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[1.10.2] Weird problem when testing for single mouse click


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I am rewriting my KeyHandler class to also check for Mous button inputs, so the KeyBinding on MousButton also works for my mod. I found out how to check for a single mouse click, but I don't know why it is not working...

Code looks like this:


	public void onMouseInput(InputEvent.MouseInputEvent event) {
		EntityPlayer player = FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().thePlayer;
		ItemStack chestStack = player.getItemStackFromSlot(EntityEquipmentSlot.CHEST);
		Item chestItem = StackUtil.getItem(chestStack);

		boolean prevState = false;


		for (KeyBinding keyBindings : keys) {
			int button = keyBindings.getKeyCode();
			if (button < 0 && Mouse.isButtonDown(button + 100) && !prevState) {
				if (chestItem instanceof ItemJetpack) {
					ItemJetpack jetpack = (ItemJetpack) chestItem;

					if (keyBindings.getKeyDescription().equals(SimplyJetpacks.PREFIX + "keybind.engine")) {
						jetpack.toggleState(jetpack.isOn(chestStack), chestStack, null, jetpack.TAG_ON, player, true);
						PacketHandler.instance.sendToServer(new MessageKeyBind(MessageKeyBind.JetpackPacket.ENGINE));
					if (keyBindings.getKeyDescription().equals(SimplyJetpacks.PREFIX + "keybind.hover")) {
						jetpack.toggleState(jetpack.isHoverModeOn(chestStack), chestStack, "hoverMode", jetpack.TAG_HOVERMODE_ON, player, true);
						PacketHandler.instance.sendToServer(new MessageKeyBind(MessageKeyBind.JetpackPacket.HOVER));
					if (keyBindings.getKeyDescription().equals(SimplyJetpacks.PREFIX + "keybind.charger") && ((ItemJetpack) chestItem).isJetplate(chestStack)) {
						jetpack.toggleState(jetpack.isChargerOn(chestStack), chestStack, "chargerMode", jetpack.TAG_CHARGER_ON, player, true);
						PacketHandler.instance.sendToServer(new MessageKeyBind(MessageKeyBind.JetpackPacket.CHARGER));
					if (keyBindings.getKeyDescription().equals(SimplyJetpacks.PREFIX + "keybind.emergencyhover")) {
						jetpack.toggleState(jetpack.isEHoverModeOn(chestStack), chestStack, "emergencyHoverMode", jetpack.TAG_EHOVER_ON, player, true);
						PacketHandler.instance.sendToServer(new MessageKeyBind(MessageKeyBind.JetpackPacket.E_HOVER));

				if (chestItem instanceof ItemFluxpack) {
					ItemFluxpack fluxpack = (ItemFluxpack) chestItem;

					if (keyBindings.getKeyDescription().equals(SimplyJetpacks.PREFIX + "keybind.engine")) {
						fluxpack.toggleState(fluxpack.isOn(chestStack), chestStack, null, fluxpack.TAG_ON, player, true);
						PacketHandler.instance.sendToServer(new MessageKeyBind(MessageKeyBind.JetpackPacket.ENGINE));

			Log.info("PrevState1: " + prevState);

			prevState = Mouse.isButtonDown(button + 100);

			Log.info("PrevState2: " + prevState);


Normally checking for previous state should work, it was also the suggested way to go with LWJGL mouse inputs I found on the internet.

Thanks in advance :)




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Uh, your prevState variable is local to the method meaning that it really isn't a 'previous state' as it will never persistently store anything - it gets dumped from the stack as soon as your code finishes running. Did you mean to make it a field and not a local?

9 hours ago, Tomson124 said:


Do you really need a helper method for a chestStack.getItem() call? :D

9 hours ago, Tomson124 said:

keys.add(engineKey); keys.add(hoverKey); keys.add(chargerKey); keys.add(emergencyHoverKey);

In an event? And keys is a field, not a local? And it is not being cleared? You do realise that you will essentially add those 4 fields into your list every time the mouseinputevent is fired(which as far as I can tell is done each tick the player and the world are not null)? And that things like ArrayList support duplicates?



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Well that are some things I probably overlooked in rushing to get it finished ^^ Still learning java in a try and error/learning by doing kind of thing :D


I tried the prevState as a field but didn't work either. I will move the "keys.add" in a seperate method which I call in the Cliemt proxy on init or preinit, maybe it is working then with a field.

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