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Refill empty slot method is (always) called twice


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Hi guys,


I got a problem with my slot auto refill method. The method is called every gametick and should detect when an itemstack is empty and then refill it. There is an other problem too. If an itemstack was refilled, the itemstack is(/become invisible, sometimes you can see it for < 1 second, I guess this happens when the tagged code below is called twice) invisible (-> clientside only!), on the next rightclick the itemstack appears.



		private void autorefill(Minecraft mc){

	EntityPlayer player = mc.thePlayer;

	InventoryPlayer inventory = player.inventory;

	ItemStack currentItemstack = inventory.getCurrentItem();
	int currentSlot = inventory.currentItem;

	if(currentSlot == lastSlot){

		if(lastItem != null && currentItemstack == null){	

			System.out.println("Slot empty -> refill");
			// The part below here is called twice, but it shouldnt! <- tagged code

			int refillItemstack = findItemStack(inventory.mainInventory, lastItem, currentSlot); // This method returns the slotnumber which is containing a compatible itemstack, or if there is no matching itemstack -1

			if(refillItemstack != -1){

				mc.playerController.windowClick(0, refillItemstack, 0, 0, player);
				mc.playerController.windowClick(0, currentSlot + 36, 0, 0, player);				

				System.out.println("no itemstack found");
				lastItem = null;

		System.out.println("different slot detected");
		lastSlot = currentSlot;
		if(currentItemstack != null){
			lastItem = currentItemstack.getItem();
			lastItem = null;


Thank you,








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I am using nativ Minecraft code to submit the inventory changes to the server:


package net.minecraft.client.multiplayer;

class PlayerControllerMP

     * Handles slot clicks sends a packet to the server.
    public ItemStack windowClick(int windowId, int slotId, int mouseButtonClicked, int mode, EntityPlayer playerIn)
    	short var6 = playerIn.openContainer.getNextTransactionID(playerIn.inventory);
        ItemStack var7 = playerIn.openContainer.slotClick(slotId, mouseButtonClicked, mode, playerIn);
        this.netClientHandler.addToSendQueue(new C0EPacketClickWindow(windowId, slotId, mouseButtonClicked, mode, var7, var6));
        return var7;


This should handle the Itemstackmovement on clientside?


ItemStack var7 = playerIn.openContainer.slotClick(slotId, mouseButtonClicked, mode, playerIn);

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