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  1. Hey ! Thanks for the response. I'm on minecraft version 1.8 (updated the header). Yeah true, I already have the @SubscribeEvent, just forgot to copy paste it with the other piece of code.
  2. Hi guys, So I'm developing an adaptive music player for a school project. I got most of the stuff working but I can't figure out how to stop the vanilla minecraft music. I found a similar project and I suspect they used this method: @SubscribeEvent public void onBackgroundMusic(PlayBackgroundMusicEvent event) { if(SongLoader.enabled) event.setCanceled(false); } But this doesn't work, since PlayBackgroundMusicEvent is "@Deprecated". Do you guys know any other method? Many thanks, Slashpwn
  3. Thanks for the fast reply ! I was looking through some code (not made by me) which contained a method with the ClientTickEvent as a parameter. The method have a line where there is checked if the ClientTickEvent is in its END phase (I think). if(event.phase == Phase.END) Do you know if there is a website with documentation of the different forge classes? I've looked through the github documentation and this one https://lazdude2012.github.io/YATS/index.html but they're quite limited in the amount of classes covered.
  4. Hi guys, I can't seem to find any documentation concerning ClientTickEvent. I've come across examples where people used it for accessing player data, but can't decipher exactly what it does. If any have a link to some website explaining stuff like this it would be awesome! Cheers,
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