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Everything posted by Cleverpanda

  1. Solved but can't delete this, so here's a solution for those that come later: Drop your loot table in on a per world basis under "World_name/data/loot_tables/[modid]/yourTable.json" or "World_name/data/loot_tables/[modid]/chests/yourTable.json" or whatever is in your assets dir for loot tables.
  2. Hello. I've been very hard pressed to find a way to allow my players to edit a custom loot table for one of my mods. I went through all the trouble of converting my old system to use loot tables because I thought It was the "correct" way to do things now and everyone I've asked says it's not possible. It's just a loot bag that drops from trees. https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/birds-nests Is there ANY way to let my players edit my loot table with their own drops?
  3. replacing fire might be better. I could have an interface that defies a fire drop and check if the block uses it. shouldnt break other people fire checking as long as they use instanceof I believe.
  4. thats the case I was talking about. Otherwise, it would only catch 1/6th of the possible cases
  5. My idea now is to log when fire goes from fire to air then wood goes from wood to air after in the block position next to it. (accounting for fire facing) and if they match, then its a burn.
  6. Update: this cant differentiate between just breaking the block or being burnt.
  7. I dont need to bother with the command check. This looks promising, thanks! I'll give it a go
  8. I understand that and I will, but I'm not willing to wait for the next version of Forge to make it. Poor way now, proper way when it exists. Still thinking of and waiting for any other ideas that wouldn't require it though, of course
  9. It does. I'm thinking of using ASM to just put in an event call similar to onBlockBreak event that goes to my own event. I feel like its required here and would be the least intrusive..
  10. Hello. Pretty self explanatory. I think there should be an event very similar to onBlockBreak event but called when fire wants to consume a block. The reason being is I'd like to have something like ash drop when my block is burned, as a sort of in world crafting process. this seemed like something that should already be in forge and is pretty simple, and I or anyone i've talked to haven't found a way to achieve this currently.
  11. Hello. I'd like to have an item spawn from my block when it is consumed by fire. Failing that, I'd like to be able to replace it with another block. As far as I can tell, there's no event that's fired when a block is consumed by fire. Does anyone have any ideas on how I could achieve this? Thanks
  12. I copied the drawrect method but just gave GlStateManager.color() inputs manually. works fine
  13. Okay, I see that the method takes an int and shifts to get rgb and alpha, but the int value of that would be 4278190080, which is out of range.. So i'm going to assume the alpha bits are last? lets see
  14. No, I don't think I will.. and I don't think the translations are the issue. Even when I just do GL11.glPushMatrix(); this.drawRect(0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight, 0); GL11.glPopMatrix(); and nothing else for the rendering, it does not make a rectangle...
  15. Hello. I've got an overlay being rendered that only fills part of the screen, and I'd like to draw black rectangles around the other parts to cover them up. GL11.glPushMatrix(); mc.renderEngine.bindTexture(overlay); GL11.glScalef(scalefact,scalefact, 1); this.drawTexturedModalRect(xPos, 0, 0, 0, 256, 256); this.drawRect(0, 0, xPos, screenHeight, 0); this.drawRect((int) (xPos+scalefact*256), 0, screenWidth, screenHeight, 0); GL11.glPopMatrix(); I'm not experienced with openGL but the code so far does this: And I'm not sure why it does nothing about my two rectangles...
  16. Okay, that got me to a point I could get everything working properly! Now I need to apply some transforms for each case to make it look right, what code would I use to do that? I need to do multiple transform operations EDIT: this can be done in the json now
  17. I only used ModelBakery.registerItemVariants(item,model2d,model3d ); this time to register, no console errors, missing model model for all views
  18. http://pastebin.com/fWRxj18T Hope this is adequate, that registry file is quite big
  19. I did, registered it with both model variants and the names for my 2d and 3d model files, that's just the mrl. I also put the check in my handleperspective method in a similar way to the 2d one.
  20. Okay. Fixed. What do I need to do with my item and this perspective model class? I used this bit of code @SubscribeEvent public void modelBakeEvent(ModelBakeEvent event) { IBakedModel model2d = event.getModelRegistry().getObject(MasterRegistrar.model2d); IBakedModel model3d = event.getModelRegistry().getObject(MasterRegistrar.model3d); ItemModelPerspective customModel = new ItemModelPerspective(model2d,model3d); event.getModelRegistry().putObject(MasterRegistrar.model2d, customModel); } and the inventory model looks like a side projection of my 3d model, not the one with parent "item/generated",
  21. @Override public Pair<? extends IBakedModel, Matrix4f> handlePerspective( TransformType cameraTransformType) { switch(cameraTransformType) { case GUI: if(Model2d instanceof IPerspectiveAwareModel){ Pair<? extends IBakedModel, Matrix4f> result =((IPerspectiveAwareModel) Model2d).handlePerspective(cameraTransformType); return Pair.of([2dmodel],result); } return Pair.of([2dmodel],null); default: return Pair.of([3dmodel],null); } } how's this? I don't know how to get my model for those brackets then
  22. No, I'm stuck. all the stuff I found, no one had the final solution All I've got so far is http://pastebin.com/GxMVKtLt
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