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Mod Compatibility


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I'm not sure exactly where this goes on the forum, but this is partly mod development support. I'm looking for a place to go the learn how to pull apart mods for modpacks and make the items compatible and the recipes work. For example, in the Tekkit modpack you can use two different kinds of copper for the same recipe. How does one do that? If i could get some help or a link to some kind of tutorial for that that woudl be great. Thanks so much! ;D ;D ;D



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Usually, modders will add ores and recipes using Forge's OreDictionary - this is what allows things like using copper from different mods in the same recipe.


If you're making a modpack, you can make a separate add-on type mod that adds any ores or recipes that you feel should have been in the Ore Dictionary for compatibility but were overlooked by the mod authors, and / or you can ask the mod author to use the Ore Dictionary for future releases.

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The Ore Dictionary is what allows multiple similar items to be used for recipes. Mods add items to the Ore Dictionary with specific ore names (e.g.






) and then use those names as ingredients in ore recipes.


If you're developing a mod, look at the






If you're just making a modpack, you'll want to use something like MineTweaker (tweaks recipes and Ore Dictionary entries) or Quadrum (adds simple items/blocks based on JSON files).

Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

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This reminds me that I should really oreDict some of my machines. It's mostly edge-case at the moment, but it would future-proof it.

Apparently I'm a complete and utter jerk and come to this forum just like to make fun of people, be confrontational, and make your personal life miserable.  If you think this is the case, JUST REPORT ME.  Otherwise you're just going to get reported when you reply to my posts and point it out, because odds are, I was trying to be nice.


Exception: If you do not understand Java, I WILL NOT HELP YOU and your thread will get locked.


DO NOT PM ME WITH PROBLEMS. No help will be given.

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