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Dimension not changing?


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I am working on a mod where I have an item that acts as a portal, and transports you between "Dimensions". In order to test it, I have an Item with this method:




public ItemStack onItemRightClick(ItemStack stack, World world, EntityPlayer player) {
	switch(world.provider.dimensionId) {
	case -1:
	case 0:
	return stack;




I was hoping that would bounce me back and forth between the Overworld and the Nether. However, whenever I use it, it makes a Nether Portal wherever I teleport to, and I'm automatically in it, so it sends me back. Is there a way to not make it make that portal? Or is that part of travelToDimension()? I don't really want the portals there, because I'm going to be making more Dimensions, and I want to only go between them with my Item.


The Item shows up, works, and everything is good, except for the teleporting :P

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I´ve got the same Problem. You have to use your own Teleporter Class, but i don´t know how to tell Minecraft wich Teleporter you want to use.

With ModLoader there was a method like

.usePortal(<ID>, <Teleporter>)

where you could give your Teleporter as a Parameter, but i don´t know how this works with Forge.


I hope this is understandable, my English is kinda bad.



I think i´ve found a Solution:


player.mcServer.getConfigurationManager().transferPlayerToDimension(ent, Infiniverse.dimID, new IVTeleporterBasic(wserv));


I´ll try it now.

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My dimension isn't working right but I did find a function for the transfer:


transferToDimension that is in the EntityPlayer class... seems to get around those other issues I ran into trying to do it the other way.


Did you finally get it working?


I ended up using

mcServer.getConfigurationManager().transferEntityToWorld(player, dimensionID, currentWorld, newWorld, new Teleporter(newWorld));

But it gives me some wierd errors, as well as not teleporting me to the right place.


The Teleporter problem I can fix, the error it gives me is if I try to use it twice in a row, like to go back to the Dimension I just left, it crashes saying something about "Entity is already being tracked!", and I can't figure out what's wrong.


I can use the transferToDimension one, but it makes a Teleporter wherever I transport to, and then I just fall back into it, which isn't very helpful :P Thus, I am trying to specify a custom Teleporter so that it won't make the portal everytime I use my item.

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So I actually figured it out!


Here's my code, from the item I'm using as a "portal":

public ItemStack onItemRightClick(ItemStack stack, World world, EntityPlayer player) {

	switch(world.provider.dimensionId) {
	case 1885:
		travelTime(0, player);
	case 0:
		travelTime(1885, player);
	return stack;

public void travelTime(int dimensionID, Entity player) {
	if (!player.worldObj.isRemote && !player.isDead) {
		MinecraftServer mcServer = MinecraftServer.getServer();
		WorldServer newWorld = mcServer.worldServerForDimension(dimensionID);

		mcServer.getConfigurationManager().transferPlayerToDimension((EntityPlayerMP)player, dimensionID, new TimeTeleporter(newWorld));

My TimeTeleporter() class is just an extension of Teleporter, but to use the same basic Teleporter as default, you should use this:


as the third parameter :)

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