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Potion effect hooks


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I wrote a coremod to piss Lex off.


The coremod is pretty simple, less than 100 lines:


[code to insert call to a @Cancelable Event into PotionEffect.performEffect]


All it does is patch PotionEffect.performEffect such that it calls my code, and then my code decides whether to run normal routines or exit (basically a cancellable event).


The handler code just grabs the effective ItemStack and calls this method on it:


        public boolean checkPotion(PotionEffect potion, EntityLivingBase entity, ItemStack is) {
                NBTTagCompound tag = is.getOrCreateSubCompound("chew");
                NBTTagCompound subtag = tag.getCompoundTag("potion");
                String key = Potion.REGISTRY.getNameForObject(potion.getPotion()).toString().intern();
                boolean b = subtag.getBoolean(key);
                subtag.setBoolean(key, !b);
                tag.setTag("potion", subtag);
                return b;


Which simply makes the potion tick only half the time.


Would it be possible to have this event in Forge?

Edited by SoniEx2

No, you do NOT need jar modding!

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"I wrote a coremod you must add my coremod!" 

We do not accept 'suggestions' like this. Please file a suggestion correctly explaining what you want and what you are trying to achieve it for.

I've removed your coremod code and your advertisement for your coremod.

Don't do that.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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I wrote a coremod because the hook I needed doesn't exist. I explained how the hook works. now you come and tell me I didn't?


I also had linked an example mod that would use the hook.

Edited by SoniEx2

No, you do NOT need jar modding!

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