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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by Noppes

  1. Yes you can with the day/night functions in the Advanced menu. If you need more detailed help join my discord https://discord.gg/0qZ6X3cHl8Pupttr Well this is my sub forum, unless one of the moderators moved his topic here, he is in the right place
  2. That should have been fixed in the latest 1.12 version. Download it from curse or my website
  3. Nah you are right, looks like a mistake on my side
  4. Join the Scripting discord https://discord.gg/2jZm88M
  5. Go into the CustomNpcs.cfg and set DisableEnchants to true
  6. with the availability options when you make the dialog. set it to be only available before having read its own id
  7. They should unstuck themselves after a few seconds
  8. event.npc.world.getScoreBoard() http://www.kodevelopment.nl/customnpcs/api/noppes/npcs/api/IScoreboard.html
  9. Nope its a bug with 1.8.9 will be fixed in the next version
  10. So far Im also not sure. My best guess is either because of sponge or sponges permissions plugin.
  11. Nope generally I dont add new features to old version. And I do want to add some sort of escort quest type in the future yes.
  12. Ah I found it strange that there was no bug report of this yet. I couldnt have guessed bug reports where in the modder support, though I could have checked the issues tracker. Thanks for letting me know. Guess Ill use EnumHelper.addEnum for now
  13. Ah I found it strange that there was no bug report of this yet. I couldnt have guessed bug reports where in the modder support, though I could have checked the issues tracker. Thanks for letting me know. Guess Ill use EnumHelper.addEnum for now
  14. Apparently the ItemArmor.ArmorMaterial enum requires an extra toughness value in 1.9.4 so currently it crashes
  15. Apparently the ItemArmor.ArmorMaterial enum requires an extra toughness value in 1.9.4 so currently it crashes
  16. You will need to either give them the skins and let them put it in themselves or you need to make a resourcepack and have them use it too.
  17. 1,2,3) Only through scripting 4) What do you mean: make a person start attacking you? If you are talking about an npc than yes simply put it faction to hostile.
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