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  1. Got a lot of stored types inside the block which creates a different tent depending on the crafting input. Just an example of the planning. thank you, hopefully I can work it out
  2. I've got a lot of customisation in one block would be too many json files to even think about. With this IRecipe file would make it easier to create the recipes, I just can't figure out how to get it to craft my block. Do I need to register the RecipeTents file anywhere else?
  3. Tying to add a property which is stored inside a tile entity to a block when the block gets crafted. I can add the property with JSON files but don't want to make hundreds of files. Hoping working on IRecipe for few days and hoping someone could point me in the right direction _factory file RecipeTents.java
  4. Thank you for the help draco I've played around with the code and got it working nicely with texture layers. Got one more question about creating a recipe for this block. I can create recipes for all the fabric type but I'm not sure how to go about adding the size property to the block. Have been looking at how fireworks are created which could be one option. Just wondering if anyone had any tips or ideas on the best way to add recipes with properties stored in the tileentity?
  5. Think I found the problem: java.lang.Exception: Could not load model definition for variant campcraft:tentblock Full log:
  6. I remove the other fabric variations while I get the size properties to work. Spent few days trying different ways to get this json file to work. My other blocks with fabric data work fine just blocktent not loading correctly My last attempt using the vanilla format. Error code loading model.
  7. The new properties show up in Minecraft just wanted to check I was storing the properties correctly before I add a few more properties to my block. block in Minecraft. the texture does work until I add size variation to the blockstate, included error at the bottom. BlockTent.java TileEntityTent tentblock.json - if I remove the size variation the textures show up correctly. Error Code - blockstate was working fine before I started adding tent size, wasn't sure if I was storing the size data incorrectly.
  8. Just seeing if it was possible to create recipes for a block with multiple properties which have been stored in the tile entity. stored the block size and different lighting types in the tile entity. stored the light colours in meta. I can create recipes for all the meta but not sure how to get the actual state for the other data in the recipe.
  9. Thank you Choonster After few hours got type/facing working [/img]
  10. My bad though properties had increased the limit for some reason . My mad ramblings Always been unsure with using meta data so I properly will be wrong in a minute , I've never used multiple values in metadata before. so each bit can hold 4 combinations of a single value. This is my thinking: 2 bits to store 8 fabric variation. 1 bit for the size. 1 bit for equipment. Then store the block rotation in the tile entity.
  11. Thank you for the helping didn't think about storing block data inside a TileEntity. Should look something like this once finished: Facing - 4 values n/e/s/w: stored in TileEntity. Size - 3 values : s/m/l. stored in block class Equipment - 3 values : empty/torch/lantern. stored in block class Fabric Type - 10 values. stored in block class Should be fun playing around with properties
  12. Im currently rewriting/improving my camping mod. Main goal is to use less blocks as possible. It's not a lot more code to add different tent variation just don't like using lots of block ids Problem I have is my old mod used 90 different blocks just for tents: *i do have block states on all tents to check the direction placed so tents are placed in all directions. Tent version with torches, makes tents easy to craft on first night. -10 small tent with torches/bed. -10 medium tent with torches/bed. 10 large tent with torches/bed. Tent version with lanterns. -10 small tent with lanterns/bed. -10 medium tent with lanterns/bed. 10 large tent with lanterns/bed. Empty tent with nothing inside. -10 small tent. -10 medium tent. 10 large tent Im just wondering is it possible to add more block states to a block with different outcomes when right clicked or maybe a simpler alternative?
  13. Thanks for the link, got code working when I first started coding was easier to check the block ids as mc didn't have many blocks, I've got the code checking the block material types which seems to be working fine now Was upgrading from 1.5.2. Problem was I was checking for the block ids of a loop of blocks to check no blocks are missing but couldn't call the block id as we have blockstates now, When I started few weeks ago wasn't a recommended 1.9 version and plan was to update to 1.8.9 then update to 1.9. Code shouldn't of changed to much between versions.
  14. Was trying to use a loop to check if an area of blocks is flat and if a block is missing return an-ingame error message to the player. using the array to check number of blocks on the ground Lvl0Id = new int[24];
  15. This is the code causing me few problems: Lvl0Id[count] = world.getBlockId(x, y, z); count++; Been awhile since I've done any modding, thought someone could help shine some light
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