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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. You put registries in: public void load(FMLInitializationEvent event){
  2. log2, is birch or what other wood type.
  3. As coolAlias said, your item IDs are conflicting with vanilla items, As I saw in the console error. You might want to move the IDs up to around 1500 to start off, so then the vanilla items won't override them. (Also, this might just be in legacy, but I didn't see a public static in front of those item statements.) //Try defining the ItemID in this statement public static Item ExampleHelmet = new ArmourSetExample(1500, ArmourSetExample, 0,0, "Example").setUnlocalizedName("ExampleHelmet"); Also use public static Item, or block in front.
  4. Oh, and to make it run on sunlight, you might wanna take a look at the light detector thingy, or whatever its called.
  5. To have a custom top/filler block: this.topBlock = (byte)YouModName.ExampleBlock.blockID; this.fillerBlock = (byte)YourModName.ExampleBlock.blockID; So you want a flower only to be allowed to get placed on an obsidian block? Hmm... I have done flowers and found that I cannot define one block it can spawn on. (Sorry.) If still confused: this.topBlock = (byte)MainModClassName.(It should come up with a list after you type the MainModClassName., there scroll through and chose you block name.).blockID; Your custom block's ID has to be under 256 for it to generate. (Experience) IT WILL NOT CONFLICT WITH VANILLA ITEMS(I think)
  6. You might be missing a section in the code.
  7. You don't need to remove the biomes, but you can. I would recommend this: Biome Class: (Replace YOURMODCLASS with your mod class name, and it will have an error at the package, just click "change to: your package name") package com.example.biome; import (Your Main Mod File), EX: import com.example.BaseModClassFile; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.world.biome.BiomeGenBase; public class YOURMODCLASS extends BiomeGenBase{ public YOURMODCLASS(int id) { super(id); this.topBlock = (byte)ThomasMod.Rubble.blockID; this.fillerBlock = (byte)Block.cobblestoneMossy.blockID; this.theBiomeDecorator.deadBushPerChunk = 5; this.setDisableRain(); } } That disables rain and puts 1 deadbush per chunk. (You can remove it.) Try and play around with this.theBiomeDecorator. Also, If you want to use custom blocks, do: this.topBlock = (byte)YouModName.ExampleBlock.blockID; this.fillerBlock = (byte)YourModName.ExampleBlock.blockID; The top block for example is grass, and the filler is for example dirt. Replace YourModName.ExampleBlock with you mod name and the block you want to use. Otherwise, if you want to use vanilla blocks: replace it with: Block.(It should bring up a list here, just delete this and the dot after "Block", then replace the dot.).blockID; For your main mod class file, You would register it like so: (BIOMECLASSFILENAMEis the class file for the biome. BiomeName is the alias.) (DO IT UNDER YOUR BLOCKS) (for .setMinMaxHeight, 0.1 = 10 blocks high.) public static BiomeGenBase BiomeName = new BIOMECLASSFILENAME(BiomeID here, has to be above 22 and below 256, EX: 50.).setBiomeName("What you would want it to say in F3").setMinMaxHeight(-0.5F, 0.1F); To Register It: (Also in main mod file.) GameRegistry.addBiome(BiomeName); Find The WorldChunkManager Class File. near the top there should be this: public static ArrayList<BiomeGenBase> allowedBiomes = new ArrayList<BiomeGenBase>(Arrays.asList(beach, desert, forest, jungle, ocean, plains, river, taiga, (other biomes)); Edit it like so: public static ArrayList<BiomeGenBase> allowedBiomes = new ArrayList<BiomeGenBase>(YouMainClassFile.BiomeAlias)); Hope I helped! If confused:
  8. NVM... fixed it. I did not have to zip the file, I layer it out as the same as another mod, it worked.
  9. Thanks! I just messed around with blender but its so confusing. Thanks!
  10. Did you import it? is "mod" your main class file name? Remove the .itemID?
  11. Does anybody know a good modeler for mac? I would like to create a boss or a new textured item/block. Thanks!
  12. Alright, thanks for the help guys. I am copying the code for the arrow, but how might I get to the reference called "arrow"? Would you recommend a tutorial?
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