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Everything posted by hydroflame

  1. heu ... yeah no shit you're having a NPE the EntityPlayer is never initialized btw not to be mean but i suggest you attack smaller mods. This is a pretty obvious error.
  2. Is it possible you are creating too manuy "generator" object ?
  3. if you use a maybe, because my current network blocks pastebin btw if you wanna check which side your on use: FMLCo[ac].instance().getEffectiveSide().isClient() ( the [ac] is auto complete, i dont remember the class name exactly)
  4. just wondering, how many memory (RAM, usually between 1 and does your machine have? have you change machine between the time it was workign and since it stoped working ?
  5. client side: Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer serverside(obviously not in a GUI): make a hashmap and store <String, EntityPlayerMP>
  6. Hi again, basicly you want your block to implement the "onNeighborBlockChange" method. it is called everytime a neighbor block is updated. Inside the implementations do world.getBlockTileEntity cast it into your "TileEntityPowerConduit" and call the updateEntity method you made Cheers, -hydroflame, FRev-
  7. nice find yeah my method was just trying to bypass the bug, not understand why its happening good job
  8. ah ok generic description: tile entities are used to store any extra information that wont fit in the metadata (aka a number between 0-15) vanilla blocks that use tile entities(TE): sign, store the text to be displayed, chest, store if if or not the chest is opened by someone, beacon, store how many buff are available and if its active. random idea i have at 6am just woke up: statue that holds buff that player can get and recover them periodically, 2 way teleporter, slot machine, bank for more exemple look at almost any mod on github. -hydroflame, FRev-
  9. yeah btw... the tessellator calls opengl function for you. using the tessellator is using opengl... whats happening when you draw this code? can you send a picture?
  10. "overhead a problem" ? no, not in minecraft, not for 24 vertices. opengl and computer can deal with this very easily, unless youre trying to render literally hundreds of players that way.
  11. 50% laziness 50% i didn't expect it to be that many changes my mod also does some small dirty vanilla modification ..... *shame on me* so i tend not to switch version too often. plus i heard that the texture thigny was changed in 1.5+ so i though i was good for a while. thanks ^^
  12. in which version of minecraft/forge does the method "getIcon" appears? im 1.5.1/forge and i cant seem to find it, is it a method of net.minecraft.block.Block ?
  13. Minecraft.getMinecraft().objectMouseOver.entityHit is the client side version of which entity the player is looking at if(Minecraft.getMinecraft().objectMouseOver.entityHit != null){ if(Minecraft.getMinecraft().objectMouseOver.entityHit instanceof EntityLiving){ //here you know the player is looking at a entityliving } } this is only for client side, if you want server side, send a packet
  14. Hi again, i found a way to bypass the bug. heuuuuu don't ask why, just know that the texture will render correctly after you draw at least 1 item with renderItem this is a code i was playing around, it seems to render fine even with 0 item to render i had to remove all "altars" related because i didn't have them, but it shouldn't affect the rendering code Cheer, -hydroflame, author FRev-
  15. Hey there, the forge wiki has one. http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Basic_Tile_Entity -hydroflame, author FRev-
  16. I think the answer he wants is: make a KeyHandler, bind a key and when that key is pressed (like R for reload) check what item the player has in its hand and call some reload function on it if its a gun or wtv you're trying to do.
  17. heu ..... i just noticed something you said its always the first one to be renderer that fails to have a texture 1 in the case of having "destinations" (or wtv you called your achievement-like-element) the first one to get drawn doesnt have a texture 2 in the case of no "destination" the overlay is white. is it possible that the first thing to get drawn will always be white.... if thats the case ... cant you just render anything in the background, somethign that will get drawn over by the gui ... this way youll pass over the "first thing drawn is white" -hydroflame-
  18. come to think of it it can be done in 1 pass .... 1 render normal skin 2 render scars (and everything that is directly over the skin like eyes and whatnot) 3 render hairs 4 render clothes (with alpha at this point you will also have the scars and skin) 5 render auras and whatever else you might have to. just be sure that theyre are in order and in 1 renderFunction call(exemple if you render scars after clothes you might see the scar OVER the clothes) it does requires you to rewrite the renderers.
  19. ahhh, yeah well with help you can usually do fine, tough watch out wich question you ask because people end up asking stuff were you just know they have no idea what they're doing. good modding
  20. interresting, though if you have something very visual you wouldnt want your players to have to interract with the statue to update the visual lets say hum .. idk a statue that glows when its ready to give a blessing. you would want players to know immidiately hen the statue is ready. not having to right click it to update it but yeah i would deff use it if it was container related thanks ^^ -hydroflame, author FRev-
  21. nightmare is angry because we told him to search before asking question Item.skull_1 means nothing
  22. every place it says "//here" but please learn to code before doing modding, if you couldnt figure it was because you didnt declare a variable you will clearly have much worst problem later on, sorry
  23. that is considering its possible to it in 2 pass, if its not, you'll have to find another way but I didn't know and would deffinitely consider trying thsi first (option a) as it would be wayyyyyy easier then render to textures -hydroflame, author FRev-
  24. as the change for 0 to 26, my fear was that it was actually in that space on the texture where theres nothing, turn out its not. I'm sorry i dont have any other idea other then hardcore debugging, but i would very much like to hear about the progress of this. Whats the name of the mod you're making and when do you think you'll be done ? the last thing you could try is straight up duplicate EVERYTHING the achievement thigny use and change things ONE BY ONE, slowly but surely -hydroflame, author FRev-
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