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  1. I've written a recursive method to do this myself. One tip if you plan to write your own. make sure you are not going from log to leaf & back to log again. If you don't in a biome like Roofed forest you'll get 1/2 the forest otherwise very OP but very lag inducing. I'd share mine but i'm not 100% happy with it yet. It still leaves some hanging logs in the big oak trees that have random logs that are not on the up, down,north , south, east, west sides but instead are diagonals or not connected at all. Its been low priority on my todo list so far.
  2. Updating for anyone that may come across this later. The workaround causes problems in 1.8.9 as i suspected it might. It causes the entity to get rendered many times over which is not desirable so the issue is back for me. What method call should be setting the entity as being in a chunk client side? I ask because it seems its not getting called correctly in my mod some times so i suspect it could possibly be in a method i've overridden.
  3. Seems that the UV cords are off. If i load the model with a different image (one that is 100% orange) the model is rendered orange when using this.bindEntityTexture(entity); Marking topic as solved as its unrelated to the subject. If anyone else has info on the proper way to do this in 1.8.9 I'd love to hear it
  4. Hello everyone, I've had some success porting my mod to 1.8.9 but i'd like to take advantage of the new OBJLoaders for my entities. I've been able to work out how to load them & draw them on screen. But i haven't had any success in getting the textures to apply. (see screenshot) I know of bindEntityTexture(entity) in the entity's rendered however it just resulted in an all black texture. When i do not use bindEntityTexture(entity) i get the default purple & black texture. Is there any documentation on how to use this new OBJLoader ? especially for entities..... my google-fu abilities have been weak on this topic so far. Source for this branch /commit https://github.com/TechStack/TechStack-s-HeavyMachineryMod/tree/752b09b48fdd079ba5c74f7a5cc3f7a2d6e00853 Check the following for the model class code: https://github.com/TechStack/TechStack-s-HeavyMachineryMod/blob/752b09b48fdd079ba5c74f7a5cc3f7a2d6e00853/src/main/java/com/projectreddog/machinemod/model/ModelLawnmower.java The Renderer https://github.com/TechStack/TechStack-s-HeavyMachineryMod/blob/752b09b48fdd079ba5c74f7a5cc3f7a2d6e00853/src/main/java/com/projectreddog/machinemod/render/machines/RenderLawnmower.java lawnmower.mtl & lawnmower.obj can be found here : https://github.com/TechStack/TechStack-s-HeavyMachineryMod/tree/752b09b48fdd079ba5c74f7a5cc3f7a2d6e00853/src/main/resources/assets/machinemod/models Image of current state with purple & black default texture when bindtexture is disabled:
  5. Maybe I'm over looking it but where is your mapping entry lines in the build.gradle file ? Eg: mappings = "stable_20" my 1.8.9 Example build.gradle : https://github.com/TechStack/TechStack-s-HeavyMachineryMod/blob/1.8.8_redux/build.gradle it May or may not be the cause of this exact error. Hope it helps
  6. OK so after a lot of trial and error I've got the model rendering. Any tips on on how to use the texture? Currently it is just a black model. Ive tried a few things but most point me down a path of using the blockstate /property data. Which I can't wrap my head around yet and are not needed from a entity perspective.
  7. Quick question is the new 1.8.8 OBJ Model & associated OBJLoader intended to only be used for blocks/ Items & TESR... or could it also be used for Entities. I have a mod that started with 1.7.10's advanced model loader to load OBJ files that i used for my entities.. I was able to port this to 1.8 with only minor pain but now i'm looking at 1.8.8 and seeing that the world render is very different and if I'm understanding correctly seems to be always expecting quads.
  8. Update: it seems setting addedToChunk = false; client side will cause them to render/re-appear when returning to chunks so I've done so in my client side update method. I'm not sure if this will have any negative side effects.
  9. RagMan, Thanks for the tip .. i Think that will solve a different problem where the center chunk is not rendering... Thanks! But this one the chunk is in view but the entities will not render... i'll see if i can make a video showing it off shortly.
  10. Any of my entities will do this but the code is very similar. The entities will desapear when the player travles away unloading the chunk the entity is in and will remain invisable untill the player relogs or another player drives the entity into a different chunk.
  11. I've created a custom Rideable entity in my mod I'm able to spawn it in game and see it. However ocassionaly when the player goes to a distant chunk and returns to the entity it will not render... sometimes its OK sometimes it's not. The issue can be resolved by relogging into the SMP server or reloading a SSP world. I've done a good deal of debugging & tracing the code and it seems to me that the entity is not in the Client's version of the EntityLists for the chunk & the shouldrender method is not geting called. I've also confirmed the client is aware of the entiy & is in the correct location by adding logging statments in it's update methods. I also belive it is an issue with entity not being in the Chunks entitylist because in SMP Player A may not be able to see the entity but Player B can and as soon as Player B rides the entity over a chunk border Player A's system will begin rendering the entity again. Any suggestions as to why this may be occuring? Just looking for a point in the right direction Project's github for reference: https://github.com/TechStack/TechStack-s-HeavyMachineryMod TechStack
  12. Disregard it looks like if i run gradle[w] launch4j in the forge project it creates the installer needed to install and run forge obfuscated
  13. I'm able to sort out how to get forge setup in my dev enviroment and make my changes & i can test forge /fml standalone but how would i add in my mod to confirm it resolves the issue? If i add it to the mods folder that forge is run from then it will crash due to the mod being built & re-obfuscated and the forge source in the dev env is de-obfuscated. Is there a way to compile/build my mod so it is not re-obfuscated ?
  14. turns out its a bug in forge for 1.8 : https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/issues/1552 for anyone looking in the future if a PR isn't created by then. Overriding flowIntoBlock in your class that extends BlockFluidClassic to read as follows seems to correct the issue temporarily until forge is corrected. Also anyone know what the guidelines are for posting PR for forge? Any document that lays out how they should be setup ? I assume there is some special gradel commands to run to get the forge source in a state for the PR & to create the patches etc..
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