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Everything posted by 1BowTiesAreCool1

  1. I tried to make it so that my treasure sword drops more exp than normal. The exp part works but when I die minecraft crashes. Code that gives errors @SubscribeEvent public void onEXPCalc (LivingExperienceDropEvent event) { if (event.getAttackingPlayer().getHeldItemMainhand().getItem() == ItemInit.SWORD_TREASURE) { event.setDroppedExperience(1000); } } crash report crashreport1.txt
  2. I'm trying to figure out how to make zombies pathfind ladders, I've already made it so they can go up ladders, they're just not walking toward the ladders. Please help.
  3. My school can't do anything, so that's a downside. And I haven't heard about any kind of summer programs in my town, only summer school, which doesn't offer any programming as far as I know. I also begin in gymnasium(the swedish version of high school) in tenth grade. I'd love to learn it now and not wait until gymnasium.
  4. package bowtiesarecool.coulored_lights.init; import bowtiesarecool.coulored_lights.items.ItemStrangeDust; import bowtiesarecool.coulored_lights.items.ItemStrangeTool; import bowtiesarecool.coulored_lights.items.ItemWork; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.ModelResourceLocation; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry; public class ModItems { public static Item work; public static Item strange_dust; public static Item strange_tool; public static void Init(){ work = new ItemWork(); strange_dust = new ItemStrangeDust(); strange_tool = new ItemStrangeTool(); } public static void register() { GameRegistry.register(work); GameRegistry.register(strange_dust); GameRegistry.register(strange_tool); } public static void registerRenders() { registerRender(work); registerRender(strange_dust); registerRender(strange_tool); } private static void registerRender(Item item) { Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().getItemModelMesher().register(item, 0, new ModelResourceLocation(item.getRegistryName(), "inventory")); } } The error occurs in strange_tool = new ItemStrangeTool();
  5. The error switches sources between ModItems(my class for the initialization of items) and ItemStrangeTool
  6. But it doesn't, I had the same problem with another item and solved it, but I don't remember how
  7. Implicit super constructor ItemTool() is undefined for default constructor. Must define an explicit constructor This error pops up in this code: public class ItemStrangeTool extends ItemTool { protected ItemStrangeTool(float attackDamageIn, float attackSpeedIn, ToolMaterial materialIn, Set<Block> effectiveBlocksIn) { super(attackDamageIn, attackSpeedIn, materialIn, effectiveBlocksIn); } } How do I fix this?
  8. public void onFallenUpon(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, Entity entityIn, float fallDistance) { if (entityIn.isSneaking()) { super.onFallenUpon(worldIn, pos, entityIn, fallDistance); } else { entityIn.fall(fallDistance, 0.0F); } } public void onLanded(World worldIn, Entity entityIn) { if (entityIn.isSneaking()) { super.onLanded(worldIn, entityIn); } else if (entityIn.motionY < 0.0D) { entityIn.motionY = -entityIn.motionY * 1; if (!(entityIn instanceof EntityLivingBase)) { entityIn.motionY *= 0.0D; } } } public void onEntityWalk(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, Entity entityIn) { if (Math.abs(entityIn.motionY) < 0.1D && !entityIn.isSneaking()) { double d0 = 0.4D + Math.abs(entityIn.motionY) * 0.2D; entityIn.motionX *= d0; entityIn.motionZ *= d0; } super.onEntityWalk(worldIn, pos, entityIn); }
  9. But I have one more problem, I bounce when I'm standing still atop the block, is there anyway I can prevent this?
  10. Yeah, but here's the problem, I've tried changing the value but it doesn't seem to affect the bouncing at all
  11. public void onLanded(World worldIn, Entity entityIn) { if (entityIn.isSneaking()) { super.onLanded(worldIn, entityIn); } else if (entityIn.motionY < 0.0D) { entityIn.motionY = -entityIn.motionY; if (!(entityIn instanceof EntityLivingBase)) { entityIn.motionY *= 0.9D; } } } The last value
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