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Everything posted by 2FastAssassin

  1. I've just gone through and renamed all my items (just removed item from eg'itemdragongem' to make 'dragongem') and I dont know whats causing it to crash. it says something about where my items are registered but its exactly how it should be Crash Report: ItemClass: if its something obvious im sorry for wasting your time but please help.
  2. so is it possible to make stone drop stone instead of cobble
  3. so I tried to add it into my if statement and the only place I could add it in was here 'if (stack.copy() != null)' but it still crashed
  4. Im trying to make a autosmelt pickaxe and when ever i mine a bloc it crashes please help Pickaxe: Crash Report: and Im not the best at modding so dont judge please
  5. after Block. where it says blockList, blockList is underlined red and it doesnt go to anyhing that i can change it to, and ench.tagAt(x); says to add cast to "ench". help is greatly appreciated
  6. Im trying to make a block that acts like a furnace but its to incubate eggs and I dont know what to add to my block class to make it so I can access the GUI
  7. does anyone know what I have to do to add auto smelt to a pickaxe?
  8. please help, anyone that knows how to fix this
  9. i did that but its still doing the same thing, and this is the PATH variable we're talking about?
  10. when ever I go to compile my mod it comes up with this, please help:
  11. here is what it does when i click on the Minecraft tab on the left side of the screen to view my project: [/img]
  12. how do i add the image to the reply
  13. I have relocated my mod folder and i change the workspace to the eclipse file there but it says that my mod.java file doesnt exist and if i go into it it is where it says it isnt, please help
  14. , and extending creeper stops the mob from working aswell
  15. heres the crash, but what I dont understand is that it says something about noise yet it has made my mob stop appearing and it crashes when i try to spawn it in.
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