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Everything posted by Choonster

  1. For Eclipse, run gradlew setupDecompWorkspace cleanEclipse eclipse . For IDEA, run the setupDecompWorkspace task and then refresh it in the Gradle tab. Download and extract the version 1506 MDK (the new name for the src download), open its build.gradle file in a text editor and compare it to your current one. You'll want to replace the buildscript block and apply plugin line of your build.gradle with the plugins block of the new build.gradle.
  2. Most things should either be done only on the server (if a packet is automatically sent to the clients) or on both sides (if a packet isn't automatically sent). In this case, the server will automatically send a packet to the clients when you add, change or remove a potion effect; so you only need to do it on the server.
  3. It's the same for any version of Forge that uses ForgeGradle: change the minecraft.version field in your build.gradle script to the appropriate version from files.minecraftforge.net and refresh or regenerate your IDE project. Recent versions of 1.8 have changed the way that the ForgeGradle plugin is applied (since there's now a stable version rather than a snapshot), so if you're updating to version 1503 or newer you should copy the changes to your build.gradle script.
  4. You've added a recipe for an ItemStack with a null Item . You should instantiate and register your Block s and Item s in preInit and then add your recipes in init.
  5. PlayerEvent.ItemCraftedEvent is fired on the FML event bus when a player crafts something.
  6. Ah, you need to register your IGuiHandler in the init phase with NetworkRegistry#registerGuiHandler .
  7. Add a static field of type tutmod to your tutmod class and give it the @Instance annotation.
  8. You haven't added an @Instance field to your tutmod class.
  9. Spawn eggs only work with global IDs in 1.7.10. For spawn eggs without global IDs, either make your own item or upgrade to 1.8 (where Forge allows spawn eggs to work without global IDs).
  10. Post your main mod class, your IGuiHandler class and the class where you call player.openGUI on Gist (use the .java file extension so syntax highlighting works) and link them here.
  11. That's the instance of your main mod class (the class with the @Mod ) annotation. If you have a static field in the mod class of the same type, you can add the @Instance annotation to it and FML will fill it with your mod's instance.
  12. This is possible with some limitations and hacks, but it's not all that simple since IRecipe has no direct access to the player crafting it. Do you really a need a dev-only item? Is creative-only not enough?
  13. The debug text is assembled in GuiOverlayDebug#call (for the text on the left) and GuiOverlayDebug#getDebugInfoRight (for the text on the right).
  14. In single player, the integrated server will fire all server-side events (including BreakEvent and ServerChatEvent ).
  15. If you want a ticking TileEntity in 1.8, implement IUpdatePlayerListBox . Block#randomDisplayTick is client-only, so it's not really suitable for processes that need to run on the server (like energy transfers).
  16. You need to override Item#requiresMultipleRenderPasses to return true and Item#getIcon(ItemStack stack, int pass) to return the particle icon on pass 0 and the book icon on pass 1. Look at the vanilla overrides of Item#getIconFromDamageForRenderPass for examples of multi-layer items.
  17. To allow falling blocks to collide with the block but other entities to pass through it, you need to override Block#addCollisionBoxesToList to only call the super method if the Entity is an instance of EntityFallingBlock . I have an example of this here.
  18. This exception is thrown when the ingredient ItemStack for one of the characters in the pattern string is null (a character with a null ingredient is not the same as a character with no ingredient specified). For this recipe, I think you'll need to assemble the pattern strings dynamically - for each ingredient index: if the ingredient for the index exists, use the corresponding character; else use a space.
  19. Why are you creating a new ItemStack with the same Item and stack size but using the Block 's metadata instead of the existing ItemStack 's metadata? The metadata values used by Saplings aren't the same values as those used by Leaves. Block#getDrops already returns a list of ItemStack s with the correct metadata values for you, there's no need to subvert it. You shouldn't need to create a new Random for each iteration of the loop, create an instance once, store it as an instance field of your class and use that.
  20. Each event is fired on a specific event bus, you need to register your handler with the right bus to receive the event. Forge's events are fired on one of its three event buses (usually MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS , but there's also TERRAIN_GEN_BUS and ORE_GEN_BUS ); FML's events are fired on its own event bus ( FMLCommonHandler.instance().bus() ). The doc comment of an event class will often tell you which bus it's fired on, but you can also use your IDE's Find Usages/Call Hierarchy tool to see where it's instantiated and thus which bus it's fired on.
  21. For a command, you can use CommandBase.func_175757_a to parse a BlockPos from x, y and z coordinate arguments. The int argument is the starting index of the command's coordinate arguments and the boolean argument is whether to use the centre coordinate of the block (i.e. add 0.5) if the user specified an absolute integer coordinate. I'm not really sure why the last argument is necessary.
  22. No need to use events if it's your own Block . Override Block#getPlayerRelativeBlockHardness to return -1.0f to prevent a player from starting to mine the Block and override Block#removedByPlayer to return false to prevent a player from breaking the Block (probably not strictly needed for vanilla, but mods with AoE mining tools like Tinkers Construct may break a Block without checking its hardness).
  23. That code is designed to apply modifiers from an equipment ItemStack (held item or equipped armour). If you're applying a modifier from some other mechanic, that's not the way to do it. Saved modifiers only save when the Entity is written to NBT (generally when saving the world). When a player respawns, a new EntityPlayer is created (without copying the attribute NBT) and PlayerEvent.Clone is fired; you should be able to use this event to reapply the modifiers.
  24. Just like in 1.7.10, there's an overload of setBlockState with and without the flags argument.
  25. Extend BlockBush (or the appropriate subclass) and override getCollisionBoundingBox to return the same thing as the implementation in Block .
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