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  1. Hoping that someone point me at the docs that explain the equivalent to … LanguageRegistry.addName(genericItem, "Generic Item"); … which is part of the Basic Items tutorial (http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Basic_Items) using the assets lang system. addName is deprecated and the associated comment states: "Deprecated for removal in 1.8. Use the assets lang system" I've checked the forum and can't see anything obvious (though could've missed it).
  2. Working through http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Basic_Items with forge-1.7.2- the GenericItem example extends Item and expects to be able to use a non-default constructor to pass in the item id. At least in this version Item only has a default constructor. A search through source and the forums throws up the GameRegistry.registerItem method. Could someone confirm (or deny) that this is the equivalent for the old Item constructor, i.e., you're expected to register the new Item with a specific string rather than have the instance itself retain a unique numeric value? Thanks.
  3. Yes, that may well be the case. However, the wiki example calls out the need to use the metadata parameter explicitly and FurnaceRecipes over GameRegistry: "You may have noticed that the input does not accept a metadata or damage value. This is quite silly, but the GameRegistry doesn't have an addSmelting variant that takes metadata. For that, we will need to input FurnaceRecipes, get its instance, and then use its addSmelting method. The example here is burning black wool to get white wool. FurnaceRecipes.smelting().addSmelting(Block.cloth.blockID, 15, new ItemStack(Block.cloth, 1, 0), 0.1f);" Is there an equivalent now, or doesn't it matter? And thanks again for your help. It is much appreciated.
  4. Thanks. I assume the 2nd parameter (int) in the old signature is not needed any more in the addSmelting method within GameRegistry? The other uses of GameRegistry.addSmelting within the Generic example don't have an int either, so maybe the assumption is correct. But it's always good to get confirmation from someone in the know :-)
  5. As mentioned http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,16991.0.html I'm working my way through the mod wiki and I've come upon some issues in the Crafting & Smelting example. Once I removed the blockID, there's now an issue that the following line is invalid: FurnaceRecipes.smelting().addSmelting(Blocks.wool, 15, new ItemStack(Blocks.wool, 1, 0), 0.1f); I've checked the source (and the jars), but there's no addSmelting in FurnaceRecipes. Can someone point me at the equivalent in 1.7.x? Thanks again in advance for any help.
  6. Thanks for the help. I have another question with the example, but will raise a separate issue to avoid confusing this thread.
  7. Hi. I'm using forge-1.7.2- and working through the mod wiki tutorial. In the Crafting & Smelting section (http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Crafting_and_Smelting) there are changes to the Generic class. When applying them there are a number of unresolved definitions (using Eclipse). I found http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,16939.msg85786.html#msg85786 which helps explain some of the changes, but I still have Block.stone.blockID and Blocks.wool.blockID as well as Block.stoneBrick to resolve. (I assume Block.cloth has been replaced by Blocks.wool). I've looked in the various jar files as well as through the source. It seems that Block.stoneBrick could be Blocks.stonebrick, but it'd be good to have someone confirm. But I can't find anything that seems equivalent to blockID. Thanks in advance.
  8. Hi. Apologies in advance if I've missed the answer elsewhere (I have checked but could definitely have overlooked something). I'm trying to set up Forge to mod Minecraft as a way of teaching some school kids Java programming. Some basic intro stuff first: I'm running on a Mac with JDK 1.7 installed and using Eclipse (Kepler). Since the kids are already using 1.7.x of Minecraft I've been following the instructions on http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Installation/Source and downloading from http://files.minecraftforge.net (downloaded forge-1.7.2- As it says on the wiki, I then issued: ./gradlew setupDecompWorkspace --refresh-dependencies ./gradelw eclipse Everything fine so far. However, when opening the Eclipse project and the example, there's an error (Blocks.dirt.func_149739_a() is not defined in any jars that Eclipse can find). Maybe that points at the root cause of my main issue (see below), but for now I just changed that to one of the methods that is present. Then I moved on to http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Basic_Modding and followed the instructions there for creating the Generic class. Unfortunately Eclipse can't find the NetworkMod annotation (cpw.mods.fml.common.network.NetworkMod). I looked through all of the jars, class files and source within the installation directory and the .gradle cache, but couldn't find NetworkMod anywhere. The closest class in name is NetworkModHolder. I could find various other annotations but not NetworkMod. A google search (and search of these forums) didn't show up anything either. I suspect I've done something wrong, but at this point I don't know what so would be grateful if someone could put me back on the right track. Thanks in advance!
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