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Tree Puncher

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  1. Yes I understood but keep not knowing how to. Do you know any open source project that did it please ?
  2. Yes but I don't know how to intercept the response, so I'm trying to get it when it is processed and saved in GuiChat.
  3. I'm using a command to get this list. First I write "/ping " then I press TAB to show me the tab completion list. After that, I try to get the private list of GuiChat but it throw me an exception. If I closed the chat before getting this list, the GuiChat would be reset and I don't know how I could get him by the way.
  4. It is because I don't close the chat and I made an event to tell me when a new GuiScreen is opened.
  5. Searching into the code of Minecraft, I found that GuiChat class has a foundPlayerNames list but it is private. Therefore, I searched for reflection method to access it but I still get a java.lang.NoSuchFieldException Here one try of getting this list: getDeclaredField(Minecraft.getMinecraft().currentScreen, "foundPlayerNames") With method: public static Object getDeclaredField(Object object, String field) { try { Field f = object.getClass().getDeclaredField(field); f.setAccessible(true); return f.get(object); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } Thanks in advance if anyone know why I get this error.
  6. Because I want all players connected on the bungee network and not only who that are on "my" server.
  7. Hi ! I'm creating a mod that needs to check if certains players are online on a bungee network (of minecraft of course). To do that, I thought about the tab completion when we start the name of a player it is suggested with online players. I did some researchs and found that it's managed with a packet. I'm sending it with: Minecraft.getMinecraft().getNetHandler().addToSendQueue(new C14PacketTabComplete("/test ")); But I don't know how to retrieve the packet with the list of player names that the server send me back. In others words, how can I check when the client receive a specific vanilla packet ? I found that I would have to change the NetworkHandler but I don't really understand how... If anyone know how to do that, it would be really nice. Have a nice day.
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