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Everything posted by hydroflame

  1. well i have sortof a idea, you could extends EntityItem and change the update method a bit so that after x tick is automaticly find the closest block (in a range of 2x2x2 lets say) and "kills" itself and make a new plant block wherever it seems appropriate. actually this could be even cooler. you make a new kind of flower, set this flower to tick randomly and when it does you spawn polen or wtv that floats in the air, until it lands somewhere where it would either do nothing (lands on rock) or plant a new seed of the plant!
  2. use the wiki, people already made tutorials about both these subjects texture: "hydroflame guide to textures" wavefront files: "wavefront" or something like that on the wiki
  3. Item.Ids.ITEMAMETHYSTPICKAXE_ID whats that ?
  4. you can always change local variable inside the method you redefine, just not those in vanilla class
  5. comments are 100% safe as the compiler strips them when it compiles, as for variable name, youd have to check thigns about the srg file to add naming to it... i dont know much about it, so thats pretty much the only hint i can give you :\
  6. well heres i would start debugging that Block.blocksList[l1].onSetBlockIDWithMetaData(this.worldObj, j2, par2, k2, i2); the only thigns here that can throw an NPE is blocksList[l1].onSetBlockIDWithMetaData because j2, par2, k2, i2 can throw null and no one cares, this.worlObj can be null too if its a problem it would only throw an exception later so what i would do is right before this line is called: if(Block.blockList[l1]==null){ System.out.println("the block at "+l1+" was null :\ this is bad "); } Block.blocksList[l1].onSetBlockIDWithMetaData(this.worldObj, j2, par2, k2, i2); remember you can change the vanilla code but make sure to ctrl+z all your changes after (i do it a lot for debugging)
  7. no i mean, does the object exists, (like code wise) like the programe expect to find somethign at Block.blocksList[tallGrassId] and if theres nothing (because the block isnt created) well its gon crash
  8. well whatever this method is trying to get par1World.setBlock(i1, j1, k1, this.tallGrassID, 0, 2); im guessing its the plant but yeah, does thsi block exists at that point ?
  9. line 698 of Chunk.java: do you have your block generated at that point ?
  10. heu .. the method that buidl the structure wouldnt be public pseudo code of what i did: public class StructurebuilderThread extends Thread{ private ConcurrentLinkedQueue<BuildTask> tasks = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<BuildTask>(); public void addBuildTask(World world, int x, int y, int z){ tasks.add(new BuildMyStructure(world, x, y, z)); } public void run(){ while(true){ if(there is a task in queue){ executeTask(tasks.poll()); } } } private void executeTask(BuildTask task){ //actual building here } } anyway op, diesieben is right you should use ScheduledTickHandler
  11. the only i could see why it would fail is because of ssp when a player switch dimention. but if that happens just make a playertracker and send the message to the thread and ask it to finish all at once. i guess scheduledtickhandler could be more "safe" but my during my test i wasn't able to make it blow up with another thread ....
  12. you nake them accessible so we can read them
  13. why the hell not, it works
  14. most importantly generate your javadocs please
  15. shoot the task ti another thread and handle everything from there hint: Thread.sleep(500); wont do anything for 500ms
  16. yeah lot of ppl said that ill deff downscale my models, itll be easier for low-end computer too open beta should be avail soon on my server
  17. ISBRH = ISimpleBlockRenderingHandler, check the wiki theres a tutorial on it
  18. im french, i could translate pm me the link
  19. a class file which (last time i used) is full of errors
  20. maybe onItemUse isnt the right thing to use ?, theres a lot of similar function in Item.java
  21. good to knwo, i tought it couldnt yeha, but blender makes way more efficient models and way more beautifull models btw if your program ever outputs code, can you have a class that will automaticly use display list ?
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