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    Just a nubby youtube tutorial following modder.

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  1. PATH, CLASSPATH and JAVA_HOME are 3 variables, just saying this because from your post it seems like you want to set combined name. If you run "gradlew SetupDecompWorkspace -info" it should say "starting deamon process:" with about 4 more lines of things behind that, if you read just a bit to the right you should see "deamonArgs:" the very first thing behind that should be the path to where you have the latest JDK was. From that you should be able to tell if its getting the correct version, I am currently using version 1.8.0_161, was using 1.8.0_132 before which was causing the problem. If it is not the correct one, you might want to check those 3 environment variables to see if one is pointing to the wrong thing. You can pause the scrolling and execution of the CMD window with the pause/break button if its going to fast to read.
  2. PATH/JAVA_HOME was already set to was already set to 1.8 JDK. Deleting the .gradle/caches/minecraft/de/ did not fix the issue either like in the linked thread. Issue remains at 1.12.2- Edit: PATH/CLASSPATH/JAVA_HOME were set to java 1.8 JDK, with PATH/CLASSPATH set to the newest version yet JAVA_HOME was set to an older version which caused it to not compile, thanks for helping this idiot.
  3. mdk version: 1.12.2- ForgeGradle 2.3-SNAPSHOT-f49079d mapping: snapshot_20170624 pastebin of cmd window with --info --debug and --stacktrace: https://pastebin.com/w8fewsKK I was trying to set up a workspace to start modding for 1.12.2 but the setupDecompWorkspace fails when it comes to :recompileMc setupDevWorkspace does work. edit:same problem persists on the latest version (1.12.2 - edit2: retried with latest 1.12.2 and earliest 1.12 builds just to get the same errors. the latest 1.11.2 build works fine.
  4. Ty Voltab that fixed it, didn't think I could directly make a new CreativeTabs. Also your answer is still in 1.7 syntax as the new CreativeTabs requires an int too and the getTranslatedTabLabel() isn't needed as long as you have the itemGroup.*name*=bla in your lang file
  5. Using Forge 1.8- (Beta) Ive tried making my own class which extends CreativeTabs as it gives me an error "Cannot instantiate the type CreativeTabs" if i try it the normal way. This is that class: public class MbmCreativeTab extends CreativeTabs{ private Item tabIcon; public MbmCreativeTab(String label) { super(CreativeTabs.getNextID(), label.toLowerCase()); // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub } public MbmCreativeTab SetTabIconItem(Item icon){ tabIcon=icon; return this; } @Override @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public Item getTabIconItem() { return tabIcon; } } So in a separate reference (ModCreativeTabs)file I use this public static final MbmCreativeTab MBM_TAB = new MbmCreativeTab(Reference.MBMTAB_NAME).SetTabIconItem(ModItems.hammer); Which makes a tab appear in creative on the second page as expected. I thought that all I had to do with items was call within each item class this.setCreativeTab(ModCreativeTabs.MBM_TAB); to make items appear in that creativeTab yet the only item that appears in it is a block. The items DO appear when I put them in the regular CreativeTabs.tabMisc so I am confused why it won't work.
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