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  1. I am not talking about the act of compiling. I am asking why you are making all this custom loading code instead of using what FML already has, which is tested and reliable. defaultResourcePacks is a List, you add to it in preInit (once). You have to access that field using Reflection. I'm loading nothing forge loads everything, but if you are talking about the "load" function in my other thread, this is a native function of ruby that load others ruby files, they will be compiled by jruby. about this bug: i fixed, changing the proxy to preInit(tanks to the tip ) the mod works now(with custom assets ) thanks, i learned a new java feature today
  2. keep calm, all ruby code will be compiled, ruby for me is the best language in the world you should try. i don't understand how i add my resource pack into "defaultResoucePacks" exists any method to do this or i will do this in the hard way?
  3. hi i'm making a simple block mod(for tests) and a want that the user can change the texture of this block, so i created a new resource listener but he just not work, i don't get any errors but the textures don't load. This is my code: https://gist.github.com/btripoloni/8904e130afcfef8b3345 Thanks
  4. i will do this work, i am thinking to do something like ruboto
  5. the original idea of this mod is: Eliminate the compiling. Use Ruby. An Api to make the development more easy Use Irb(Test Ruby code in console) in-game but now making the mod as you say the only thing i can do is the Irb
  6. how i make to this mod help others users the idea of the mod is make the minecraft mod development easy and fun(this is the purpose of ruby too), what they can do to use this mod?
  7. what is your recommendation? what i should do?
  8. the idea is the others users can write codes in ruby and paste in the ruby_core folders and the code was loaded dynamically example: class MyMod < Mod modid = 'myMod' #modid and version was a idea to i want to implement in the future, ignore this. version = '0.1' def init my_block() end def my_block myblock = QuickBlock.new(Material.wood) #QuickBlock is a class to help me to create blocks. myblock.setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabRedstone) GameRegistry.registerBlock(myblock, "myBlock") end end MyMod.new() and the loader run this code in the ruby_core folder and add a new block, simple and easy
  9. Hahah, let me explain, i am using Jruby to run Ruby code into java, i created a class called BaseMod, this class is a Mod and load the Ruby and i can use all Api in Ruby. Example: require 'java' import 'net.minecraft.block.Block' import 'net.minecraft.block.material.Material' class RubyBlock < Block def intialize(material) super(material) end end All code created in ruby is loaded after BaseMod is initiated, and they will be in a separated folder called "ruby_core" the code runs perfectly but i need a way to load the resources with the ruby Code. Yes jruby compile ruby to class files, but i can do this in real time using a ruby or java code: Example: user_name = java.lang.System.getProperty("user.name") mods_path = File.join('C:', 'Users', user_name, 'AppData', 'Roaming', '.minecraft', 'ruby_mods', '*.rb') Dir[mods_path].each do |file| puts "[Ruby_core][Load]: #{file}" load file end and this scripts can use the API normally Exists others projects that do this: https://github.com/enebo/Purugin http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/rubybukkit/ They was made to work with Bukkit, my mod is made to work with Forge. But you are not wrong maybe a good solution is create a Lib or an Api or something that is encapsulated in a Jar like Ruboto.
  10. You is right, i don't understand you the base mod loads the ruby mods in a path(".minecraft/ruby_core") what i need is a way to load resources in this path like ".minecraft/ruby_core/myMod/assets/textures/myBlock.png" this is the problem i don't know how to do this.
  11. I think that Forge is a good idea to make this, will help me to make the development easy.
  12. Yes i'm using Forge for this, a base mod written in java to load all ruby mods.
  13. Hi, i'm making a mod that use jruby to load other mods using ruby,the part that loads the mod it's working perfectly but i need to load the resources textures, sounds, etc. i don't have any ideas to make this, so help meeeee thanks.
  14. In the moment all i want is change the block of position , maybe animations after. thank you
  15. I think destroy and recreate the block would not quite right first because that would leave the particles block, moreover would not be the same block would not have a way to change the position of the block type: public void foward(Block block){ b = block.getPositon(); b.z+1; }
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