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Everything posted by CroComeT

  1. I cannot make it when i jump on it to it destroys. jabelar i tried to add your code and it didn't work.
  2. I did that but now i got another crash when planting. But when i try log in to world again it crashes, that was not happening. MainClass : https://gist.github.com/CroComeT/30944a725a84f2676c44 Console Log : https://gist.github.com/CroComeT/9b8322643b21442a00d8 Crash-Report : https://gist.github.com/CroComeT/43c4dcd6d0e621de5485 I managed how to fix it
  3. Soo i deleted my old mod source and started new but now again i have problem with minecraft crashing when planting. Console Log : Crash-Report : MainClass : ItemSeedFood : ItemBlockCrops : BlockCucumber Cucumber : P.S Gist is not working for some reason soo i placed it in spoiler.
  4. I created my recipe for Steel Plate, but whenever i go to crafting table that item always show in recipe output. screenshot : MainClass ItemSteelPlate Class is normal like when it is created soo i don't need to place it.
  5. I tried to make stem block but it does not show when plant : BlockStem : https://gist.github.com/CroComeT/6e851f5f0052dacd03b6 its again block when plant.
  6. Oh i fixed ClientProxy but now when i plant it plant block no plant like melon Picture :
  7. yes i have its in crocomet.itemsmod and ClientProxy
  8. So im trying to make plant like melon/pumpkin but i cannot start minecraft it just crash so here are all classes BlockClass : https://gist.github.com/CroComeT/7330b0fb95218bb744d9 ItemForPlant : https://gist.github.com/CroComeT/325a53dedb56bce0c037 ItemSeedFood : https://gist.github.com/CroComeT/5506f9fc1f786b9ae4a5 Crash Report : https://gist.github.com/CroComeT/0b786e939851474b2fa3
  9. Yea and i exit and open eclipse again it is same
  10. oh can i send you me workspace with pm (download link) and you can fix me two block plant and model, and than send me link can you? ex. DropBox
  11. i write it item but its items in eclipse still no texture
  12. oh i write item its items* Sorry
  13. can it be Scale of rotatef or something
  14. so could you send me texted version of onBlockPlacedBy method? What i need make with that text
  15. so eclipse src/main/resources and than package assets.itemsmod.textures.item.ObsidianPickaxe.png
  16. Could you place me text what i need to add because i don't get it Really (i know im stupid just i don't get it im soo stupid today)
  17. This is me full ObsidianPickaxeClass : https://gist.github.com/CroComeT/5817feb5af18c262de92 if you need technic class and ClientProxy : Technic : https://gist.github.com/CroComeT/20b3e26c69a2549add70 ClientProxy : https://gist.github.com/CroComeT/fd7296252f2a9ef44698
  18. i don't get you this is me onBlockPlacedBy method what i need to do https://gist.github.com/CroComeT/0c2fcc95b28a944c8eed
  19. I think what do i need to do because this is for me One Block i think like me others crops cucumber, strawberry.... Do i need make new class for Double Block Or i will copy ItemSeedFood and than fix, so can you say me what do i do. Sorry for me English.
  20. ok i placed ObsidianPickaxe no obsidian_pickaxe It is same no texture
  21. So i need make new for DoublePlant because this is for me one block plant this ItemSeedFood
  22. in inventory looks like obsidian_pickaxe (item) ObsidianPickaxe is Model Texture
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