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andr4826's Achievements

Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Hello everyone! I have the following code snippet that's supposed to make a "robot" called _scriptedEntity in-game turn to face a given Entity called "entity" and attack the entity if the _scriptedEntity is within range.. I can not for the life of me how ever understand what .swingarm is supposed to do? my thought was that I could use the method to achieve the swinging arm animation of _scriptedEntity.. how ever I don't understand what actual parameters .swingarm is supposed to have and why? _scriptedEntity extends entityCreature tl:dr; How do I animate _scriptedEntity to swing his arm? @Override public void attack(Entity entity){ //turn and face entity this._scriptedEntity.faceEntity(entity,360.0f,360.0f); //attack target if (this.getDistanceTo(entity) <3.0) { //swing animation.... wait wat? this._scriptedEntity.swingArm(); //give damage entity.getWrappedEntity().attackEntityFrom(DamageSource.GENERIC, 1.0f); } }
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