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Posts posted by dwinget2008

  1. I have been looking around a lot and the most that I have come up with for this is the fact that we all, those who want to use .obj files for armor have to create our own custom model loader and renderer that will fit into the ModelBiped class. I think that a future release of forge it would be a great idea if we were all able to use the same loader and renderer for our models. This would cut modding time and would allow modders use better modles for armor. I like that you already did this for blocks and items, I think that taking it one more step and allowing armor would be great.


    Thanks for your time.

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  2. I am assuming by the utter lack of responses that this either hasn't, or can't be done or no one that knows want to share information. Thanks for reading anyway. Maybe someday in the future this kind of thing will be easier and we will see cool armor models in Minecraft

    You will have to render it yourself from what I know, you will either need to create a custom OBJ loader and renderer, or use a OBJ loader and create a custom renderer for it.


    Ok, I have been trying that. The problem is that I am a C# Developer by profession and I have little knowledge of rendering anything. I am used to HTML and rendering things in a Web Application. Do you have any thoughts on where I can look to learn more about creating OBJ Loaders and Renderers?

  3. I have looked into this a lot and talked to people on the irc channel, the obj was added for blocks and items but not armor. I still am working on figuring out how to get a custom renderer for the armors. I am testing out the one that you have posted here for 1.7.10 to see how that one works. When I load in a model for a helmet the the model is huge and in the wrong place. Do I need to include a json file in 1.7.10 for the examples above?


    I really want to figure this out so that I can move forward with my mod idea.

  4. I am trying to make a block that helps players but hurts everything else. I have looked around and haven't found an answer to this and I am sure that someone else has com across this issue.


    Here is a copy of the code: http://pastebin.com/xHNiyzuQ

    And here is the copy of the crash that I get: http://pastebin.com/WvxhM3aw


    This only happens if my block has an effect that is being applied to the mob. If there is not effect then it is ok.



  5. If you put in an oak log you get oak planks, if you put in jungle logs you get jungle planks..... (proper)


    Ok well that suck then. I was hoping that there was a way to do this. I wanted to take into account other mods that might add trees and logs to the game. I guess that I will have to think ahead and just add their recipes to my mode from their API code.



  6. I know how to use the oredictionary for crafting. But my question is a little more advanced than just:


    GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ShapedOreRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.planks, 2, 0), new Object[] {"%", '%', "logWood"}));


    for example.


    I would like to be able to do something like this:


    GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ShapedOreRecipe(new ItemStack("plankWood"), new Object[] {"%", '%', "logWood"});


    I know that the code here is wrong because there needs to be a block in the place of "plankWood" rather than a string. I have tried using:


    GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ShapedOreRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.wood, 1, WILDCARD_VALUE));, new Object[] {"%", '%', "logWood"});


    and this works, but it will only ever give out Oak wood as the result rather than the proper planks.


    Does any one have any thought on how to correct this?

  7. Hi


    You can have custom renderers for any Block, not just BlockContainer.



    Breaking a block with your fist will drop an item (by calling Block.harvestBlock) if:

    (1) you override Block.canHarvestBlock to true, or

    (2) block.blockMaterial.isToolNotRequired() returns true, or

    (3) you have registered for the HarvestCheck event and you return true.



                    if (block != null)
                        flag1 = block.canHarvestBlock(thisPlayerMP, i1);



    You don't need to override any of the other methods you mentioned unless you want a different item or quantity to drop, the default methods will drop one of the blockID as an Item.


    Thanks. I will look into this. I want to look into "altering" the rock material, being as that is what the block is, so that I can harvest without a pick. thanks for your help.

  8. What is your material set as because if it is rock or iron you need a pick to mine it, but if it is something like sand or wood, you can break it with your fists.


    Try changing this part:

    public SmallRock(int par1, Material par2Material)


            super(par1, par2Material);


            this.setBlockBounds(1f/16f*6.5f, 0f, 1f/16f*6.5f, 1f-1f/16f*6.5f, 1f-1f/16f*14f, 1f-1f/16f*6.5f);









    Into this:

    public SmallRock(int par1)


            super(par1, Material.sand);


            this.setBlockBounds(1f/16f*6.5f, 0f, 1f/16f*6.5f, 1f-1f/16f*6.5f, 1f-1f/16f*14f, 1f-1f/16f*6.5f);





    PS: Something I like to do is to give the Unlocalized name when you initialize the block in your main class, so you can use the class for more than one item and have it have the block back and display the Texture according to the Unlocalized name.


    This was what I finally figured out as well that it was the material that I was using. I changed it to ground and that did the trick.


    New question, if you feel like adding more input, any thoughts on adding a custom material to the materials list. I think I have an idea and will try it out but I am curious if there is a better way.

  9. Yes I already knew most of that. I am just finding an issue when I break the block with a fist vs. pickaxe. When I break it with a pickaxe it drops just fine, meaning that you get the block. When broken with a fist it breaks like grass and you don't get the block back.


    This is a custom rendered block, and from what I have learned they need to be classed as a block container, not sure why on that but that is what I read / saw.


    Like I said the block works fine until you break it with your fist. just want to be able to break it with a first and get the drop, much like a flower or a any other block that you can pick up with just your fist.



  10. I have a custom rendered block that I am trying to get to drop when a player breaks it with their fist. It will break and drop the block Id when a tool is used, but not when punched.


    I have tried the idDropped, quantitydropped, and breakBlock methods but none of them seem to be doing the trick.


    here is the code. Normally I use the pastbin but my browser doen't want to open it up right now. Thanks for your help.




    package throughtheages.blocks;
    import java.util.Random;
    import net.minecraft.block.Block;
    import net.minecraft.block.BlockContainer;
    import net.minecraft.block.material.Material;
    import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister;
    import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
    import net.minecraft.world.World;
    import net.minecraftforge.common.MinecraftForge;
    import throughtheages.main.Reference;
    import throughtheages.main.ThroughTheAges;
    import throughtheages.tileentity.TileEntitySmallRock;
    import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side;
    import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;
    public class SmallRock extends BlockContainer
        public SmallRock(int par1, Material par2Material)
            super(par1, par2Material);
            this.setBlockBounds(1f/16f*6.5f, 0f, 1f/16f*6.5f, 1f-1f/16f*6.5f, 1f-1f/16f*14f, 1f-1f/16f*6.5f);
        public TileEntity createNewTileEntity(World world)
            return new TileEntitySmallRock();
        public int getRenderType()
            return -1;
        public boolean isOpaqueCube()
            return false;
        public boolean renderAsNormalBlock()
            return false;
        public void registerIcons(IconRegister register)
            this.blockIcon = register.registerIcon(Reference.MOD_ID + ":smallrock");





    package throughtheages.blocks;
    import throughtheages.main.ThroughTheAges;
    import net.minecraft.block.Block;
    import net.minecraft.block.material.Material;
    import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs;
    import net.minecraftforge.common.Configuration;
    import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry;
    import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.LanguageRegistry;
    public class BlockHandler
        public static Block smallRock;
        public static void configureBlocks(Configuration config)
            smallRock = new SmallRock(config.get("Blocks", "Small Rock", 1002).getInt(), Material.rock);
            registerBlock(smallRock, "smallrock", "Small Rock");       
        private static void registerBlock(Block block, String string, String name){
            GameRegistry.registerBlock(block, string);
            LanguageRegistry.addName(block, name);




    If you need the renderes, and I don't think that you should, just ask Iand I will provide them.

  11. Yes I know how to add the potion effect, the problem that I am running into is finding where I can alter the aspects of the air block.


    Example: I can make my own block by extending block then replace a vanilla block with my own thus giving sand, for example, the ability to drop something other than it's self.


    Where can I replace the air block. It is not listed in Block.blocklist[]. If someone could help me find it, and find what I need to extend to make my class work, then I think that I can take it from there.

  12. The end goal is


    if(player is above lvl 30 && player is on surface)


        ((EntityPlayer)Entity).addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(Potion.poison.getId(), 20, 2));



    This could be activated if the player is walking I guess, that would probably be the easiest, but I want to make it that the player gets the effect even if they are standing still.

    I know how to attatch an effect to a block that the player walks on but I thought that is would be easier this way if its possible.


  13. I am under the impression that I can change the qualities of the airBlock. The problem is that I cannot find where the airblock is defined so that I can look into it. It is not in the Block class but you can find the isAirBlock Method in many different places.


    At first I tried to make the block null and replace it with a custom block of my own. This doesn't even let you load into minecraft.


    My goal is to make is fo that under certain conditions you will get a poison effect from just "breathing" the air.


    If you have some helpfull suggestions I would be glad to hear them.



  14. I know that there are totorials on rendomly generated structures, and they are all good, but I have set out on a new adventure and would like to get some help with something that I don't think has been done in minecraft modding.


    My adventure is to fugure out if there is a way to not only generate a structure, which I know how to do, but to place it in a certain biome / location and then have the player spawn in that designated location.


    The problem that I have come acrossed is that as of right now I am not sure how to manipulate the spawning features of minecraft. This call for information that is located in the World.class file which happens to be procted.


    If anyon has any thoughts on this it would be great if you would share them. In the mean time I will keep looking and praying for a way to figure this out.


    Thanks for your future help.


  15. How do you logically thing it would work?


    and what code have you tried to use?



    Okay here's some hints:

    You can use the method of World called getBlockId(int, int, int) which gets the block ID of the block at coords (x,y,z) you pass into it. Use that to check for which blocks are where in relation to the current block :)


    I see where you are coming from, and I might need a little more to go on about the coords and all, I haven't really dabbled to much into that to be familiar with how that works.


    Though in the sapling class there is a line that checks for "isSameSapling" I am just not understanding why it is not working for my custom sapling.

  16. try adding this


        /** Do blocks fall instantly to where they stop or do they fall over time */
        public static boolean fallInstantly = false;


    Thanks for your efforts in finding a solution to this problem. I did find the issue through much searching. I found that I was missing a line of code in the preInit stage. I only had Block.blocklist[block.sand.blockID] = this.myblock but I found that I was missing Block.blocklist[block.sand.blockID] = null right before it. The game still thought that sand existed and therefore was trying o make a block fall that wasn't there at all.


    After I found that it all worked out correctly. Thanks again for your help in trying to solve this issue.

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