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Block with Textures from 2 Terrain Sprites


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Yes typically, unless you do a custom renderer, the simplest solution is to write a TextureFX that will copy a texture from one sprite sheet to another.

It's fairly easy to do, just need to look into it.

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I do use a custom renderer for my block but the renderer still uses my one Sprite, Can you please help me making my one TextureFX, I would really appreciate it  :):


package mtm.src.render;


import net.minecraft.src.Block;

import net.minecraft.src.IBlockAccess;

import net.minecraft.src.RenderBlocks;

import net.minecraft.src.Tessellator;

import cpw.mods.fml.client.registry.ISimpleBlockRenderingHandler;

import cpw.mods.fml.client.registry.RenderingRegistry;


public class MTMTankRenderer implements ISimpleBlockRenderingHandler


public static final int MTMTankRenderID = RenderingRegistry.getNextAvailableRenderId();



public void renderInventoryBlock(Block block, int metadata, int modelID, RenderBlocks renderer)





public boolean renderWorldBlock(IBlockAccess world, int x, int y, int z, Block block, int renderType, RenderBlocks renderBlock)


Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.instance;


if(renderType == MTMTankRenderID)


float metaData = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z);

float fluidHeight = (metaData / 4) + (y - 1);



//renderBlock.renderStandardBlock(block, x, y, z);



renderBlock.renderBottomFace(block, x, fluidHeight, z, Block.waterStill.blockIndexInTexture);

renderBlock.renderTopFace(block, x, fluidHeight, z, Block.waterStill.blockIndexInTexture);

renderBlock.renderEastFace(block, x, fluidHeight, z + 0.06F, Block.waterStill.blockIndexInTexture);

renderBlock.renderWestFace(block, x, fluidHeight, z - 0.06F, Block.waterStill.blockIndexInTexture);

renderBlock.renderNorthFace(block, x + 0.06F, fluidHeight, z, Block.waterStill.blockIndexInTexture);

renderBlock.renderSouthFace(block, x - 0.06F, fluidHeight, z, Block.waterStill.blockIndexInTexture);


renderBlock.renderBottomFace(block, x, y, z, block.getBlockTextureFromSide(0));

renderBlock.renderTopFace(block, x, y, z, block.getBlockTextureFromSide(1));

renderBlock.renderEastFace(block, x, y, z, block.getBlockTextureFromSide(2));

renderBlock.renderWestFace(block, x, y, z, block.getBlockTextureFromSide(3));

renderBlock.renderNorthFace(block, x, y, z, block.getBlockTextureFromSide(4));

renderBlock.renderSouthFace(block, x, y, z, block.getBlockTextureFromSide(5 ));



return true;




public boolean shouldRender3DInInventory()


return false;




public int getRenderId()


return MTMTankRenderID;





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:-[ I'm so sorry that I keep bothering you but how do you mean,
switch your textures
and how can you create your one TextureFX's. I have searched the whole forum for this but I keep finding, use ModLoader, use Optifine, use Forge, use MCPather etz. I would really like a clear explaination from somebody. I would reallry like that.  :)
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