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Everything posted by MultiMote

  1. For breaking blocks with break particles and sound use world.func_147480_a(x, y, z, true); This is for 1.7.10
  2. And don't forget to add your original rotation angles (-0.7853982F for Blade1). And try (float)(Minecraft.getSystemTime()%628)/100F
  3. @larsgerrits in first post. @memcallen Blade1.rotateAngleY, not Blade1.rotationPointY
  4. Also test this: MinecraftServer.getServer().getConfigurationManager().sendChatMsg( new ChatComponentText(player.getDisplayName() + " successfully completed the 'Poop Eating Challenge' and was rewarded an emerald!!").setChatStyle(new ChatStyle().setColor(EnumChatFormatting.GREEN))); UPD: Yup, it works. http://up42.ru/u/p/2014-10-16_20.17.42.png[/img]
  5. http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,24200.msg123004.html#msg123004 It doesn't work?
  6. Are you have readFromNBT and writeToNBT functions in your TileEntity? If yes, are you calling super.readFromNBT and super.writeToNBT?
  7. MinecraftServer.getServer().getConfigurationManager().sendChatMsg(new ChatComponentText(EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + player.getDisplayName() + EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + " successfully completed the 'Poop Eating Challenge' and was rewarded an emerald!!"));
  8. This function is called when entity is inside block. It is not possible if your block is full-sized cube. Set custom bounds for your block.
  9. @memcallen very bad idea. Null ItemStacks are OK. You just need a ways to handle it.
  10. He wants to rotate part of model, not whole model. WHY he should use glRotatef? In your model code do something like this: http://up42.ru/u/p/2014-10-15_19.30.11.png[/img] This is for example. Numbers are random and it looks weirdly, but works.
  11. Bounding box of entity doesn't update in this case.
  12. use entity.setLocationAndAngles(x, y + 1, z, 0, 0); instead of entity.posX = x; entity.posY = y + 1; entity.posZ = z;
  13. if (overworldInst.isDaytime()) { ...your code... return true; } return false;
  14. entity.onGround doesn't work? ...and setVelocity is client-side only. Try to modify motion(X/Y/Z).
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