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Everything posted by R3DKn16h7

  1. I have a few suggestion to improve the quality of the "CraftingHelper" class: - "register" should be private, as it doesn't work for custom registrations even if you want. - what about adding some extra custom conditions? E.g. public class ForgeHasOreConditionFactory implements IConditionFactory { @Override public BooleanSupplier parse(JsonContext context, JsonObject json) { String ore = JsonUtils.getString(json, "ore"); return () -> OreDictionary.doesOreNameExist(ore); } } - would somebody be interested if I write a section on 1.12 recipes to add https://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ ?
  2. I am currently developing a Chemistry based mod. Is in a very (very very) early stage, I spent most of the time building a small infrastructure for it. If somebody is interested in helping out (testing, playing, giving feedback, suggesting features, developing, painting, ...) that would be awesome. Keep in mind is for 1.11.2. I am looking for people to have fun creating the mod with (do not need to be experts). Main idea: bring elements to the Minecraft world. The mod must be fun and instructive (and possibly late game OP). So far: there is a way to handle elements trough capabilities. Elements are the core of the mod. The main idea is: we have "containers" for elements that we can use in various manners. Such as crafting, special effects, etc... This is the basis of all. some machine/special blocks: an "Extractor", to obtain Chemical Elements a "Chemical furnace" that "burns" elements and gives items, energy, fluids a proper clock, emitting the correct redstone signal a "time machine" that changes the day (very early stage) a lamp that can be configured a "Detector" that emits redstone when a player is nearby custom armor, shields (very early stage) a manual (of course), currently empty but the infrastructure is there (very early stage) Items: A portable beacon, you fill this with Elements and get various effects depending on the element. A potato battery (mandatory), not sure what it does Ore duping (ahah of course) Explosions Real chemistry Plan for future: have a "progress" system Plans for far future: isotopes and molecules The standard applies: there is some early support for JEI, Baubles and I will to use Forge Energy/Tesla. Mandatory screenshots: The GUI for the extractor: redstone configurable, side configurable, and whatnot Extractor JEI interface, standard (a Canister is the default container, I also plan to differentiate between solid/liquid/gas containers). because why not? I plan for the potato battery to be the kickstarter of the mod (the items that let's you start with the mod). Baublyfied Portable Beacon, my proudest creation so far. Uses elements to give you abilities. Manual with comprehensive periodic table... ...and pages for each element. If you are interested: https://github.com/FilippoLeon/KernCraft
  3. So, I'm writing this mod, and I would love to share this experience with other people. I started modding a few months back and love it: I have ideas and willingness to create a nice mod. But I'm sure in group is goin' to be a hell of a lot of fun. Who am I looking for? Literally anybody: I myself am bad at art, even if pixel-art. So a pixel artist would be awesome. I do programming and (by now) I know some stuff about modding, and I'm willing to share my (little) experience with others. But I'm also prepared to learn. So if you are a newbie modder or you are a genius at it, I just do not care. Also ideas and feedback appreciated. Whoami Actually, I have never written a single line of Java before starting with modding, always relying on C++ (especially for work), C# or python (or anything else ). Sometimes I still am confused about some "meta" technique that only Java uses, but I'm starting to get a hang of it. Why? The idea is to have fun. I like coding, I like doing ugly pixel art, and modding is extremely fun. If I manage to write something others can enjoy, then I am extra happy. Plans The idea is probably one many already had and nothing extremely original (looking at AtomiCraft, but even Azanor's Thaumcraft). Here is the idea: manipulating items by decomposing them to the chemical elements (Hydrogen, Helium, ...) that constitute them. I want something that is somehow scientifically accurate (so learn while having fun). Knowing myself I also want to put some dark humour into the mix . On top of this there would be a layer of somewhat useful/fancy items, crafted using "element decomposition" mechanic(s). So it's gonna be a tech mod. And I am dreaming big. Here some examples: - of curse a way to store elements within Minecraft, this I've done so far using items with NBT data; - a way to obtain/craft with chemical elements: this includes shaped/shapeless crafting, but also machines, like: - an extractor (DONE), that "decomposes" an item into it's fundamental elements (at a cost), for instance iron ingots in (you guessed it) iron. - a "composer?/synthesiser" that creates items from elements (at a cost) - fusion reactor: create heavier elements - fission reactor: create lighter elements - power gen: (of course) fission/fusion should have a power gen feature - ore duplication (of course ) or more - weapons/armor/shields Some item that I added/plan to add shortly (that has nothing to do with the mechanics): - detector (DONE): an item that emits Redstone when a player is within a specified space (can be made configurable) - clock (DONE): an item that emits a Redstone based on the real time (not a Minecraft solar panel) - a time-machine: configurable to set the time of the day (at a cost ofc) - a lamp (yes, a lamp): that emits light as specified by a GUI - a portable beacon: name says it all - a manual (with some accurate scientific information and standard stuffs) - integration with other mods: usual stuff What is there for now? I already written a bunch of ugly code and painted some extremely ugly texture, to demonstrate the intent. Here some ideas: https://www.youtube.com/my_videos?o=U TL;DR whatever, just join me PS: why a new mod and not join another team/mod? I want something different.
  4. I am currently writing a mod, and I would love to find collaborators. Am I allowed to "promote" here? If yes, then I will. Otherwise just close. PS: its technically a request for help, but not as intended in "Mod Support". So I guess it belongs here.
  5. So, I just recently stared to look into modding. I am currently implementing awesome new shields. There is a piece of code in PlayerEntity, that I do not understand: this.worldObj.setEntityState(entityplayer, (byte)30); AFAIK, from the code, each (Living?) entity has some state that is misteriously represented by a byte value. Any enlightened individual knows the deal? Any mapping state->what it means? PS: my guess is that is the same as IBlockState, just much less cooler.
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