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Everything posted by Pikachu923

  1. I don't understand why this isn't working... Blockstate File: Can anyone help? Feel free to ask for other files.
  2. The debugger in didn't help me. I might be doing something wrong though.
  3. With Decimals, they are still just falling straight down
  4. So update, The entities are actually spawning items of their blocks that respect their velocity. I'm rather confused.
  5. I turned it up a lot because they're not moving at all. And they still don't move, just fall.
  6. I don't understand why this isn't working. No matter what I do, the blocks always fall strait down. public void execute(Chunk chunk, int topIn){ World world = chunk.getWorld(); if(world.isRemote) return; Random rand = new Random(); int x = (chunk.getPos().getXEnd() - chunk.getPos().getXStart())/2 + chunk.getPos().getXStart(); int z = (chunk.getPos().getZEnd() - chunk.getPos().getZStart())/2 + chunk.getPos().getZStart(); BlockPos top = new BlockPos(x,topIn,z); for(MutableBlockPos pos : BlockPos.getAllInBoxMutable(top.add(-3, -3, -3), top.add(3, 3, 3))){ EntityFallingBlock entity = new EntityFallingBlock(world, pos.getX(), pos.getY()+2, pos.getZ(), Blocks.STONE.getDefaultState()); if(rand.nextInt(100)+1 < 20){ world.spawnEntity(entity); entity.fallTime = 1; entity.addVelocity(range(rand,10,20), range(rand,10,20), range(rand,10,20)); } } } private int range(Random rand, int min, int max){ return rand.nextInt((max - min) + 1) + min; } Any help is appreciated, Thanks!
  7. I want to know if a player is around the chunk. That's why I was trying to see if the chunk was unloaded, so that I know a player isn't nearby anymore.
  8. I just need to know if a chunk is loaded. I used this as a workaround for now, but it is deprecated. world.isAreaLoaded(new BlockPos(chunk.getPos().getXStart(),70,chunk.getPos().getZStart()), new BlockPos(chunk.getPos().getXEnd(),70,chunk.getPos().getZEnd()))
  9. What happened to the chunk.isLoaded() function? How can I check if a chunk is loaded in forge 1.14?
  10. I can't launch Forge 1.10.2- I keep getting a java.lang.InvocationTargetExceotion. I am running on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 64bit, with Java 1.8.0_171-b11, giving the server 10GB of RAM (I have 64GB, I don't think that's a problem) Terminal Output:
  11. Please help me, I don't know what I did wrong. I am trying to make the item take durability damage on crafting in minecraft 1.7.10. (P.S I am new to modding) Thanks in advanced
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