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[1.7.10] Player NBTData Freezing When Relogging


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Alright, so I am trying to keep track of the amount of days each player has been alive, so I set up a TickHandler and registered an ExtendedPlayer class implementing IExtendedEntityProperties. I'm not too familiar with how NBTData works so I pretty much followed a tutorial to set up the ExtendedPlayer class. When testing my code, it successfully kept track of the amount of days a player was alive and reset when the player died (I simply took advantage of NBTData clearing upon death). However, when relogging with that player, the counter would remain frozen at its current number and no longer increment each day. My code is as follows:


My TickHandler code:

public class PlayerTickHandler {
private Minecraft mc;
public World world;
public EntityPlayer player;
public ChatStyle style = new ChatStyle();
public WorldInfo worldInfo;
public boolean night;
public ExtendedPlayer props;
public int counter;

public PlayerTickHandler(Minecraft mc)
	this.mc = mc;
public void onPlayerTick(PlayerTickEvent event)
	if (this.player == null)
		this.player = event.player;
		this.world = player.worldObj;
		this.worldInfo = world.getWorldInfo();
		this.props = ExtendedPlayer.get((EntityPlayer) event.player);
	if (counter < 500)
		System.out.println("(Counter)Days alive from NBT: " + props.getDaysAlive());
	if(worldInfo.getWorldTime() >= 13000 )
			System.out.println("(Night)Days alive from NBT: " + props.getDaysAlive());
			System.out.println("(Day)Days alive from NBT: " + props.getDaysAlive());



My ExtendedPlayer code:

public class ExtendedPlayer implements IExtendedEntityProperties{

public final static String PROP_NAME = "ExtendedPlayer";

private final EntityPlayer player;

private int daysAlive;
private boolean isNight;

public ExtendedPlayer(EntityPlayer player)
	this.player = player;

public static final void register(EntityPlayer player)
	player.registerExtendedProperties(ExtendedPlayer.PROP_NAME, new ExtendedPlayer(player));

public static final ExtendedPlayer get(EntityPlayer player)
return (ExtendedPlayer) player.getExtendedProperties(PROP_NAME);

public void saveNBTData(NBTTagCompound compound)
	NBTTagCompound properties = new NBTTagCompound();
	properties.setInteger("DaysAlive", this.daysAlive);
	properties.setBoolean("IsNight", this.isNight);
	compound.setTag(PROP_NAME, properties);

public void loadNBTData(NBTTagCompound compound)
	NBTTagCompound properties = (NBTTagCompound) compound.getTag(PROP_NAME);
	this.daysAlive = properties.getInteger("DaysAlive");
	this.isNight = properties.getBoolean("IsNight");
	System.out.println("Days alive from NBT: " + this.daysAlive);

public void init(Entity entity, World world)

public void addDay()
//Not exactly necessary since NBTData is cleared upon death
public void resetDays()

public int getDaysAlive()
	return this.daysAlive;

public void makeDay()

public void makeNight()

public boolean getNight()
	return this.isNight;



I used the print statements for debugging, printing out the number of saved days. They would increment properly each day and reset to 0 upon dying. Upon relogging, they would continuously print out the same number they were at when I logged out.

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I'm almost afraid to post this because I know I've screwed up even worse now. So I made some changes to my TickHandler and IEEP, and I seem to be on the right track, because I can get the counter to continue to properly increment upon relogging. What's weird now is that my print statements print out twice and the second one resets when I relog while the first one remains correct. (So for example, it prints out "Days alive from NBT: 3" twice, then I relog and increment one more day, so it then prints out "Days alive from NBT: 4" and then prints out "Days alive from NBT: 1").

My new code is as follows:


public class PlayerTickHandler {

public PlayerTickHandler()


public void onPlayerTick(PlayerTickEvent event)
	ExtendedPlayer dayInfo = ExtendedPlayer.get((EntityPlayer) event.player);
	if(dayInfo.getWorldInfo().getWorldTime() >= 13000 )
			System.out.println("(Night)Days alive from NBT: " + dayInfo.getDaysAlive());
			System.out.println("(Day)Days alive from NBT: " + dayInfo.getDaysAlive());


public class ExtendedPlayer implements IExtendedEntityProperties{

public final static String DAY_INFO = "ExtendedPlayer";

private final EntityPlayer player;
private World world;
private WorldInfo worldInfo;
private int daysAlive;
private boolean isNight;

public ExtendedPlayer(EntityPlayer player)
	this.player = player;
	this.world = player.worldObj;
	this.worldInfo = world.getWorldInfo();

public static final void register(EntityPlayer player)
	player.registerExtendedProperties(ExtendedPlayer.DAY_INFO, new ExtendedPlayer(player));

public static final ExtendedPlayer get(EntityPlayer player)
return (ExtendedPlayer) player.getExtendedProperties(DAY_INFO);

public void saveNBTData(NBTTagCompound compound)
	NBTTagCompound properties = new NBTTagCompound();
	properties.setInteger("DaysAlive", this.daysAlive);
	properties.setBoolean("IsNight", this.isNight);
	compound.setTag(DAY_INFO, properties);

public void loadNBTData(NBTTagCompound compound)
	NBTTagCompound properties = (NBTTagCompound) compound.getTag(DAY_INFO);
	this.daysAlive = properties.getInteger("DaysAlive");
	this.isNight = properties.getBoolean("IsNight");
	System.out.println("Days alive from NBT: " + this.daysAlive);

public void init(Entity entity, World world)

public void addDay()
//Not exactly necessary since NBTData is cleared upon death
public void resetDays()

public int getDaysAlive()
	return this.daysAlive;

public void makeDay()

public void makeNight()

public boolean getNight()
	return this.isNight;

public World getWorld()
	return this.world;

public WorldInfo getWorldInfo()
	return this.worldInfo;



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