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  1. Hmm I'll try that, the writeNBT takes a side as a parameter, can I supply null? *Edit* It appears null should be fine
  2. Thank you, but I'm unsure how I would use this in code? I've tried adding Capability.IStorage<EnergyStorage>, but that doesn't provide nbt saving, maybe I mis-understood.
  3. EnergyStorage and IEnergyStorage don't implement IStorage
  4. Hey, so I've created a new tile entity with the `EnergyStorage` capability, however the capability does not provide a serializeNBT() or .deserializeNBT() method, so I'm unsure how I would save the stored energy? Do I need to subclass EnergyStorage? Also now with the ItemStackHandler capability for inventorys, how do I synchronise a progress bar of the stored energy and the progress of my tile entity?
  5. That link is for custom capabilities, I just want the forge IItemHandler
  6. Very well easier said than done, as I said earlier I have no idea how to use the capabilities system, do you mind providing a code example?
  7. I have no idea what or how to set up a capability handler, and the docs are confusing and badly explain things.
  8. So how would I add an inventory to my custom item?
  9. Hello, I'm having a lot of trouble finding information on adding and IItemHandler capability to an Item, for an TileEntity it has methods like hasCapability however I can't find a method like that in an Item, all items have is "initCapabilities", and I have honestly no clue what to return or do to add an inventory to an item. So if anyone could please point me to any information that could tell me how capabilities work on items and how to implement an inventory. Thank you.
  10. Im trying to make a plugin for a Cauldron (MCPC+) server and i need to stop the placement of the Mekanism Digital Miner but how do i do it? The (apparently) id of the digital miner is X3009 but because its not 1 block the digital miner the center block has the id X3003?
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