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Everything posted by fcelon

  1. I just found my own way how to get the HandsDropChances from entity NBT, but thanks for help anyway.
  2. Hi, how can I get drop chance of item held by an entity? I know it's stored in NBT, but I don't know, how to acces it. Thanks for your help.
  3. Thanks you very much, there just shouldn't be a first slash. Now it works.
  4. Hello I have my mcmod.info at C:\Users\Petr Myslík\Desktop\Workspace\mod project\src\main\resources and the image i want to use as logo at C:\Users\Petr Myslík\Desktop\Workspace\mod project\src\main\resources\assets\mujmajnkraftsbettersurvival\images. How should the right adress at "logoFile" be? Thanks for help
  5. Sorry, but I'm still quite unfamiliar with Java. When I tried use Arrow.shootingEntity, it always returned me null. What should I do?
  6. Thanks, the problem with worldObj.getClosestPlayerToEntity was, that the entity wasn't in the world yet at the moment the event triggered.
  7. I tried to create a bow enchantment, that adds shot arrows custom ability (like explosion upon impact), but it seems to be impossible in 1.10. I tried to use ArrowLooseEvent, but there is no information about EntinyArrow, that was shot, so I can't give it custom tag. I also tried EntityConstructingEvent, but for EntinyArrow is no way to get the entity, that shot the arrow, so I can't check if the is it the player with enchanted bow. Finally, I tried to get closest player to the arrow and test if he has the enchantment, but it always returns null. I have absolutely no idea, why Forge doesn' t allow us to get the entity, that shot the arrow and why worldObj.getClosestPlayerToEntity doesn't work for me.
  8. I'm sorry, but I think I can override this only in enchantment class, not in item class. Because of it, I can't override this for vanilla enchantments.
  9. Hello, I want to make a new weapon with custom abilities, custom attribute modifiers and no sweep attack, so I'm going to create a new type of item for it instead of extending ItemSword. However, I don't want to create my own enchantments for that weapon. Is there any way to allow sword enchantments to enchant that item even if it's not ItemSword? Thanks for any help or informations.
  10. Even if you're looking up or down it's one of that four directions. It' s basicly the direction the player is facing. And it' s not completely accurate. The side of block palyer is looking at may not be the same af the side player is facing.
  11. This didn't solve my problem. This only works horizontaly (west, east, south, north), but not verticaly (up, down). It also returns the direction the player is looking at, but not the side of the block he is looking at.
  12. Hello, I wanna make an enchantment, that allows player to break bocks in 3x3 area. However, I need to know, on which side of block is the player looking, when he breaks it. The problem is, that I'm using BreakEvent and it seems to trigger when the block is already broken, so I can't get the side by Minecraft.getMinecraft().objectMouseOver.sideHit. Does anyone have an idea, how to solve this problem?
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