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  1. That is because it is being run both client and server side, to make it run only once just check if(!player.worldObj.isRemote) this will make it run only on the server side Note: I may have misspelt it so make sure you check the proper spelling
  2. The general recommendation is that if it can be done without a coremod, do so. This is because coremods can be very error prone and make it hard to debug and can lead to very confusing error reports. Plus coremods are really hard to make.
  3. That seems to be that the order of the vertices is backwards compared to what minecraft is expecting, this means the sides are facing the wrong way around. Maybe if you try reversing the order of the vertices in the OBJ file?
  4. This has already been solved, see my latest reply
  5. You could have a look at how the eye of ender finds the stronghold to find the nearby structures
  6. It is not being exported, it is just being loaded at the right time, that is all. The order and exports tab allows you to set both what libraries are exported and the order in which they are loaded in
  7. Ah, turns out my order and export libraries were in the wrong order! If anyone is wondering, this is one order that works (there may be others): Minercraft/minecraft JRE System Library asm-debug-all launchwrapper-1.8 1.6.4 lzma-0.0.1 jopt-simple-4.5 codecjorbis-20101023 codecwav-20101023 libraryjavasound-20101123 librarylwjglopenal-20100824 soundsystem-20120107 argo-2.25_fixed bcprov-jdk15on-1.47 guava-14.0 commons-lang3-3.1 commons-io-2.4 jutils-1.0.0 lwjgl-2.9.0 lwjgl_util-2.9.0
  8. All that is true Apart from my eclipse location, since I set it up just like pahimar did in his lets mod series my eclipse is in a different location Maybe I should check that eclipse folder and see if it works there, if so I will check any differences
  9. Yes I do, and the weird thing is that in the log there is definitely work being done in FML
  10. I have set up just like pahimar did in his let's mod series, but it seems to be loading without forge or any mods I have in my environment. Does anyone have any idea why it isn't working? Just so you know, running it using startclient.bat works fine, but it does not in eclipse, maybe I have something set wrong in my command line arguments/classpath?
  11. I am getting the same problem, but when I check the way ee3 is doing it, it is doing it in exactly the same way
  12. Just to let you know, the Minecraft class is only available on the client side
  13. Just to let you know, the Minecraft class is only available on the client side
  14. The problem seems to have disappeared in 1.5.1! Yay!
  15. Didn't seem to work, did you delete the minecraft.jar or just the link?
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