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  1. Hello, I confirm MC 1.12.2 with MultiMC in Ubuntu Linux works best with Oracle JDK 1.8 version (download the tar.gz version). You may have to switch from OpenJDK8 to Oracle JDK 1.8
  2. done after updating/removing mods. Thanks.
  3. The anwer I fear the most Ok, I just have to grep the "net/minecraftforge/fml/common/registry/IForgeRegistryEntry" strings on files in all the mods to check the bad/old mods (in this instance : Cyclic, journeymap, Magical Map, modnametooltip, Quark, rftools, VillageName : only 7 of 45).
  4. It is great that Forge is already updated to 1.12 ! The mod authors also post many updates to get it work with the lastest versions of MC and Forge I like to have all up to date, but since tools like Curse client do not works on my config, I do all manually (may be you have some tips for that) This is a crash report using ~45 mods where MC stops on java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError issue (net/minecraftforge/fml/common/registry/IForgeRegistryEntry). At first view, I am not able to find whenever it is Forge or a mod (and which one) that generate the issue. Can someone help ? Thanks. fml-client-latest.log
  5. a issue is known on the BaseIO mod https://git.unitedworldminers.com/io/BaseIO/commit/14925dd31fd7b489ca2cfe1a7fe171d2b4e9ab7d Maybe you can get a BaseIO update to correct this ? https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/baseio (there a link to the jenkins site you can find the lastest updates for 1.7.10 and 1.10)
  6. Found a similar issue here : https://github.com/MJRLegends/Space-Astronomy-Feedback-/issues/271 If you use modpack, always check the modpack bugtracking first. The ModPack author suggest here that the last version is not used. The fact you omit to precise OS, Minecraft, Forge, and especially modpack versions you use does not help. phpr
  7. Strange. Did you check with another Java Runtime ? The default settings of the preinstalled JRE may cause issue to your configuration. you can test installing the lastest JRE 1.8.x Version and configure the launcher to use it (Oracle last JRE version is 1.8.0_91/1.8.0_92) Then, open your current Profile using forge => Java Settings (Advanced) Executable : the path where java.exe is installed (usually \Program Files\Java\jre.1.8.0_xx\bin\java.exe) JVM Arguments : normally you don't have to change it for a no or few mods game. After may have to add more heap (ex: -Xmx4G instead of -Xmx1G) Phpr
  8. Strange. Did you check with another Java Runtime ? The default settings of the preinstalled JRE may cause issue to your configuration. you can test installing the lastest JRE 1.8.x Version and configure the launcher to use it (Oracle last JRE version is 1.8.0_91/1.8.0_92) Then, open your current Profile using forge => Java Settings (Advanced) Executable : the path where java.exe is installed (usually \Program Files\Java\jre.1.8.0_xx\bin\java.exe) JVM Arguments : normally you don't have to change it for a no or few mods game. After may have to add more heap (ex: -Xmx4G instead of -Xmx1G) Phpr
  9. Well, There is no MinecraftLauncher.exe in linux, starting launcher.jar directly is safe in this system (May be I have to check if it there is an update sometimes). Shoud be the same on Windows 10: The exe file may be only a easy way to finally start "java -jar launcher.jar" Phpr
  10. Well, There is no MinecraftLauncher.exe in linux, starting launcher.jar directly is safe in this system (May be I have to check if it there is an update sometimes). Shoud be the same on Windows 10: The exe file may be only a easy way to finally start "java -jar launcher.jar" Phpr
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