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[1.7.2] Teleporting to where your cursor is at?


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You'll need to look into ray tracing in minecraft forge. Either find a forum topic about it, or look in the essentials of the vanilla code to see how it's used (e.g. when a block is even selected).


I've haven't ever done anything like this, so that's all I can tell you, sorry :P



I like to make mods, just like you. Here's one worth checking out

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You could cheat and make an invisible entity that is not affected by gravity, so when the player uses the item it shoots out one of those and teleports the player upon impact.


If you want to be able to teleport somewhere even if the player isn't looking at a block (or don't want to use an entity), then you can traverse the player's look vector using for loops to increment each posX/Y/Z by the vector's corresponding coordinates until you either have run 128 iterations (traveled 128 block distances) or hit a block, at which point you teleport the player to that position (or that position minus one or two, if you hit a block).

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Ray Tracing is probably a good idea, I'll take a look at that stuff.

What I'm probably thinking about doing is writing a code that simulates the /tp command, but instead of using the coords or target player, it would use the block you're looking at.

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I made a teleport wand (cursor location) a few weeks ago, in Forge, I will tell you how I did it :P




I created a special class for the teleportation and made a method [void] method with (World, EntityPlayer) for the whatchamacallit [forgot ><, someone please tell me] Checking if the world is NOT remote, I get the player's look location [getLook] and position [getPosition] through vectors (Vec3) [vector, lookVector], and multiplying the lookVector (x, y, z) by 50 doubles (50D) to another vector (addedVector).

Then I used (World.clip(Vec3, Vec3)) as a MovingObjectPosition to create an object (that helps locate the error you are looking at). Checking if the moving object is not null, and the thing it hits is a block, I save the coordinates of where it hits, and teleport the player to the location of the saved coordinates through the server net handler, making fall distance to 0F to remove fall damage.


I might give you PSUEDO CODE if you need more help/this makes NO sense.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I made a teleport wand (cursor location) a few weeks ago, in Forge, I will tell you how I did it :P




I created a special class for the teleportation and made a method [void] method with (World, EntityPlayer) for the whatchamacallit [forgot ><, someone please tell me] Checking if the world is NOT remote, I get the player's look location [getLook] and position [getPosition] through vectors (Vec3) [vector, lookVector], and multiplying the lookVector (x, y, z) by 50 doubles (50D) to another vector (addedVector).

Then I used (World.clip(Vec3, Vec3)) as a MovingObjectPosition to create an object (that helps locate the error you are looking at). Checking if the moving object is not null, and the thing it hits is a block, I save the coordinates of where it hits, and teleport the player to the location of the saved coordinates through the server net handler, making fall distance to 0F to remove fall damage.


I might give you PSUEDO CODE if you need more help/this makes NO sense.

I know what you're trying to say, but a bit of code might help. :P

Thanks tho! :D

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I made a similar item and this worked for me. I also didn't want the y to increase but I think you can figure that out


In onItemRightClick

double distance = 128;
double a = Math.toRadians(player.rotationYaw);
double dx = -Math.sin(a) * distance;
double dz = Math.cos(a) * distance;
player.setPositionAndUpdate(player.posX + dx, player.posY, player.posZ + dz);// takes in account for collisions with blocks.

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I'll try and give you the basic fields you need and you can rearrange them (if you really know how to use these, if not I'll give you cheats).

* looks at 1 month old stuff *

This might be a long post, but worth it for people to learn some things.


Like I said I created a Teleportation Handler with a teleport method.

public void teleport(World world, EntityPlayer player)


I checked if the world is not remote[server]:  (!world.isRemote)

Then got the player's position - adding the yCoord (++) by 1 to make sure you aren't inside the block.

Vec3 vec3 = player.getPosition(1.0F);


Then I get the look position, and send an invisible MovingObjectPosition - we'll save the block coord it hits later. ;)

I use [World#clip] because its a hardcoded method that helps with this - don't know what to call it :P

Vec3 lookVec = player.getLook(1.0F);
Vec3 aVector = vec3.addVector(lookVec.xCoord * 50.0D, lookVec.yCoord * 50.0D, lookVec.zCoord * 50.0D);
MovingObjectPosition movingObjPos = world.clip(vec3, aVector);


I then check if the MovingObject [movingObjPos] is not null, and the [typeOfHit] is a block (MovingObjectPosition.MovingObjectType.BLOCK)

proceeding, I create 3 ints and put each int with the [blockX, blockY, blockZ] of the MovingObject [movingObjPos]


I create an instance of the player as EntityPlayerMP - below if you are confused and/or need help.

EntityPlayerMP playerMP = (EntityPlayerMP)player;


Once again, I check if EntityPlayerMP's ServerNetHandler's Connection is not closed.

if (!playerMP.playerNetServerHandler.connectionClosed) 


I set the PlayerMP's position whilst updating it (setPositionAndUpdate):

playerMP.setPositionAndUpdate((double) blockX, (double) ((float) blockY + 1F), (double) blockZ);


Be sure after that you set the player's fallDistance to 0 floats [0F].



Phew. I'm done :D


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I'll try and give you the basic fields you need and you can rearrange them (if you really know how to use these, if not I'll give you cheats).

* looks at 1 month old stuff *

This might be a long post, but worth it for people to learn some things.


Like I said I created a Teleportation Handler with a teleport method.

public void teleport(World world, EntityPlayer player)


I checked if the world is not remote[server]:  (!world.isRemote)

Then got the player's position - adding the yCoord (++) by 1 to make sure you aren't inside the block.

Vec3 vec3 = player.getPosition(1.0F);


Then I get the look position, and send an invisible MovingObjectPosition - we'll save the block coord it hits later. ;)

I use [World#clip] because its a hardcoded method that helps with this - don't know what to call it :P

Vec3 lookVec = player.getLook(1.0F);
Vec3 aVector = vec3.addVector(lookVec.xCoord * 50.0D, lookVec.yCoord * 50.0D, lookVec.zCoord * 50.0D);
MovingObjectPosition movingObjPos = world.clip(vec3, aVector);


I then check if the MovingObject [movingObjPos] is not null, and the [typeOfHit] is a block (MovingObjectPosition.MovingObjectType.BLOCK)

proceeding, I create 3 ints and put each int with the [blockX, blockY, blockZ] of the MovingObject [movingObjPos]


I create an instance of the player as EntityPlayerMP - below if you are confused and/or need help.

EntityPlayerMP playerMP = (EntityPlayerMP)player;


Once again, I check if EntityPlayerMP's ServerNetHandler's Connection is not closed.

if (!playerMP.playerNetServerHandler.connectionClosed) 


I set the PlayerMP's position whilst updating it (setPositionAndUpdate):

playerMP.setPositionAndUpdate((double) blockX, (double) ((float) blockY + 1F), (double) blockZ);


Be sure after that you set the player's fallDistance to 0 floats [0F].



Phew. I'm done :D

Not to be that guy again, but you should be aware that EntityLivingBase#getPosition is CLIENT side only - you can not use this method when on a server or you will crash. You need to create your own Vec3 using the player's position coordinates:

// you can add 1 to the player's posY directly while creating the vector if you want:
Vec3 positionVector = world.getWorldVec3Pool().getVecFromPool(player.posX, player.posY + 1, player.posZ);

Anyway, the rest of the code should work, just thought it worth mentioning (I learned this one the hard way :P )

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Take a look at OgreSean's old Teleport Swords mod: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/157524-v181ogreseans-mods-mods-updated-for-181/


It's old, but the vector math is still relevant, you'd just need to change a couple of things to keep it relevant in today's methods. He also has a bit in there about adding "randomness" to the teleport, but you can just get rid of that stuff.

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