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Everything posted by Ninjusk

  1. I started work on some source for it but i will not do nearly as much as i wanted to due to a the way horse armor is programmed. ill see if i can fix it up and get a pull request up soon.
  2. Well with the 1.6 Release, one of the biggest additions was Horses and Horse related items. being a mod writer i am intrigued buy the idea of adding Horse armor to my mods. but because Mojang loves its hard coded and lazy methods of programing it is imposable to add horse armor without base class editing or using a core mod. beside base class editing being completely out of the question, core mod isn't a great idea ether because it would make the mod incompatible with other mods doing the same thing. So my suggestion is to add a few Hooks for adding horse armor(and maybe even the same functions for saddles) similar to the hooks for regular armor. Hooks in the item class like -boolean isValidHorseArmor(ItemStack stack, EntityHorse entity) -String getHorseArmorTexture(ItemStack stack, EntityHorse entity) -int getHorseArmorValue(ItemStack stack, EntityHorse entity) and maybe even hooks for custom models and colors -ModelBase getHorseArmorModel(ItemStack stack, EntityHorse entity) -int getHorseArmorColor(ItemStack stack, EntityHorse entity) I have actually started writing the code to do this and was going to submit a pull request to the forge git-hub page(when i finished) but i wanted to see if any of the forge devs had started work on this idea or if i did submit that it wouldn't be instantly rejected.
  3. I am working on a custom Sky dimension and when you move below around 60 blocks the sky from the horizon down becomes black. i know that there is a non base class editing method of changing this (Aether II accomplishes this) probably using Forges Sky-provider but i have no idea what would be needed to do this. and there really aren't any tutorials for this. if anyone could help me with this or at least point me in the correct direction it would be much appreciated. Thanks for your time. - Iamshortman
  4. The Collision detection is not the problem. the problem is the that i wanted to make a entity that grows and i need a way of adding Collision box so that when the end of the trail is 100 blocks away from the original part of the entity it still can have a hit box
  5. I know that about the onCollide Method. what im trying to do is to create a entity that has a collision box that is "dynamic" or that gets added on when i add a new segment to the entity. this is nothing like i have ever seen done so theres no previous work to look at or anything.
  6. Im avoiding using blocks because my vehicles can move anywhere and are not bound to following blocks. so the only logical choice is entities. and really the render is not what im worried about its only collision detection.
  7. Ok so as some of you may guess im a Tron Fan. Im working on a Tron Mod right now and i want to add the Light Trails that come out of the back of the Cycles and etc. at frist i tried making a trail a bunch of single panels that when spawn together look like a light trail but that ends up having hundreds of entities loaded at once which lags out the game pretty bad. so i wanted to create one that was effectively one entity that is rendered as a smooth continuous object(It would have a limited size but thats implied). The Render its self will just take a large array but how would i go about adding collision detection to a massive continuous entity. note it doest even have to cause collision, i just need to be able to detect if a entity is in the trail. is there some form of boundingbox.addChildBox or a way i can a an extra box to an entities bounding-box. Im not looking for people to giving me all the answers just maybe a new perspective on how to approach this problem. In any case thank you for reading this pretty lame forum post.
  8. Forge and Forge Mod Loader are designed to allow mods to be loaded and Applied to minecraft without base class editing(meaning having to replace any files inside of minecraft.jar ) on the side of the mod creator. beyond just loading mods Forge also fixes vanilla bugs as Lex said(small changes in the code where basic minecraft didn't do it the best) and give smooth compatibility among mods so mods can not only run smoothly together but also share things like liquids, like Buildcraft and Railcraft tanks can all hold other mods liquids because of Forge(im 95% sure of this but feel free to correct me if i am wrong). what Lex means by doing nothing at all is that it does not add a single block or item or mob to the game and without mods installed you will notice no real changes to the mechanics of minecraft and gameplay. Forge allows mod creators to effectively and easily create mods and additions with as much compatibility as possible.
  9. Forge and Forge Mod Loader are designed to allow mods to be loaded and Applied to minecraft without base class editing(meaning having to replace any files inside of minecraft.jar ) on the side of the mod creator. beyond just loading mods Forge also fixes vanilla bugs as Lex said(small changes in the code where basic minecraft didn't do it the best) and give smooth compatibility among mods so mods can not only run smoothly together but also share things like liquids, like Buildcraft and Railcraft tanks can all hold other mods liquids because of Forge(im 95% sure of this but feel free to correct me if i am wrong). what Lex means by doing nothing at all is that it does not add a single block or item or mob to the game and without mods installed you will notice no real changes to the mechanics of minecraft and gameplay. Forge allows mod creators to effectively and easily create mods and additions with as much compatibility as possible.
  10. Dear Developers and Supporters of Forge I started to use forge back when 1.3.1 because i saw the shift towards muitiplayer and needed an Api that could handle Client and Server unlike Modloader which didn't at least at the time run on servers(don't know or care if it does now). so i started using forge for the mods that i was working on, at first i didn't know what i was even looking at or how to begin to write a mod for it. it took a while to learn but it was well worth it. Forge and Fml together are a very powerful combination that has the ability to do most of what anyone whats to do for minecraft other then editing the players render/class but thats what render player and player APIs are for, even if i disagree with the way they do things. Forge is incredible well written with the ability to easily run 30+ mods at once and allow for easy compatibly among the mods. simple little additions like the new chunk constructor that allows for greater then 128 world gen and ids higher then 256 show how much you guys think about what mod creators will use. sure being that programing is the art form it is i may disagree with they way you guys do things or what you do or don't add, but that doesn't mean im going to go the BTW's path because of some stud ego problem(im not going to get into what ever his problems are), because you guys have reasons for what you do and chances are they are better then mine. Again i must thank you for making forge and a lot of the forge mods open source, im a Linux nut and heavily agree with open source projects. but more then that open source is a great teacher, its along the lines of "Give a man a fish and he will eat for the day, Teach a man to fish and he will eat for life". Ive learned so much from all the open source mods and not just about minecraft but programing in general which is every helpful because thats my major. You guys have spent a lot of time and energy to get Forge this far and too many time do i see people ranting about how they think forge sucks or some other stupid post and i don't see enough people thanking you for all your hard work.It may not mean a whole lot to you but seriously Thank you. Josh(AKA Iamshortman)
  11. Dear Developers and Supporters of Forge I started to use forge back when 1.3.1 because i saw the shift towards muitiplayer and needed an Api that could handle Client and Server unlike Modloader which didn't at least at the time run on servers(don't know or care if it does now). so i started using forge for the mods that i was working on, at first i didn't know what i was even looking at or how to begin to write a mod for it. it took a while to learn but it was well worth it. Forge and Fml together are a very powerful combination that has the ability to do most of what anyone whats to do for minecraft other then editing the players render/class but thats what render player and player APIs are for, even if i disagree with the way they do things. Forge is incredible well written with the ability to easily run 30+ mods at once and allow for easy compatibly among the mods. simple little additions like the new chunk constructor that allows for greater then 128 world gen and ids higher then 256 show how much you guys think about what mod creators will use. sure being that programing is the art form it is i may disagree with they way you guys do things or what you do or don't add, but that doesn't mean im going to go the BTW's path because of some stud ego problem(im not going to get into what ever his problems are), because you guys have reasons for what you do and chances are they are better then mine. Again i must thank you for making forge and a lot of the forge mods open source, im a Linux nut and heavily agree with open source projects. but more then that open source is a great teacher, its along the lines of "Give a man a fish and he will eat for the day, Teach a man to fish and he will eat for life". Ive learned so much from all the open source mods and not just about minecraft but programing in general which is every helpful because thats my major. You guys have spent a lot of time and energy to get Forge this far and too many time do i see people ranting about how they think forge sucks or some other stupid post and i don't see enough people thanking you for all your hard work.It may not mean a whole lot to you but seriously Thank you. Josh(AKA Iamshortman)
  12. what you need to do is create a forge custom item render and make it work only for equipped and you check how long the bow has been in uses and you render the appropriate texture. i don't know of any other way to do this because the bows shooting animation is not done from within the bow file so you have to use a custom render.
  13. Yes and i even got it working. forge added a Constructor to Chunk that allows for greater then 128 generation. it needs some work to be used by a mod but feel free to take anything you want from it. like if you just want skylands code take the generateTerrainSkylands and the initializeNoiseFieldSkyland functions. also if you have any questions just ask. ChunkProvider
  14. so i found this weird problem during a custom world generation that i cant generate over 128 Y pos correctly. i wrote a Chunk Provider Class that has creates two parts to the chunk the overworld styled that is supposed to to gen below 128 and the Skylands that gens above 128. and i get both the byte arrays that hold the block information and add the two arrays together so the the first half is taken up by the overworld and the second half is taken by skylands. now it generates stuff over 128 but its an exactly the same as whats generated under 128 and not the custom generation it should be. i know the skylands function generates correctly and i know so does the overworld but anytime the array sent to the chunk is higher then 32768 it doesnt look at what is in the end of the array. I have found a way to get past this problem but it can take an up wards of 1 second per chunk to generate so im wondering if there is a better way to do this. p.s i know my explanation sucks but i cant think of a better way of saying it.
  15. I created a simple render to replace the players render for testing purposes and if the player is riding any entity he is not rendered but in a simple muiti-player test it showed that while riding a vanilla boat the player is some times not rendered like he should be and other time rendered at the point he was before started riding the boat. so my question is why does this this happen, and are there any fixes for it?
  16. Ya that would work. it would only work for one mod. which ever was the last one loaded with this type of function in it.
  17. if you are talking about something you do with PlayerRender API im trying to remove the need for it because if you look at how the How the API works, lets just take the function renderPlayer in your RenderPlayerBase file. in the code that calls your renderPlayer function it looks for any other registered renderPlayer Functions and runs a loop to call all of them now the way i currently unrender the player is by in my renderPlayer function i just return if a case is true. @Override public void renderPlayer(EntityPlayer entityplayer, double d, double d1, double d2, float f, float f2) { if (entityplayer.ridingEntity != null && isRidingVechicle(entityplayer)) { return; } else { super.renderPlayer(entityplayer, d, d1, d2, f, f2); } } this works if great if there is not another RenderPlayerAPI Mod installed but if there is and it Has a RenderPlayer Function then it will just screw up the My Render because the Player will be Rendered once my way(on a tron LightCycle) and again probably sitting with his/ her body stuck in the front of the bike. So unless There is a better way of doing this(i am open to suggestions) im stuck using a method to not render the player that doesn't really work well in a bunch of cases.
  18. but if you mod the render list wouldn't other entities of that type not be rendered? i did a test in an older version of minecraft(1.4.7) where i added one function to Entity.java and one edit to a function in RenderManager.java and in my test it wound not matter if you had RenderPlayerAPI installed or not because it stops the render before the DoRender function is called. here my proposed code Entity.Java /** * used to determine if the rider of this entity should be Rendered. * * @return false the Rider of this entity will not be Rendered */ public boolean shouldRiderRender() { return true; } RenderManager.java public void renderEntityWithPosYaw(Entity par1Entity, double par2, double par4, double par6, float par8, float par9) { //Added code starts here //if the entity is riding another entity and that entity.shouldRiderRender returns false //the rider render will be skipped if(par1Entity.ridingEntity != null && !par1Entity.ridingEntity.shouldRiderRender()) { return; } //Added code ends here //the rest of the function I am how ever going to look into better non-base class modding ways of doing this. but for now this is what im proposing.
  19. no its more of a way to just not render the entity or telling the game that even tho the entity exists, that he/she/it should not be rendered in world when the entity has mounted an vehicle. in the case of my mod the rendering of the entity is being taken over by the vehicle render because the rider(only players are allowed) will be rendered in a different position that is not possible with the normal player render. I feel this would open up for a massive number of vehicles that were not previously possible like motorcycles where the player is holding the grips of the cycle. or also useful for mods like flans where the plane can roll but the player is still rendered straight up, you could give over the players render to the planes render allowing the player to be rendered at the same roll and pitch as the plane.
  20. because at least the potion effect only stops the render of the players body. his armor and in had item are still rendered. unless there is a better way of making the player invisible
  21. i am writing a mod that add vehicles that don't need the player to render because it will render its own version of the player. i am using Render Player API but id rather not use it if i didn't have to. I was wondering the possibility of adding a function to the Entity class similar to public boolean shouldRiderSit() that would ask if the rider should be rendered at all. i think it would just require an edit to the entity class to add the function and to the Renderliving class where at the beginning of its render it would check to see it the entity its riding returns true(or false based on how you name the function) and if it does simply exits the render function. Its just an idea i had, i don't think it would be that hard to implement but i could be wrong. thanks for at least taking the time to read this
  22. I'm writing a mod that adds a new dimension and in my ChunkProvider is causing the problem that the array that the block types are stored in is a byte array which byte only supports up like 254 in numbers. and being a mod my block ids are much higher then that so i'm getting the error that is setting the id to some random id that doesn't exists when i don't set the block value to 200. is there any way to allow for a value larger then 254 during world gen/ is there a way to edit the block id after world gen? thank you for your time.
  23. I found the problem, when i opened it vie dragon i was opening it from server side when all other chests and containers open from client side. Still as always thank you.
  24. How would i make it Register all of them?
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