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  1. Yeah, I suppose so.. it's not like that play button disappears. The main reason I posted this was because I was getting slightly annoyed at the multiple log windows opening up after each instance opened and having to close the unneeded ones manually. I guess it's more of a minor inconvenience that isn't necessarily worth spending time dealing with. Thanks for replying, anyways :3
  2. Basically a button that is on a screen (image attached) like the one show that auto restarts the game that you click when you fix the issue.
  3. Here's an error log that's generated. A Forge log generated, but it was empty. Error :https://pastebin.com/VJE4sLQT I also do remember hearing an Nvidia driver update did mess with some Forge stuff, so I'll downgrade it if someone says to. The three dots for reference : https://imgur.com/a/pJ9vJ I also tried uninstalling Java and reinstalling it, and restarting, but to no avail.
  4. I have tried playing the same exact pack on the technic launcher and it worked. No crashes besides ones having to do with optifine and stuff so I uninstalled it. Weird. It must've been an issue with the mc launcher handling the textures. And I think since I played that pack on the mc launcher I think I even added a few mods that ADD even more textures. And I have like 20 frames. It's laggy but playable
  5. If my computer can't handle all the textures, then how come it can handle FTB Monster? (It lagged a bit but still, you get my point.)
  6. I have made a 1.7.10 modpack and it crashed. Here's the report: http://pastebin.com/7GjBb65b
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