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Everything posted by ItsAMysteriousYT

  1. Like how? WHat do i have to write. How can i acces the Client? I don't know how to do it
  2. Okay, so now its registered like this: network.registerMessage(PacketHandler.class, SetPropertiesPackage.class, 0, Side.SERVER); and it puts out the propper string, but it does not apply them to the IEEP.
  3. In the MainClass : @EventHandler public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event) { MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(proxy); FMLCommonHandler.instance().bus().register(new ClientTickHandler()); FMLCommonHandler.instance().bus().register(new ServerTickHandler()); RealLifeMod_Blocks.defineBlocks(); RealLifeMod_Items.defineItems(); proxy.setupCrafting(); loadVehicles(); config = new Configuration(event.getSuggestedConfigurationFile()); RealLifeModConfig.syncConfig(); network = NetworkRegistry.INSTANCE.newSimpleChannel(Reference.ID); }
  4. Okay i made the constructor public and also added a print statement. Nothing chaned. Once i closed the gui, minecraft freezes and the error is shown. Also name+Surname still is null,null. This is the error i get:
  5. Okay wait, i think i ned a closer explanation for how i need to use those packets. Why send them to server and then to client? Why i cant do sendToAll,cuz that does not work too.
  6. Yes, i registered the packet and no i haven't got a println, buzt ingame i show the name on a second gui. And that sais null, null
  7. Im trying to change some IEEP from a GuiScreen that pops up as soon as the player is spawned in the world. In that Gui, he has to set his name and gender and now i wanna aplly these variables to the EntityProperties. Im trying to do this with packethandling, but it won't work properly. In the ActionPerformed method i make this:
  8. Im working on my VehicleEntity but i somehow are confused from the entityStructure. I call the creation of some entitySeats, but they are not created. I have set what should happen when i righclick, but it doesn't happen. Can anybody help me? See my file here:
  9. I managed loading vehicles from file snow and now i created a List of EntitySeats for the different seats. What i need now is spawning the seats WITH the entity, but when i do it in the constructor the entities make really glitchy things.
  10. And also material is set to material.water - probably you should creat an own material for it?
  11. Why does nobody reply? I posted several things in the past days and nobody answered. AM i doing anything wrong?
  12. I registered a custom Renderer, but it does not work properly which means, it tries to get a rendermanager, but there isn't one but i have on in the constructor. See here:
  13. I think ill have to use EntityAdditionalspawndate fore thevehicleloading before entities are rendered, but still i can't render them out - why? here is my renderer:
  14. So i know have fixed all possible bugs in th loading process and this error seems to appear at any other entity of mine too. Somehow Minecraft can't render the shadow/fire of the entity.Any suggestions?
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