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  1. //EDIT nvm, I found the error, my bad, thanks for the help This is the only code in my mod that's adding a TileEntity: public static void init() { MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new EventHandlerForge()); registerItems(); registerRecipes(); GameRegistry.registerTileEntity(TileEntityProtectedChest.class, Reference.MOD_NAME + "ProtectedChest"); } And I can read the report, but I don't get how it would already be there.
  2. I'm making a mod wherein I'd like to register a TileEntity that extends TileEntityChest. Registering crashes the game due to a duplicate ID. Crash report here: http://pastebin.com/YPtH3FBR Any ideas why this is happening?
  3. Another thing might be this: in your ItemStack constructor you might be filling in the parameters wrongly: the first parameter is the Item, the second is the stacksize and the third is the metadata/item damage. So in the first case you're not actually defining a damage value (the constructor thus sets it to 0). In the second, you're setting the damage value to 3 for each ItemStack. So, assuming this is what you want, here's the correction: OreDictionary.registerOre("ingotCopper", new ItemStack(itemRegist.ingots)); OreDictionary.registerOre("ingotLead", new ItemStack(itemRegist.ingots, 3, 1)); OreDictionary.registerOre("ingotTin", new ItemStack(itemRegist.ingots, 3, 2)); OreDictionary.registerOre("ingotNickel", new ItemStack(itemRegist.ingots,3, 3)); OreDictionary.registerOre("ingotAluminum", new ItemStack(itemRegist.ingots, 3, 4)); OreDictionary.registerOre("ingotSilver", new ItemStack(itemRegist.ingots, 3, 5));
  4. What Diesieben was trying to tell you is that you multiply the original chunk coordinates with 16 in the generate method, after which you pass them to the generateSurface method, in which you do it again. Once is enough. Remove that error, and try again then.
  5. Basically I'm trying to make a file where a bunch of data defined in game are stored. Currently I'm using the config file of my mod for that purpose, but I can't seem to overwrite the default values that were created on init when certain commands are executed. So, is there any way to do this using the capabilities of Configuration or am I going to have to make a file writer myself? Thanks in advance! P.S.: I'm running forge 1.7.10-
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