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Everything posted by dhalek

  1. Hello out there, what do I have to do that the version of my mod shows up in the right column of MultiMC or MagicLoader? I currently use the Line @Mod(...) to set the version but that does not seem to be sufficient. So what am I missing? Regards, dhalek
  2. Oh, sounds simple. I didn't realize, it does not make a difference. Thanks, dhalek
  3. Hello out there, I'm trying to port a mod to 1.3.2 and having some trouble displaying a gui on right click of an item. My solution so far looks like this: public ItemStack onItemRightClick(ItemStack itemStack, World world, EntityPlayer player) { if (!fIsServer) { ModLoader.getMinecraftInstance().displayGuiScreen(new GuiBookOfTeleportation(world, player)); } return itemStack; } This is kind of working but behaves weirdly. I think the proper way to do this is putting some code into the client proxy method getClientGuiElement but that is never called. Do I have to register this somewhere? I want to display a gui screen inherited from GuiScreen with some buttons and a GuiSlot showing some text. How is this done properly? Many thanks in advance, dhalek
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