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New to forge mod loading. How different is it?


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What I mean is how hard will it be for me to adapt to it from modding with modLoader?


I've made several mods before but with modLoader, not Forge.


Also how what's the difficulty of modding with it over modLoader? Easier, harder.


One last thing too. How long does it roughly take for Forge to update to the latest minecraft? Pre-release 1.5 is out and 1.5 will be officially out on Wednesday. Just curious. I hate switching minecraft versions but it bugs me because my server is broke until craftBukkit is updated to 1.5 and I don't want to mod for 1.4.7 if Forge for 1.5 is released soon.


Thanks in advance for any help :)

Bumper Cars!

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If you are confused on how forge is different, make sure to check out some modding tutorials on youtube, they will give you a good idea on how it works!


As for updating, it usually does so fairly quickly.

This is the creator of the Rareores mod! Be sure to check it out at

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