would still become a new ItemStack.

Only when you finish shooting, I see your point though

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    • Let me try and help you with love spells, traditional healing, native healing, fortune telling, witchcraft, psychic readings, black magic, voodoo, herbalist healing, or any other service your may desire within the realm of african native healing, the spirits and the ancestors. I am a sangoma and healer. I could help you to connect with the ancestors , interpret dreams, diagnose illness through divination with bones, and help you heal both physical and spiritual illness. We facilitate the deepening of your relationship to the spirit world and the ancestors. Working in partnership with one\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\’s ancestors is a gift representing a close link with the spirit realm as a mediator between the worlds.*   Witchdoctors, or sorcerers, are often purveyors of mutis and charms that cause harm to people. we believe that we are here for only one purpose, to heal through love and compassion.*   African people share a common understanding of the importance of ancestors in daily life. When they have lost touch with their ancestors, illness may result or bad luck. Then a traditional healer, or sangoma, is sought out who may prescribe herbs, changes in lifestyle, a career change, or changes in relationships. The client may also be told to perform a ceremony or purification ritual to appease the ancestors.*   Let us solve your problems using powerful African traditional methods. We believe that our ancestors and spirits give us enlightenment, wisdom, divine guidance, enabling us to overcome obstacles holding your life back. Our knowledge has been passed down through centuries, being refined along the way from generation to generation. We believe in the occult, the paranormal, the spirit world, the mystic world.*   The services here are based on the African Tradition Value system/religion,where we believe the ancestors and spirits play a very important role in society. The ancestors and spirits give guidance and counsel in society. They could enable us to see into the future and give solutions to the problems affecting us. We use rituals, divination, spells, chants and prayers to enable us tackle the task before us.*   I have experience in helping and guiding many people from all over the world. My psychic abilities may help you answer and resolve many unanswered questions
    • Let me try and help you with love spells, traditional healing, native healing, fortune telling, witchcraft, psychic readings, black magic, voodoo, herbalist healing, or any other service your may desire within the realm of african native healing, the spirits and the ancestors. I am a sangoma and healer. I could help you to connect with the ancestors , interpret dreams, diagnose illness through divination with bones, and help you heal both physical and spiritual illness. We facilitate the deepening of your relationship to the spirit world and the ancestors. Working in partnership with one\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\’s ancestors is a gift representing a close link with the spirit realm as a mediator between the worlds.*   Witchdoctors, or sorcerers, are often purveyors of mutis and charms that cause harm to people. we believe that we are here for only one purpose, to heal through love and compassion.*   African people share a common understanding of the importance of ancestors in daily life. When they have lost touch with their ancestors, illness may result or bad luck. Then a traditional healer, or sangoma, is sought out who may prescribe herbs, changes in lifestyle, a career change, or changes in relationships. The client may also be told to perform a ceremony or purification ritual to appease the ancestors.*   Let us solve your problems using powerful African traditional methods. We believe that our ancestors and spirits give us enlightenment, wisdom, divine guidance, enabling us to overcome obstacles holding your life back. Our knowledge has been passed down through centuries, being refined along the way from generation to generation. We believe in the occult, the paranormal, the spirit world, the mystic world.*   The services here are based on the African Tradition Value system/religion,where we believe the ancestors and spirits play a very important role in society. The ancestors and spirits give guidance and counsel in society. They could enable us to see into the future and give solutions to the problems affecting us. We use rituals, divination, spells, chants and prayers to enable us tackle the task before us.*   I have experience in helping and guiding many people from all over the world. My psychic abilities may help you answer and resolve many unanswered questions
    • Let me try and help you with love spells, traditional healing, native healing, fortune telling, witchcraft, psychic readings, black magic, voodoo, herbalist healing, or any other service your may desire within the realm of african native healing, the spirits and the ancestors. I am a sangoma and healer. I could help you to connect with the ancestors , interpret dreams, diagnose illness through divination with bones, and help you heal both physical and spiritual illness. We facilitate the deepening of your relationship to the spirit world and the ancestors. Working in partnership with one\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\’s ancestors is a gift representing a close link with the spirit realm as a mediator between the worlds.*   Witchdoctors, or sorcerers, are often purveyors of mutis and charms that cause harm to people. we believe that we are here for only one purpose, to heal through love and compassion.*   African people share a common understanding of the importance of ancestors in daily life. When they have lost touch with their ancestors, illness may result or bad luck. Then a traditional healer, or sangoma, is sought out who may prescribe herbs, changes in lifestyle, a career change, or changes in relationships. The client may also be told to perform a ceremony or purification ritual to appease the ancestors.*   Let us solve your problems using powerful African traditional methods. We believe that our ancestors and spirits give us enlightenment, wisdom, divine guidance, enabling us to overcome obstacles holding your life back. Our knowledge has been passed down through centuries, being refined along the way from generation to generation. We believe in the occult, the paranormal, the spirit world, the mystic world.*   The services here are based on the African Tradition Value system/religion,where we believe the ancestors and spirits play a very important role in society. The ancestors and spirits give guidance and counsel in society. They could enable us to see into the future and give solutions to the problems affecting us. We use rituals, divination, spells, chants and prayers to enable us tackle the task before us.*   I have experience in helping and guiding many people from all over the world. My psychic abilities may help you answer and resolve many unanswered questions
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