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Forge Modder
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Posts posted by shadowfacts

  1. Forge doesn't automatically create a config GUI for you. In your @Mod annotation, you need to provide a value for the guiFactory property. It should be the fully-qualified name of a class that implements IModGuiFactory. In your GUI factory, you'll need to make sure that hasConfigGui returns true and that you've implemented createConfigGui.


    This is my GUIConfig class which is a small wrapper around FML's GuiConfig class that makes it a bit easier to use. 

  2. You can have ModelRegistryEvent handlers on the server side, because the ModelRegistryEvent class does exist on the server but won't be fired there and nothing else in the method signature uses client only classes, however, it's best practice to keep your client-side code entirely separated from common code so it's harder to accidentally introduce client sided-ness bugs.

  3. Go learn Java. If you had the most basic Java knowledge (or any programming language for that matter), your mistake would be painfully obvious.


    In your registerBlock method, you call GameRegistry.register for 1) your town center block 2) your town center item 3) your house block 4) your house item. So in this method, you're registering all four objects.


    In your register method, you call the reigsterBlock method twice, once with the argument townCentre and the other time with the argument house. This would result in each of the GameRegistry.register calls occurring twice, so every object would be registered twice.


    As for how to fix it, learn Java.

  4. 35 minutes ago, 2veryicey said:

    if I didn't understand java, i would not be here having what I have done done, I simply want to know what to call in my statement instead of the autogenerated null text...if you can't figure that out you are stupider than I possibly imagined

    If you already understand Java (and it's painfully obvious that you don't), you would know exactly what you need to replace null with.


    This forum is for help with Minecraft and Forge, what you are asking for help with is Java, which is neither of the above.


    So before you keep whining about how nobody will help you, realize that you're in the wrong place. As is stated on this forum all the time, this is not a forum for teaching Java because you should already have a reasonable understanding of Java before you start trying to make mods.


    You'll find that everyone on here is perfectly helpful, you're just not listening to us.

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  5. Why are you still trying to download it? It's published on GitHub, including the 1.10.2 version of the source code. GitHub allows you to download the contents of the repository from a specific commit. You'll want the one from right before the 1.11 upgrade. Here's a link.

  6. No. It's a command, not an event handler, and furthermore, it's a client-side command. You need to register it with the ClientCommandHandler instance in your pre-init event. 


    You should really learn Java before trying to mod, it will make your life a lot easier. Right now you're making a lot of mistakes that you wouldn't be if you had a basic knowledge of Java.

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