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Everything posted by an_awsome_person

  1. I did that, and it didn't change anything. I know how to use conditionals, loops, methods, single-dimensional arrays, how to make classes, and how to use objects to store information. Is there a particular skill I need to learn to make modding easier?
  2. Not much, really. I copied it from someone else's mod.
  3. Can you teach me how to use proxies? How do I fix this?
  4. This is what my RenewabilityMod class looks like right now. Here you go. (this is after the changes to RenewabilityMod) Can you be more specific? I know almost nothing about Java.
  5. My mod has one non-vanilla item. When I run it, the item displays the "no texture" texture but otherwise behaves like it's supposed to. My texture file is resources\assets\renewabilitymod\textures\item\chain_mail.png. This is my code. java\com\renewability\renewabilitymod\RenewabilityMod.java java\main\ModItems.java java\client\ItemsModelsHandler.java java\items\ItemChainMail.java resources\assets\renewabilitymod\models\item\chain_mail.json What am I doing wrong?
  6. This is what I changed since the last post. The game doesn't run any different. (textures of added items don't show up) java\com\renewability\renewabilitymod\RenewabilityMod.java java\main\ModItems.java java\client\ItemsModelsHandler.java I didn't change any of the below files. They're copied here for reference. java\items\ItemChainMail.java resources\assets\renewabilitymod\models\item\chain_mail.json What am I doing wrong?
  7. Can you give the specific files in which I can find each of these lines of code? I'm not good at searching stuff on Github.
  8. I tried this, and it didn't work. (I replaced technorcery:items/fennel with renewabilitymod:items/chain_mail, of course)
  9. Can you show my your entire class? I'm having a hard time following this.
  10. Well did the textures load? Were there any errors in the log? warnings in the log? The textures didn't load properly on either one. Log from running Draco18s's suggestion: Log from running SuperHB's suggestion:
  11. Here's my code. I hope I did it right. I got an error message on new ModelResourceLocation(chainMail.getRegistryName()); It says, "The constructor ModelResourceLocation(ResourceLocation) is undefined". What do I do now? The constructor your using takes a string and your giving it a ResourceLocation. All you have to do is add a comma and add the string "inventory" after the comma like so: ModelResourceLocation chainMailLocation = new ModelResourceLocation(chainMail.getRegistryName(), "inventory"); or do what Draco18s suggested I tried both of them. It fixed the compiler error, but the item still has no texture when I run the game. Post updated code and JSONs. That's a lot of quotes. Anyway, this is my interpretation of Draco18s's post ...and my interpretation of SuperHB's post. I didn't change anything else since I last posted this, but for your convenience, here it is. class ItemChainMail chain_mail.json Did I do it right? What should I do now?
  12. Here's my code. I hope I did it right. I got an error message on new ModelResourceLocation(chainMail.getRegistryName()); It says, "The constructor ModelResourceLocation(ResourceLocation) is undefined". What do I do now? The constructor your using takes a string and your giving it a ResourceLocation. All you have to do is add a comma and add the string "inventory" after the comma like so: ModelResourceLocation chainMailLocation = new ModelResourceLocation(chainMail.getRegistryName(), "inventory"); or do what Draco18s suggested I tried both of them. It fixed the compiler error, but the item still has no texture when I run the game.
  13. Here's my code. I hope I did it right. I got an error message on new ModelResourceLocation(chainMail.getRegistryName()); It says, "The constructor ModelResourceLocation(ResourceLocation) is undefined". What do I do now?
  14. I'm trying to texture an item. Sorry if there's any confusion. Anyway, here's the code you asked for. class ItemChainMail class ModItems chain_mail.json
  15. I think you mean 0. I already tried 0 and nothing happened. What am I doing wrong? What information do you need in order to answer the previous question?
  16. A ResourceLocation is composed of a domain and a path. A ModelResourceLocation is composed of a domain, a path and a variant. The ModelResourceLocation(String) takes all three as a string in the format "[domain]:[path]#[variant]" . The ModelResourceLocation(String, String) constructor takes the domain and path in the format "[domain]:[path]" as the first argument and the variant as the second argument. The ModelResourceLocation(ResourceLocation, String) constructor takes the domain and the path as the first argument (a ResourceLocation ) and the variant as the second argument (a string). You can set the ModelResourceLocation for an item using ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation / setCustomMeshDefinition . Apparently, ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation requires an int as an argument. What int should I use? I tried using 0 already and nothing happened. I also want to know in which class I'm supposed to call ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation.
  17. The item model you've specified doesn't exist. If an exception occurs when loading the item model, Forge will try to load the model specified by the corresponding variant of a blockstates file. I have a more detailed explanation of the model loading process here. What are domains and paths? How do I find this information for a particular item?
  18. I posted everything in the console, just in case I missed something.
  19. My .json file is at D:\forge\src\main\resources\assets\renewabilitymod\models\item and is called chain_mail.json. It looks like this. { "parent": "builtin/generated", "textures": { "layer0": "renewabilitymod:items/chain_mail" }, "display": { "thirdperson": { "rotation": [-90, 0, 0], "translation": [0, 1, -3], "scale": [0.55, 0.55, 0.55 ] }, "firstperson": { "rotation": [0, -135, 25 ], "translation": [0, 4, 2 ], "scale": [1.7, 1.7, 1.7] } } } My .png file is at D:\forge\src\main\resources\assets\renewabilitymod\textures\items and is called chain_mail.png. It's not showing up when I run my mod. Did I give the wrong name to the .png file? If not, what is the problem?
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