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Everything posted by Nex_1

  1. Hey guys, I'm trying to update a mod for entity rendering from 1.7.2 to 1.7.10. It works fine in normal Minecraft Forge 1.7.10, but when I put it into eclipse and try to run it in Forge 1.7.10 there, I get the following errors. Can someone help me? entity.field_70155_l /= XYConfig.entityRenderRange; error: - field_70155_l cannot be resolved or is not a field. World world = Minecraft.func_71410_x().field_71441_e; errors: - the method func_71410_x() is undefined for the type Minecraft - line breakpoint:CTH [line: 25] – onTick() Iterator i = Minecraft.func_71410_x().field_71441_e.field_72996_f.iterator(); errors: - line breakpoint:CTH [line: 27] – onTick() - the method func_71410_x() is undefined for the type Minecraft
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