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[SOLVED] RenderGameOverlayEvent: any reason to use a particular ElementType?


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I'm in the process of consolidating my various Gui Overlays to all be called from the same event handler, rather than each being registered as their own independent event handler, and it got me curious:


- Is there any reason to choose one ElementType over another when rendering an overlay?


- Is there any reason NOT to use the same ElementType for all Gui Overlays? They render just fine regardless of which I use.


What I'm doing is this:

public void onRenderExperienceBar(RenderGameOverlayEvent.Post event) {
if (event.type != RenderGameOverlayEvent.ElementType.EXPERIENCE) {
	return; // chose a random element type to use for all overlays
// My event handler class has a List of IGuiOverlays to render
for (IGuiOverlay overlay : overlays) {
	if (overlay.shouldRender(event.type)) {

As you can see from IGuiOverlay#shouldRender, I originally looped over all gui overlays for every single element type and let them decide whether they should render or not, but that seemed inefficient, so I ended up with an EnumMap<ElementType, List<IGuiOverlay>> to reduce how many times my code was lopping, and that seemed like overkill. Thus the above questions.




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The event is fired for every element on every frame. Since your rendering only needs to happen once per frame, you pick the proper element type. For example the experience bar element rendering only happens in survival mode.

Maker of the Craft++ mod.

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The event is fired for every element on every frame. Since your rendering only needs to happen once per frame, you pick the proper element type. For example the experience bar element rendering only happens in survival mode.

Yes, I know that, which is why I'm limiting the event to only handle one element type. My question is whether there is any reason to choose one element type over another.


Rendering in creative vs. survival would be such a reason, if it were true (it's true that the experience bar itself does not render in creative, but the event still fires for that element type so custom GUI elements can still render just fine).

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If you dont care then use the pre or post events. The specific ones are if you wanna modify cancel or do additinal stuff with the rendering of specific things.

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